Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Electronic Boarding Passes

Yesterday I used electronic boarding passes for the first time.

Man, they're great.

I'd thought of using them earlier, but for some reason I couldn't get the Apps that I downloaded in order to do that to work correctly and download the passes, and I was reluctant to try them in case they didn't work correctly.  Even on this occasion, I downloaded two paper passes, but I just packed them away.

Most changes of this type leave you wondering if they're really that much of an improvement, and if they are, there's still a period of time in which you get used to them. I still feel that way, quite frankly, about the cell phone, which I regard as a mixed blessing really.

But electronic boarding passes are great.  By the time of my return flight I was already amazed by how many people "still used" paper, which was everyone I could see but me.

I even found emailed boarding passes to be a little questionable at first, and would still check in at the desk for quite a while thereafter, even though I didn't need to.  But with electronic boarding basses, instant success in my book!

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