Showing posts with label Operation Cobra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Operation Cobra. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Monday, July 31, 1944. Cobra concludes.


Operation Cobra concluded.

The action had advanced through the bocage country and set the stage for more rapid advances as German lines collapsed.

The month long Allied campaign on Noemfoor concluded with the island in Allied hands.

The Red Army reached the Praga district of Warsaw.

The Red Army also reached the Gulf of Riga, isolating the German's from land supply.

Last edition:

Sunday, July 30, 1944. Landing at Sansapor.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Sunday, July 30, 1944. Landing at Sansapor.

US forces landed near Sansapor, Dutch New Guinea.

It's easy to forget how late in the war, in relative terms, the fighting in New Guinea was actively occurring.  Roosevelt, Nimitz and MacArthur had just met in Hawaii on whether to invade the Philippines or Formosa, and yet here's a landing in Dutch New Guinea.  The actions closed the back door to Japanese air power.

Tinian town was taken on Tinian. Actor Lee Powell, who had joined the Marine Corps, died on the island on that day, but from drinking an improvised alcoholic beverage that contained Methanol during a celebration of the battle's end.

He had played the Lone Ranger.

The Soviet Narva Offensive ended.

The US 1st Army seized Granville and entered Avranches.

Pvt. Sam Fever, of 324 E. 96th St., Brooklyn, N.Y., a member of an engineer unit, somewhere in France, plants a sign at a roadside indicating that the roadway has been cleared of mines as American troops roll forward in a great new offensive.

Cpl. David Halbert of Cleveland, Ohio, looks over a bunch of signs left by retreating Germans on the highway to Coutances, France. These signs tell what German units were here. 30 July, 1944.

Sections of German protestantism, which was not united, issued a declaration as it became clear that members of the German "Confessing Church" had participated in the July 20 plot.

Declaration of Loyalty by the German Protestant Church

Attempt on the Führer’s Life

With indignation and disgust, the German people turn away from the deed of July 20, which, in an hour requiring the utmost in unity, undertook to overthrow the Reich in turmoil of incalculable proportions by means of murder and treachery. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank the Almighty for the salvation of the leader and ask Him to continue to keep him under His protection. This request comes with a pledge of renewed loyalty and the resolution to submit ourselves even more earnestly than before to the relentless demands of this time, to which the Fuehrer is restlessly devoting himself entirely.

After the attempt on the life of the Führer, the German Protestant Church Chancellery and the Spiritual Council of the German Protestant Church expressed their gratitude to God for his gracious protection in telegrams of loyalty to the Führer. At the same time, the Spiritual Council of Confidence noted that on the Sunday after the assassination attempt, prayers for the Führer were said in Protestant services all over the Reich.

Source: Das Evangelische Deutschland. Kirchliche Rundschau für das Gesamtgebiet der Deutschen Evangelischen Kirche, Nr. 30-31/1944, p. 74.

The Confessing Church was a protestant movement that had resisted efforts to unify, and Nazify, German Lutheranism.  It's efforts were fairly successful in that goal.

The U-250 was sunk in the Gulf of Finland by the Soviet Navy.

Last edition:

Saturday, July 29, 1944. Guam, Tinian, Aitape and Normandy.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Saturday, July 29, 1944. Guam, Tinian, Aitape and Normandy.

Today in World War II History—July 29, 1944 On Guam, US Marines clear Orote Peninsula and take Orote Airfield.

Japanese resistance was increasing on Tinian, with the US now in control of half of the island.

The last Japanese resistance was eliminated on Biak, while U.S. forces pulled back at Afua near Aitape due to effective Japanese attacks.

The U.S. 1st Army advanced everywhere in Operation Cobra.

Last edition:

Friday, July 28, 1944. The U.S. Army advances in Normandy.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Friday, July 28, 1944. The U.S. Army advances in Normandy.

Replacements lining up for Red Cross donuts at a U.S. Repo Depo, Normandy.

The 4th Armored Division took Coutances in an action that featured accelerated ground advancement.

Troops of the 2nd Armored Division, July 28, 1944.  Note the frog pattern uniforms.

The Red Army began the Kaunas Offensive.

The ME 163 saw combat for the first time.

Marines probing a cave on Tinian, July 28, 1944.  The Marine in the rear is an NCO (note helmet stripe) carrying a M1 Garand. The Marine in front of him wearing teh camouflaged jackeet is carrying a M1911 pistol.

Pope Puix XII addressed the Polish people (in French).



Salle Clémentine - Vendredi 28 juillet 1944

Il Nous serait bien difficile de trouver les paroles aptes à vous exprimer comme Nous la sentons, la vive et profonde émotion qui Nous étreint en ce moment, Fils très chers de la Pologne bien-aimée. Depuis les toutes premières alertes de l'horrible tourmente et à mesure que celle-ci, une fois déchaînée, sévissait de plus en plus furieuse, le regard du cœur tendu vers votre héroïque Nation. Nous suivions jour par jour, heure par heure, pourrions-Nous dire, dans la douleur et l'anxiété, le cours des événements qui l'accablaient, à peine ressuscitée et consolidée, de nouvelles et toujours plus dures épreuves. Mais pas plus que vous, Nous n'avons un seul instant désespéré d'une nouvelle résurrection de votre patrie, répétant avec vous le cri inspiré du juste souffrant : « Etiam si occiderit me, in ipso sperabo » (Iob 13, 15).

Qui eût pu prévoir que ces vicissitudes mêmes dussent vous amener aujourd'hui, avec vos illustres Chefs, du champ de bataille à la demeure du Père commun, après avoir donné des exemples magnifiques de religion et de piété, portant, sous l'habit de vaillants guerriers, le cœur des plus dévots pèlerins, pour offrir au successeur de Pierre le filial hommage de votre peuple.

À vous voir maintenant, pressés autour de Nous, Notre souvenir se reporte, cinq ans en arrière, à ce 30 septembre 1939, où la colonie polonaise de Rome venait, au milieu de ses angoisses, Nous apporter le témoignage de son imperturbable confiance et recevoir en retour Nos paroles de consolation et d'encouragement. Ce n'était alors pourtant que le prélude des douleurs, « initia dolorum » (cf. Mt 24, 8) et le flot de ces douleurs, montant, montant toujours, a submergé votre patrie : « intraverunt aquae usque ad animam meam » (Ps 68, 1). Malgré tout, après ces cinq longues années d'agonie, Nous pouvons, aujourd'hui comme alors, lire dans vos yeux la même confiance, la même fidélité, mais Nous y voyons briller, cette fois, la belle flamme de la noble fierté et de l'espérance.

En réalité, quoique votre sol national soit tout rouge du sang qui l'inonde, votre droit est si certain, que Nous avons le ferme espoir que toutes les nations prendront conscience de leur dette envers la Pologne, théâtre et trop souvent enjeu de leurs conflits, et que quiconque garde au cœur une étincelle de sentiment vraiment humain et chrétien tiendra à revendiquer pour elle toute la place qui lui est due, selon les principes de la justice et d'une véritable paix.

La vie des peuples est une succession continuelle d'ombre et de lumière ; nul plus que le vôtre ne présente ce clair-obscur dans son tragique passé. Parmi tant de vicissitudes, vos excellentes qualités : votre bravoure, votre esprit de sacrifice, votre patriotisme, vous ont sauvés dans les dangers extrêmes et jusque sur le bord de l'abîme. Relisez vos annales et retenez l'enseignement que vous verrez jaillir de l'histoire des temps meilleurs, comme celui du grand roi Casimir. Vous y trouverez qu'en ceci réside le précieux secret de la force nationale: un pouvoir qui n'a en vue que le vrai bien du peuple et, réciproquement, un peuple unanimement soumis avec confiance à ses chefs en vue du bien commun.

Mais Nous voyons surtout deux sources qui, aux heures les plus périlleuses, maintiennent chez vous la vie saine et forte. C'est d'abord l'énergie et la prudence de vos admirables femmes qui se sont montrées si souvent, dans le temps de la détresse, les fermes soutiens de votre espérance. Vos mères, vos sœurs, vos épouses, vos fiancées, au cours de ces années sombres, comme elles ont travaillé, comme elles ont souffert, comme elles ont prié pour vous et en union avec vous !

Et puis, c'est la vitalité de votre foi catholique bientôt millénaire. Elle date de cette année 966 où votre prince Mieszko I la reçut de l'Église Romaine et du souverain Pontife. Depuis, votre fidélité au Christ, à son Église, à son Vicaire est demeurée indéfectible. Elle a franchi la période troublée du XVIe siècle sans de graves dommages. Elle vous a coûté bien des combats soutenus avec intrépidité, bien des souffrances portées avec courage.

En dépit des problèmes, des préoccupations qui peuvent obscurcir encore l'horizon, Nous avons confiance que la Providence divine, en récompense de ces mille ans, vous fera goûter enfin la douceur d'une paix durable dans une heureuse prospérité. Elle vous en donne comme un avant-goût en cet instant même qui vous réunit auprès de Nous.

Halte bien brève au milieu de vos pénibles tribulations et de vos dures fatigues ; bien brève, oui, mais qui, Nous n'en doutons pas, vous laissera au cœur un parfum, un baume dont le bienfait ne passera pas aussi vite. Car ici, à Rome, en cette « Cité de Dieu » sur la terre, choisie par lui pour centre de son Église, tous les lieux, toutes les pierres parlent un langage auquel nul esprit chrétien ne saurait demeurer insensible. « Cité de Dieu » dont tous les citoyens, en dépit des divisions, des conflits d'intérêts, par-dessus les heurts inévitables en ce bas monde, sont tous frères, de la grande et véritable fraternité dans la charité du Christ, parce que tous sont également fils du Père qui est aux cieux, tous également frères et cohéritiers du Fils qui en est le fondateur, le sauveur et le roi.

C'est que, connaissant comme Nous le connaissons le noble cœur de votre peuple, Nous avons la conviction que l'amour du Christ saura vous inspirer ce que déjà la sagesse politique vous suggère. Il vous fera planer bien haut au dessus des calculs purement humains et dédaigner les âpres satisfactions des représailles et de la vengeance pour leur préférer la sublime tâche de faire valoir vos légitimes revendications, de relever et reconstituer votre patrie, de travailler en commun avec toutes les âmes droites, qui sont nombreuses en toutes les nations, à rétablir les relations fraternelles entre les membres de la grande famille de Dieu.

C'est en plaçant sous la protection de la Vierge Marie, Reine et Patronne de la Pologne, cette espérance d'un heureux avenir et en lui confiant Notre prière, que, du fond du cœur, Nous vous donnons à vous, à vos familles, à vos camarades, à tous ceux qui vous sont chers, à ceux qui, dans la patrie on dans l'exil, attendent votre retour, à tout le peuple Polonais enfin, en témoignage de Notre affection et en gage des faveurs divines, Notre Bénédiction apostoliqu

Last edition:

Thursday, July 27, 1944. Eastern advances.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Thursday, July 27, 1944. Eastern advances.

The Lwów Uprising ended in Polish victory.  The combatants would shortly be arrested by the Soviets, with the 1st Ukrainian Front entering that day.  It also took Stanislav.

Identity document from occupied Bialystok District.

The Belostock Offensive ended in Soviet victory.  The Bialystok District had been a notable region of Polish Jewish settlements before the war.  The Germans had by and large murdered the Jewish population there by this day.  Film fans may recognize the name as that of the producer portrayed by Zero Mostel in Mel Brook's comedy, The Producers.

The Red Army took Daugavpils in the north, and Siauliai.

The 8th Corps of the 1st Army broke through at Lessy and Periers.

The jet fighter the Gloster Meteor entered active service with No. 616 Squadron RAF.  It would be the only jet aircraft to see active service during the war for the Allies.

The Soviet submarine V-1, formerly the HMS Sunfish, was sunk by the RAF when it dove upon the airplane arriving, rather than fire a recognition signal.

Nimitz, MacArthur and Roosevelt were still meeting.

Last edition:

Wednesday, July 26, 1944. Cobra advances.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Wednesday, July 26, 1944. Cobra advances.

U.S. infantrymen advancing beyond St. Lo, July 26, 1944.

The 1st Army took Marigny and St. Gilles, and crossed the Lessay-Perieres Road.

A really remarkable photograph of US troops near Saint Giles ,with editing marks, July 26, 1944.  The armored vehicle appears to be a M3 Lee/Grant, which according to all sources had been fully replaced by the Sherman by this time.  It might be a M31 tank retriever, however, which was based on the same vehicle and retained the 75mm gun and the turret.  From this angle, the crane would not be visible.  The edits clearly intended to cut out evidence of the 75mm gun, which would make the vehicle appear to be a Sherman.

After six months of combat, the Red Army took Narva, ending the Battle for Narva Bridgehead.

The Battle of Ilomantsi began between the Finns and the Red Army.

The 1st Ukrainian Front took Deblin.

President Roosevelt began a two day conference at Pearl Harbor on strategy in the Pacific.  At the conference MacArthur urged an advance on the Philippines while Nimitz argued for making Taiwan the first priority and bypassing the Philippines.  Roosevelt listened, but did not decide.

Fighting raged on around Aitape.

Japanese forces on Guam launched a banzai charge against Marines fighting for control of the island

The USS Robalo hit a mine sinking the sub off of Palawan Island.  There were four survivors who disappeared forever into Japanese captivity.

The I-29 was sunk by the USS Sawfish in a submarine on submarine action.

The U-214 was sunk by the HMS Cooke in the English Channel.  The U-2323 hit a mine off Kiel and sank.

A pilot with family in Merriam, Kansas, decided to buzz the family home with disastrous results.

The Merriam Bomber Crash of 1944

Oklahoma State Highway 89 was officially designated.

Last edition

Tuesday, July 25, 1944. Operation Cobra commences. Operation Spring does as well.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Tuesday, July 25, 1944. Operation Cobra commences. Operation Spring does as well.

The operation would begin the breakout from the bocage company and the unrelenting advance towards the Rhine.

The operation saw the use of U.S. Army Air Corps heavy bombers in the close air support/tactical role, which was a novelty for the US.  Gen. Lesley J. McNair, observing the strikes, was killed by a bomb that landed short.  He was not alone. About 100 US service men were killed in this fashion on this day.

The Canadian II Corps launched Operation Spring in support of Operation Cobra to draw off German forces.

The British launched Operation Gaff, a mission designed to kill or kidnap Erwin Rommel.  The six man SAS unit would learn three days later that Rommel had been wounded and then advanced on foot to American lines.

The Battle of Auvere in Estonia ended with a German victory.  The  Battle of Verrières Ridge in France likewise did.

Goebbels was named "Reich Plenipotentiary for the Total War Effort".  He cancelled vacation leave for women involved in war related work on the same day.

A dismantled V2 rocket captured by the Polish Resistance was flown out of occupied Poland to London.

Last edition:

Monday, July 24, 1944. Marines land on Tinian.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Monday, July 24, 1944. Marines land on Tinian.

The U.S. Army took Saint-Lô.

Marines landed on Tinian in the Marianas.  The landings featured the use of napalm, the first time it had been used in the Pacific.

Unsuccessful so far, the Red Army commenced another Narva Offensive.  The Red Army captured Lubin and overran the location of the Majdanek Concentration Camp.

Operation Cobra, the planned American offensive designed to break out of the bocage country, was postponed for 24 hours due to bad weather.

The RAF damaged the U-239 in an air raid on Kiel, and she never returned to service.

Last edition:

Sunday, July 23, 1944. The Lwów Uprising

Monday, July 22, 2024

Saturday, July 22, 1944. Changes in governments.

Resing tank crewman, Normandy.  July 22, 1944.

We start today with some items Sarah Sundin has already noted in her blog:

Today in World War II History—July 22, 1944

Gen. Kuniaki Koiso became the Prime Minister of Japan, and SS glider troops landed in the Vecors region to address a Maquis uprising.

Operation Goodwood concludes near Caen with limited results, and the US began initial support operations for Operation Cobra.

The Moscow controlled Polish Committee of National Liberation was established in Chelm.

The Red Army closed the Brody Pocket in Ukraine, capturing 17,000 German troops.  The Red Army also took Panevezys, Lithuania.

The Red Army overran the Majdanek concentration camp, the first concentration camp to be liberated by Allied forces.

The first all fighter aircraft shuttle mission occurred with July 22, 1944 Italian based U.S. P-38 Lightning's and P-51 Mustangs of Fifteenth Air Force attacking German airfields at Bacau and Zilistea, Romania and flying on to  Soviet territory.

The Germans began cancelling the construction of new U-boats as well as the repair of existing ones.

Arrests continued due to the July 20, plot.

The Poles took Castelfiorentino and Tavernelle, Italy.

The USS Bailey shelled positions on Tinian.

The US Army Air Force raided Japanese positions in Shanghai.

Bretton Woods concluded.

Last edition:

Friday, July 21, 1944. Landings on Guam.