Hitler was banned from speaking to crowds in Bavaria.
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Ostensibly exploring the practice of law before the internet. Heck, before good highways for that matter.
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Italian prefects were ordered to control "suspect", i.e., non fascist, political organizations. Mass searches resulted.
Adolf Hitler pledged his loyalty to Bavarian Minister President Heinrich Held.
Hitler's pledge, of course, would turn out to be a lie. Held maintained Bavarian state sovereignty until the end, but ultimately the Bavarian government was removed in 1933 by Hitler. Held's pension would be revoked by the Nazis. He died in 1938.
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The market capitalization of Ford Motor Company exceeded $1 billion for the first time.
Palatine seperatist Franz Josef Heinz was murdered by member sof the Viking League with the permission of the Bavarian government.
The Bishop of Speyer, Ludwig Sebastian, would refuse to give Heinz a church burial.
Day two of the Beer Hall Putsch
Lex Anteinternet: Thursday, November 8, 1923. The Beer Hall Putsch.:By Bundesarchiv, Bild 119-1486 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5415949The Beer Hall Putsch, a large scale Nazi Party attempt at overthrowing the Weimar government combined with far right German support, began when Adolf Hitler with 603 members of the Nazi Party surrounded ll, Der Bürgerbräukeller, where Bavaria's State Commissioner Gustav Ritter von Kahr was making a speech to 3,000 people. Hitler declared his revolution was aimed at "the Berlin Jew government and the November criminals of 1918". More Nazi revolutionaries waited in another beer hall, the Lowenbraukeller.
Hitler declared that General Erich Ludendorff would form a new government. Ludendorff was descending into extreme anti Christianity, although he also held animosity towards Jews as well.
Following that, while the Nazi forces grew, they were disordered and without direction. Some were arrested early on by German authorities, and a large Nazi force was turned back by a small Reichswehr and police detail. Both Hitler and Ludendorff would be arrested.
Harold Kullberg, former Royal Air Force captian, arrested aircraft pilot Howard Calvert and passenger Frank O'Neill for performing stunt flying over a city, the same being Akron Ohio. It was the first arrest for violation of air traffic rules in the United States. Kullberg had noted the violations while in the air himself.
Kullberg had scored 19 aerial victories in World War One with the Royal Air Force, his efforts to join the U.S. Army as a flyer having been rejected to his being too short. He died at age 27 in 1924, he died while instructing a student pilot.
Swedish Crown Prince Gustav Adolf married Louise Mountbatten at St. James Palace.
German President Friedrich Ebert refused the request of General Hans von Seeckt for dictatorial powers in law enforcement in Bavaria, which was interesting in the context of the Bavarian government more or less having the same.
Actress Margaret Gibson was arrested on charges of running a blackmail and extortion ring. The charges would later be dropped, She would keep working in the film industry until 1929.
During her career she performed under the names Patricia Palmer, Patsy Palmer, Margie Gibson, Marguerite Gibson, Ella Margaret Lewis, Ella Margaret Arce, Pat Lewis and perhaps others. She started running into legal trouble in 1917, when she was arrested for vagrancy with allegations of opium dealing. She was acquitted, but her career did thereafter decline.
On this day in 1923 she was arrested on federal felony charges. As things developed, George W. Lasher told authorities he had paid Gibson $1155 to avoid prosecution for a reputed violation of the Mann Act. Charges were, however, later dropped.
She married in 1935 to oil executive Elbert Lewis. They lived overseas, and the marriage was successful. In 1940, at age 45, she returned to the United States without her husband for surgery. World War Two intervened, and they would not be reunited as her husband was killed when the Japanese bombed Socony-Vacuum's oil facility at Penang, Malaysia on March 15, 1942.
She returned to Hollywood in 1964, and at that time, converted to Catholicism. Only shortly thereafter, she became gravely ill, called for a priest, and confessed to neighbors the February 1, 1922, murder of Hollywood film director William Desmond Taylor. The murder of Taylor remains officially unsolved, and while there were a handful of suspects, Gibson was never one of them. In spite of her deathbed confession and her being distraught at the time, there are still those who doubt she committed the crime.
Walt and Roy Disney signed a contract with Alice Comedies to produce cartoons and formed Disney Brothers Studios to do the work.
The patent for a dropped ceiling was issued to Eric E. Hall.
Bavaria banned Communist organizations.
On this day in 1921, Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (DMG) applies for a trademark for its "star in a ring" logo. In Bavaria, the funeral of King Ludwig III was held without incident, in spite of fears that it might result in a pro monarchy demonstration. It didn't occur in part as Prince Rupprecht, who did hold aspirations of regaining the thrown would nonetheless not allow his father's funeral to be used for that purpose.