There is, I'd note, no proof that Donald J. Trump is a Russian agent.
Nonetheless, two days after the Russians (we suspect) blew a hole in their own gas pipeline to Germany for no rational reason, our former President, who is now in trouble for all the classified information he packed home to his golf resort dwellings, come out with this steaming pile of pooh.
What the crap?
And what hubris.
"I will head up group???"
You have to be joking.
What idiot would want the same man who betrayed Afghanistan into Taliban hands and made twenty years of American, and Allied, effort there meaningless to head up a delegation to try to sort out the war between Ukraine and Russia, a war we might note which Trump buddy Putin is losing badly.1
What would his solution be? Russia takes half of Ukraine, 3/4s of Poland, and a slice of Lithuania to go?
Only a diehard Trump loyalist seriously would believe that Russia would not have raped Ukraine if Trump were President, although you can surely believe that the United States would have done nothing whatsoever to stop it. Nothing. The war would be over, alright, with Ukraine in Russian hands and a followup guerilla war in Ukraine going on right now. Biden's leadership on this topic at least has been monumental.
And why does this come out now?
That's the odd thing.
As noted, there's no evidence that Trump is a Russian agent.
There's reason to suspect he's a Russian asset, probably unknowingly.
But it's sure easy to have suspicions, if, for no other reasons, his own actions, which is in fact probably the only reason, which is why it probably also isn't true.
Anyway you look at it, this offer is beyond absurd.
1. After posting this, I actually saw a recycled Twitter, or maybe Truth (sic) Social tweet in which somebody cheered "this is how a real President acts".
Not a really good President.
Also, according to the Washington Post, Tucker Carson suggested, which is different from actually stated, that the US may have sabotaged the pipeline. I'm not going to link into the original Carson broadcast as I can't stand him, but if Carson suggested that, I find it difficult in the extreme to believe that he believes that's possible. At this point, anyone still listening to him, really ought to stop.