Blog Mirror: Park County Archives Online Maps
New electronic archive:
Ostensibly exploring the practice of law before the internet. Heck, before good highways for that matter.
New electronic archive:
In a vote for art integrity, the Wyoming Board of Geographic Names refused Gregory Constatine's petition to name a bluff near Cody "Mount Jackson Pollack".
Pollack, as no doubt will be recalled, was the troubled artist who was born in Cody but who moved away with his family while an infant. His "artwork", which might be better defined as complete crap, has no association with the state and, as noted, is complete crap. It was boosted to some degree because of goofball Central Intelligence Agency sponsorship, unknown to Pollack at the time, based on the loony theory that if art that was complete crap was known to circulate in the United States Soviet citizens would somehow learn that and be impressed with freedom in the US.
The thesis was stupid, and Pollack's "artwork" is complete crap.
Constantine's artwork, which isn't much better than Pollack, features the bluff. He earlier proposed naming it after himself.
American troops left Cuba where they had been since 1906, due to the Second Intervention in Cuba which saw the US intervene, which it had a treaty right to do, over an attempt to overthrow an elected government.
A law banning the importation of opium into the US went into effect.
In the United Kingdom, the Children Act 1908 went into effect, establishing juvenile courts, registration of foster parents, prohibiting children, under the age of 16 from working in dangerous trades, purchasing cigarettes, entering brothels, or the bars of trading pubs, and prohibiting the consumption of alcohol, for non-medicinal purposes, before the age of five.
As noted earlier, I frankly miss the point of these polar expeditions, and I think Peary was a louse.
The local agricultural newspaper, the Stockgrower and Farmer, was out. I'm only putting up the first two pages, but it was a very well done ag newspaper.