Showing posts with label Blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogs. Show all posts

Sunday, February 23, 2025

There's been some changes to this blog recently. . .

and it's not the flood of posts on Mad King Donny, although there's been a lot of those.

One things that we reorganized the layout considerably. The reason is that our old layout caused there to be a pile of dead space on the blog, which looked bad.  I don't know that things look great now, quite frankly, as we eliminated out Twitter link in to try to solve another problem, and I can't figure out how to add it back.

There's a way to do it, but I don't know what it is.  I'll have to figure that back out.

There's a few new pages that are now up and running, some which were in the draft stage for a long time.  Here they are:

This was added as its the "other lung" of the Church, as it is, and we already had a similar one for Catholics.

This is one that we had in the draft stage for a very long time.  Years, in fact.  We finally put it up.

Here's an odd one:

That was put up, well just because.  We like M65 field jackets.

And finally this:

That was put up a while back, but we didn't note it at the time.  

A list of War Game Blogs has been listed.

We really haven't played any hex and counter war games since my son grew up and left home, but I remain interested in them. They're something I took up in junior high, right about the time that I quit building models, of which I'd built thousands. The models were largely a casualty of my adult years. When I "put away childish things", I threw most of them away. You can't keep everything.  But I kept the war games.  They're almost like books to me, in a way.  An intellectual distraction.  

But I didn't play them, really, after I graduated from high school until I could play them with my son.  Now, they're mostly gather dust.

I have plenty of others hobbies. . . theoretically.  In reality, now in my early 60s, I'm working as much as I did in my early 30s, which probably isn't good.  War Games, and books, are one of the things I've never lost a fondness for and wish I could devote more time to.

Which says nothing about my other vocation, avocations, and hobbies, none of which I get to devote as much time to as I'd like.

I need to. The state of the world right now is grim, and they provide a distraction.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Blogging milestone.

This blog now has 1,001 comments.

Some of which are mine.

Some blogs have lots of comments all the time.  For a blog with 1,047,169 views,, and 9,886 posts it's not all that many.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Sunday, September 24, 2012. The end of the World War II Day-By-Day Blog.

The last entry on the World War II Day-By-Day Blog occurred on this day, ten years ago.

Day 1120 September 24, 1942

The blog was excellent, and we've drawn from it as a source here frequently.

Comments on the blog trailed on for some time after that, but have stopped updating.

Something happened. There was no indication at all the blog would be shut down, and none of the comments that were put up were replied to.  The fact that comments were put up for almost two years suggests that somebody continued to monitor it, as spam comments did not appear.

These blogs are put up by people, most of whom do this as labors of love. This blog demonstrated a colossal amount of labor going into it.  The sudden end of the blog likely means the death or severe health crisis of the author.

Some blogs disappear that way.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.