Showing posts with label Persia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Persia. Show all posts

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Friday, July 18, 1924. The Murder of Robert Imbrie.

US Foreign Officer Robert Whitney Imbrie was murdered in Tehran following injuries sustained when a crowd at a well where a miracle had been claimed to have taken place mistook him for being Bahai, apparently.  Feelings had been running high in Persia against the Bahai, which is the country it which the universalist religion had arisen in the 19th Century.

The incident was used by Reza Khan,  prime minister and minister of war, to declare martial law and consolidate power, and has been regarded by some as suspicious.  

Last edition:

Thursday, July 17, 1924. Barracuda.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Tuesday, October 310, 1973. Sunday drivers.

 Netherlands banned private Sunday driving, with a start date of November 4, to conserve fuel.

The Judiciary Committee voted 21 to 17 to consider impeaching Richard Nixon.  The vote was split on party lines.

The Bosphorus Bridge was completed across the Bosphorus connecting Europe and Asia for the first time since Emperor Darius of Persia's pontoon bridge of 512 BC.

The bridge in 1973.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thursday, April 29, 1909. Tornado devestation.

Tornadoes killed 125 in the South East.

April 29, 1909 Tornado Outbreak

Russia invaded Persia and occupied Tabriz.  The incursion was in aid of hte Shah against constitutionalist rebels.

Last prior edition:

Wednesday, April 28, 1909. Liberating the Harem.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wednesday, April 14, 1909. The Adana Massacre continues.

The slaughter of Armenian Christians by Ottoman soldier began in earnest in Adana, Ottoman Empire.

Tuesday, April 13, 1909. The Aadna Massacre.

The Adna Massacre of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, which would kill over 20,000 people, commenced.  Ottoman troops would participate in it.

Armenian orphans from the massacre.

The Armenians had the first Christian kingdom in the world, and have had a state of one kind or another since 860 BC.  Since the conquest of Anatolia by the Turks, they've been subject to repeated atrocities.

The Anglo Persian Oil Company was incorporated.  The company became a power in its own right, and extensively exploited what became Iran, setting the stage for what we have today, unfortunately.

Minnesota passed a law banning cigarettes, effective August 1.  Too bad that didn't stick.

Punch, April 14, 1909.

Sheep yards, Kirkland, Ill, April 14, 1909.

Last prior edition:

Tuesday, April 13, 1909. The Aadna Massacre.