Showing posts with label Massachetts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Massachetts. Show all posts

Friday, August 16, 2024

Tuesday, August 16, 1774. No to the British judiciary.

Hundreds of residents of Massachusetts and Connecticut occupied the Great Barrington courthouse to prevent British appointed judges from sitting in the first organized resistance to British judicial rule in Colonial North America.

Last edition:

Sunday, August 14, 1774. Lewis and Tories.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Wednesday, July 29, 1914 First shots.

The first shots of the Great War were fired at 10:00 local time when the SMS Bodrog, a river monitor, bombarded Belgrade following Serbia blowing up the only major bridge across the Sava, severing the land link between the countries.

Amazingly, the ship still exists and after a long and varied career, is now a Serbian museum ship.

The first transcontinental telephone line was completed between New York and San Francisco.

The Cape Cod Canal opened in Massachusetts.

Last edition:

July 28, 1914. WAR.