Eulalio Gutiérrez was declared President of Mexico during the Convention of Aguascalientes.
Ostensibly exploring the practice of law before the internet. Heck, before good highways for that matter.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Saturday, November 6, 1914. Eulalio Gutiérrez declared President of Mexico
Friday, October 31, 2014
Saturday, October 31, 1914. Convention troubles
There was brewing trouble in Mexico.
Things weren't going well at the Convention of Aguacalientes.
The Imperial Russian Army prevailed over the Germans and Austro Hungarians in the Battle of Vistula River.
The French and British took back Nieuwpoort, Belgium, brining to an end the Battle of Yser. The Belgians had lost between 20,000 and 40,000 troops in the campaign, the Germans over 76,000.
The Germans broke through Allied lines near Gheluvelt Belgium but a British counterattack restored the line.
The Japanese Navy began shelling Tsingtao.
The HMS Hermes was sunk by the U-27 in the Starit of Dover.
German troops raided the Portuguese fort at Cuangar, Angola.
The Ecuadorian army defeated rebels at Esmeraldas,Ecuador.
Last edition:
Thursday, October 29, 1914. Turkey bombards Odessa.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Saturday, October 10, 1914. Convention of Aguascalientes
The Convention of Aguascalientes, called by Venustiano Carranza convened. Carranza, in spite of calling the meeting, did not attend and did not send representatives. Pancho Villa's representatives were in attendance. Álvaro Obregón came in person. Zapata's representatives would arrive fifteen days after the start of the convention. Villista's dominated.
The first thing the convention did was to declare itself sovereign, the de facto government of Mexico.
British and French forces attempted to take the French city of La Bassée.
King Carol I of Romania, who opposed entering the Great War, died.
The SMS Emden left British held Diego Garcia, with its residents unaware that a war had started.
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