Showing posts with label Monarchy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monarchy. Show all posts

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Tuesday, March 6, 1725. Henry Benedict Thomas Edward Maria Clement Francis Xavier Stuart, Cardinal Duke of York born.

Henry Benedict Thomas Edward Maria Clement Francis Xavier Stuart, Cardinal Duke of York was born in Rome.  He was the last Jacobite claimant to the English crown.

He spent his entire life in the Papal States and became a cardinal.

He signed his will, Henry, Rex.

Last edition:

Friday, March 2, 1725. Hodie prima feria sexta Quadragesimae anno 1725 fuit


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

"Do not be led astray: 'Bad company corrupts good morals.' Trump, Putin and American Evangelicals.

Note:  This was originally drafted in February, 2024 and not posted.  In looking for something else, I can back across it.

It'll be timely for another post I'm working on. 

St. King Abgar V, an Arab, and the first Christian King.  He died approximatley in 50 A.D.  He adopted Christianity at a time it was a minorit religion and not exactly popular.  Putin and Trump are not like him.

Do not be led astray:

“Bad company corrupts good morals.”

St. Paul, 1 Corinthians 15.

Back in the AnteCovid days which now seem like a lost world, I'd sometimes run into neo monarchist on Reddit, usually due to participating on the Distributist Sub Reddit.  I quit participating there prior to the epidemic, as the discussions were really not worth participating in. Distributism is a modern economic system in its own right, but the sub tended to be populated by people who romanticized the Middle Ages, or who were Socialist trying to view everything as Socialism. An awful lot of the discussion looked like it was being conducted by 15-year-olds hiding in their parent's basements.

Emperor Charles I of Austria, who has been beatified.

Among the real goofball discussions were those by monarchist.  I didn't realize up until then that there are people today who long for a return of monarchy, but there are. Their typical logic was that monarchs are needed as they set the moral tone for the nation.

St. Stephen of Hungary, a Hungarian king from 1000 to 1038.  He outlived all of his children and died at about age 62.  His wife Gisela has been beatified, and one of his children is also canonized.


Apparently these people know nothing of real monarchs, as plenty failed to live a moral life.  There are very notable exceptions, some of which appear here, but they are indeed the exception that proves the rule.  There's the entire problem of attacking your neighbor as you want his lands, of course, but beyond that monarchs tended to be pretty icky. It's hard to find an example of kings who didn't have mistresses, or worse. One early English king seems to have had a habit of basically sacking convents and raping nuns, which is really weird.  A joke about a later one is that when he went to Monaco on vacation, the children ran out and yelled "papa" as he was just that.  A Norman Christian king in Sicily kept Muslim women as concubines, to the extent that he was known as The Christian Sultan.  One French king was so randy as a teenage prince that concubines were acquired to satisfy his pre marital urges.

King Henry VIII who definitely was not a saint.

And of course there's King Henry VIII

Even really admired ones often were problematic this way.  King Charles the Great was accorded the title "blessed" for valid reasons, but Charles had at least fourteen mistresses during his lifetime and was rebuked by a noted churchman for still having an eye for the ladies well into old age.  He died, I'd note, at age 72.  King Cnut set his first wife aside to marry another when he became king, which was perhaps justified at the time by the fact that his first wife, a very able administrator, was a pagan and he was a Christian.  Harold Godwinson, whom some in the Orthodox faith regard as a saint, put aside his first wife, Edith the Fair, in favor of Edith of Mercia, for political reasons, although legend has it that Edith the Fair was present at Hastings and identified his body.  Czar Nicholas II who has been canonized in the Russian Orthodox Church for being a martyr shared, in his early years, the same mistress that his brother had.

The imperial household of Czar Nicholas II.

On the latter, I'm not meaning to cast stones at these people's virtues.  Czar Nicholas, for example, seems to have grown more devout after his marriage.  Charles the Great spent his last months fasting and contemplating King Harold Godwinson's first marriage was complicated by the means of its contracting, and his second may have been merely political.  I only note all of this as the silly devotion on Reddit to monarchy, with some of the silliness being extended to some academics, is just that, romantic silliness.

And then we have the bizarre ongoing devotion, in some Christian circles, to viewing Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump as saviors of Christian society.

What on earth?

This seems to have all started with the devotion that developed to Viktor Orbán in the same circles.  Orbán is the champion of illiberal democracy and is blunt in his concept that Hungary is a Hungarian nationality, Christian, nation.  Hungary has not collapsed into an authoritarian state as is sometimes claimed, but it's become one run by a far right nation under a party that espouses Christian Nationalism and Illiberal Democracy.  Orbán is a serious Christian, although interestingly he's a Hungarian Calvinist.  His wife is Catholic, as are most Hungarians, and their children were raised Catholic.  

Orbán is an authoritarian by nature, although democracy is still functioning in Hungary, and he's an admirer of Putin.  I think that's where the American Evangelical fascination with Putin came from.

Putin is effectively a murderer, which is widely known.  His murders come through the state, of course.  Before he rose up in post Communist Russia, he was an employee of the KGB.  His marriage to his only wife, Lyudmila Putin, ended in divorce in 2014.  His been carrying on an affair with retired Russian gymnast Alina Kabaeva since prior to the divorce date, by all indications, and seems to have borne two children through the union.

Putin is at least nominally Russian Orthodox, but its hard to see it being much more than that.  The Russian Orthodox Church as revived as a major Russian institution since the collapse of the Soviet Union, and Putin has been careful to seem to be close to Metropolitan Kirill, its head.  The Metropolitan has his own checkered history, as he is rumored to have had a relationship with the KGB in the Soviet Union era.  Metropolitan Kirill is extremely conservative, which is not inappropriate for the head of an Apostolic Church, and Putin has been on at least some social issues as well.  This may simply be Putin's own views, or in part it may be an effort to keep the good graces of the Russian Orthodox Church.  Russia has been, for example, very restrictive in regard to homosexuality.

All of this leads some American Christians to believe that Putin is acting as the bulwark against the corruption of the decline of Western values, but if so, he's doing it in a very corrupt way which inclined killing people.  And Putin seems to have adopted the monarch's view that he can do no wrong, to include invading the territory of Russia's neighbors, assassinations, and sleeping with a woman who much junior than his former wife.

And for American Evangelicals, it might be noted that the Russian government is actually pretty repressive towards non-Orthodox religions, particularly those that depart significantly from the main line of their branches. This has included Evangelical Protestants and the Jehovah Witnesses.  This makes this one of those interesting areas in which some American Evangelicals have adopted as hero a culture which really doesn't have any sympathy for their views.

And then there's Donald Trump.

A large group of American Evangelicals have taken on the view that Donald Trump is their man, with some going much further than that.  Ironically, evidence of him every actually practicing his faith, Presbyterianism, is pretty hard to find.

Trump is a serial polygamist, for one thing.  In spite of American Protestantism and the American Civil Religion having come to fully accept divorce and remarriage, Christianity doesn't, and people who pretend otherwise are adopting something that's fully contrary to Christian tenants.  As the Stormy Daniel affair reveals, Trump isn't beyond some really base sexual conduct.  We won't even get into the allegations of other conduct. By Christian beliefs, bare minimum, Trump lives in a state of outward moral sin, which might be reduced by the doctrine of "invincible ignorance".

Trump is also a liar, cast aspersions against other people, and calls them degrading names.  Lying, at least in classic Christian theology, can rise to the level of a mortal sin.  

For years and years, the dominant Christian faith in the American South as been the Baptist. 

Why is that?

The American Civil War had a lot to do with it.

Prior to the Civil War, in much of the South, the dominant church was the Episcopal Church.  Its roots reached back to the Colonist and back to England.  Most Colonist, as colonization really got rolling, were members of the Anglican Church, although other Protestant denominations were included, most notably the Presbyterian Church, the Church of Scotland, which was the dominant faith for Scots immigrants.

Leonidas Polk, Confederate General and Episcopal Bishop.  He was killed by Union artillery in 1864 at age 58.

Going into the Civil War, the Episcopal Churchmen of the South largely backed the Confederacy.  One Confederate General was an Episcopal Bishop.

The South had always had a fair number of itinerant preachers who were not Episcopal Priest.  While the Episcopal Church seemed to be backing the Southern cause during the war, the itinerant preachers were warning of doom and God's judgment.  The result of the war seemed to prove them right.

The point is, the Southern cause was corrupt and disgusting from a moral prospective from the onset.  Backing corruption, in the end, corrupts.

Bad company corrupts good morals.

This will have a bad end for Evangelicals, and for those of other faiths following the same path.  But particularly for Evangelicals.  For one thing, they are the only religions denomination that's so heavily invested in Trump.  Not other religion, Christian or otherwise, is.

Secondly, the "mainline" Protestant denominations are not only not invested in Trump, they've already sustained their demographic blows by compromising with the leftward drift of culture.  That's split them in many instances, and where it has not, people have voted with their feet. The Episcopal Church, for example, once the Church of the economic elite, is in severe trouble.

The Catholic Church, by comparison, has actually remained stable in numbers in the US, but it should be growing.  The scandals of the earliest 21st Century served the accidental purpose, however, if making its younger adherants, including clerics, more orthodox and conservative, and more "other".  Younger clerics speak as if they're at a last stand, which they really are not, or as if they're the first missionairies into pagan culture.  Nobody is looks upon any current political leader as a Catholic standard bearor, most particularly Catholics.

No, it is some of the Evangelical and Culturally Christian Americans who have adopted Trump with zeal, seemingly thinking of him as a sort of Protectant Knights Templar out to do battle.

When he fails, and he will, as this time he will be unrestrained, they will share the failure, and the consequences of it.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Thursday, February 8, 1725. The death of Pyotr Alexeevich Romanov.

Pyotr Alexeevich Romanov, Пётр I Алексеевич, also known as Peter the Great, Czar of all Russia, and them Emperor of All Russia, died at age 52.

He is recalled for having carried out a policy of aggressive Westernization, not all of which stuck (he attempted to introduce the Julian calendar) and expansion that transformed the Tsardom of Russia into the Russian Empire.  He regarded the Russian people, his subjects, with some degree of contempt, finding them to be rude primitives.  Born into a reign that was closely united with the Russian Orthodox Church, he had an unusual interest in Russian Quakers and Dissenters and held Orthodoxy in some degree of contempt, which showed the degree of his power in that he was able to get away with it.

He was married three times, once to Eudoxia Lopukhina, when he was only 16.  She was a wife his mother had found, in the tradition of the Romanov monarchy,  He later divorced  her, something allowed in the Orthodox faith, and forced her to join a convent, although the couple did have three children before then.  He later married Marta Helena Skowrońska, the daughter of a Polish-Lithuanian peasant, whom had been his mistress for some time prior in 1724.  She converted from Catholicism in order to marry him. He later married Catherine, who was crowned crowned as Empress.  He had a total of fifteen children.

Was he great? Well, probably.  He engaged in constant warfare but was a success in expanding the Russian Empire.

Was he admirable, not in my book.

Funny thing about him is that the people for whom he was great, he didn't particularly admire, a trait he shared with Prussian Frederick the Great.

Last edition:

Thursday, February 1, 1725. The Great East Siberian Earthquake.


Monday, December 30, 2024

Saturday, December 30, 1944. Reporting on the bomb.

"Pvt. Roy McDaniels, Hartford City, Ind., keeps a look out for enemy activity from a 30th Division observation post in Stavelot, Belgium. 30 December, 1944. 1st Battalion, 117th Regiment, 30th Division."  Note that a block has been nailed in to support the tripod of the machinegun, and that McDaniels is carrying a combat knife.

The German 5th Panzer Army made an attempt to encircle Bastogne.  The U.S. 3d Army attacked towards Houffalize.

King George II of Greece proclaimed a regency and appointed Archbishop Damaskinos of Athens to the role.

General Leslie Groves reported that two atomic bombs would be ready for testing by the summer of 1945.

Part I of the Sergei Eisenstein's Russian epic film Ivan the Terrible premiered.  Part II would not be released until 1958, as it was banned.  Eisenstein died in 1948 and a planned Part III was accordingly never made.

Last edition:

Friday, December 29, 1944. Siege of Budapest.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Tuesday, December 29, 1874. King Alfonso XII of Spain.

The reign of Alfonso XII of Spain began following the Pronunciamiento de Sagunto of December 29, 1874, ending the First Spanish Republic.

Last edition:

Friday, December 18, 1874. Congress received King Kalakaua.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Friday, December 18, 1874. Congress received King Kalakaua.

A joint session of the U.S. Congress received King Kalakaua, the first joint congressional session to receive a foreign head of state.

Last edition:

Tuesday, December 8, 1874. The James Gang robs a train.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Tuesday, December 6, 1774. Powers of the Crown.

Massachusetts was holding a provincial congress.

King Carlos III of Spain issued a royal order forbidding hunting and fishing in the forest of Balsain, which was reserved for royal amusement.

Sounds familiar.

Last edition:

Friday, November 18, 1774. Ellis and his island.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Wednesday, November 5, 1924. Expelled from the Forbidden City.

The news of the election hit the papers.

The former Emperor of China, Puyi, was expelled from the Forbidden City by Gen. Feng Yuxiang who unilaterally revoked the Articles of Favourable Treatment of the Great Qing Emperor after His Abdication

Puyi lived a tragic life, having been born into the anachronism of the Chinese Empire at a time it was collapsing.  He'd go on to be Emperor of Manchukuo, the Japanese puppet state in Manchuria, a prisoner of the Soviet Union, a prisoner of the Red Chinese, and finally, a gardener.  He died in 1967 at age 61.

President Coolidge made a Thanksgiving proclamation:

We approach that season of the year when it has been the custom for the American people to give thanks for the good fortune which the bounty of Providence, through the generosity of nature, has visited upon them. It is altogether a good custom. It has the sanction of antiquity and the approbation of our religious convictions. In acknowledging the receipt of Divine favor, in contemplating the blessings which have been bestowed upon us, we shall reveal the spiritual strength of the nation.

The year has been marked by a continuation of peace whereby our country has entered into a relationship of better understanding with all the other nations of the earth. Ways have been revealed to us by which we could perform very great service through the giving of friendly counsel, through the extension of financial assistance, and through the exercise of a spirit of neighborly kindliness to less favored peoples. We should give thanks for the power which has been given into our keeping, with which we have been able to render these services to the rest of mankind.

At home we have continually had an improving state of the public health. The production of our industries has been large and our harvests have been bountiful. We have been remarkably free from disorder and remarkably successful in all those pursuits which flourish during a state of domestic peace. An abundant prosperity has overspread the land. We shall do well to accept all these favors and bounties with a becoming humility, and dedicate them to the service of the righteous cause of the Giver of all good and perfect gifts. As the nation has prospered let all the people show that they are worthy to prosper by rededicating America to the service of God and man.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States of America, hereby proclaim and fix Thursday, the twenty-seventh day of November, as a day for National Thanksgiving. I recommend that the people gather in their places of worship, and at the family altars, and offer up their thanks for the goodness which has been shown to them in such a multitude of ways. Especially I urge them to supplicate the Throne of Grace that they may gather strength from their tribulations, that they may gain humility from their victories, that they may bear without complaining the burdens that shall be placed upon them, and that they may be increasingly worthy in all ways of the blessings that shall come to them.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

DONE at the city of Washington this fifth day of November in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-ninth.

Last edition:

Tuesday, November 4, 1924. Ross and Coolidge win.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Thursday, October 26, 1944. End of the Battle of Leyte Gulf and the Imperial Japanese Navy.

Damaged  Japanese cruiser Kumano bombed by planes of Task Force 38 on 26 October 1944,

The Battle of Leyte Gulf ended as a complete Japanese defeat, effectively ending the Imperial Japanese Navy as a cohesive force.  On this day the Japanese lost the cruisers Abukuma, Kinu and Noshiro, destroyers Hayashimo, Nowaki and Uranami and submarine I-26.

Princess Beatrice of the United Kingdom, Queen Victoria's youngest child, died at age 87.

Gertrude Tompkins Silver and the P-51D she was flying disappeared in a delivery flight from Los Angeles to Newark, NJ.

She was 33 years old and had jointed the WASPs after a boyfriend died fighting in the RAF.  She was the only WASP pilot to be classified as missing during the Second World War.

Sarah Sundin notes in her blog:

German 20th Mountain Army begins scorched-earth retreat in Finnmark region of northern Norway; 43,000 will be evicted & evacuated, their homes destroyed.

Last edition:

Wednesday, October 25, 1944. The biggest day of the biggest naval battle in history.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Friday, October 24, 1924. Republicans, Monarchs and Fascists.

Éamon de Valera was arrested in Newry as he arrived at a meeting of the Sinn Féin. He was charged with entering a prohibited area under the Civil Powers Act.

Romanian fascist Iron Guard leader Corneliu Codreanu assassinated Constantin Manciu, the police chief of the city of Iași, and shot several other policemen. 

He would be acquitted on the grounds that he had acted in self-defense, despite entering the meeting and shooting Manciu from behind.

The British Foreign Office released the Zinoviev letter. The letter purported to be a directive from the Soviets addressed to the Communist Party of Great Britain to increase labor unrest in the UK.  A protest was lodged with the Soviet Embassy.

Belgium signed the Geneva Protocol.

Crown Princes Wilhelm of Germany and Rupprecht of Bavaria reconciled.

The Prince of Wales ended his visit to the United States and Canada.

Last edition:

Thursday, October 23, 1924. Beijing Coup.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Tuesday, October 21, 1924. Six Nations election.

The first Canadian elections under the Indian Act were held for the Six Nations Band of Indians Council.

And also elections were held for the Norwegian parliament, resulted in a continuation of the coalition government between the Conservatives and the liberal Venstre.

The German National People's Party issued a proclamation announcing itself in favor of restoring the monarchy and terminating the Treaty of Versailles and the Dawes Plan.


From Reddit's 100 Years Ago Sub:

Last edition:

Saturday, October 18, 1924. Ham achievement.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Wednesday, October 15, 1924. Airship and a proclamation.

Proclamation, October 15, 1924

Purpose: To declare historic landmarks on military reservations as national monuments

Date: October 15, 1924

WHEREAS, there are various military reservations under the control of the Secretary of War which comprise areas of historic and scientific interest;

AND WHEREAS, by section 2 of the Act of Congress approved June 8, 1906 (34 Stat. 225) the President is authorized “in his discretion, to declare by public proclamation historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest that are situated upon the lands owned or controlled by the Government of the United States to be national monuments, and may reserve as a part thereof parcels of land, the limits of which in all cases shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of the objects to be protected”;

NOW THEREFORE, I, as Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States of America, under authority of the said Act of Congress do hereby declare and proclaim the hereinafter designated areas with the historic structures and objects thereto appertaining, and any other object or objects specifically designated, within the following military reservations to be national monuments:


The site of the Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World, the foundations of which are built in the form of an eleven-pointed star and clearly define the area comprising about two and one-half acres.

CASTLE PINCKNEY, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.

The entire reservation, comprising three and one-half acres situated on Shutes Folly Island at the mouth of Cooper River opposite the southern extremity of the city of Charleston and about one mile distant therefrom.


The entire area comprising the site of the old fortifications which are clearly defined by ditches and embankments, which inclose about twenty acres.


The entire area comprising 18.09 acres situated in the city of Saint Augustine, Florida.


An area of one acre comprising within it the site of the old fortification which is situated on a marsh island south of the present main channel of the Matanzas River in the southeast quarter of section 14, Township 9 South, Range 30 East, about 15 miles from the city of Saint Augustine, and about one mile from Matanzas Inlet.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the city of Washington this fifteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-ninth.

Calvin Coolidge.

The German built dirigible USS Los Angeles arrived at Lakehurst Naval Station.  It took 81 hours for the airship to travel there from Germany.

The Prince of Wales traveled from Detroit to Toronto and participated in a fox hunt.

Toronto was a very English town at the time.

Last edition:

Tuesday, October 14, 1924. The 1924 Wyoming Special Election takes sides.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Monday, October 6, 1924. Ali of Hejaz becomes king.

Ali of Hejaz was proclaimed the King of Hejaz.  His predecessor King Hussein bin Ali had fled from Mecca to Jeddah to avoid the conquest of Nejd by the Sultanate of Nejd, led by Ibn Saud.

Atypically for an Arab monarch/chieftain, he was married just once.  He had five children.  He died in Baghdad in the Hashemite Kingdom of Iraq in 1935.

Radio Marconi, the first public radio station in Italy, began broadcasting.

Last edition:

Friday, October 3, 1924. Insulting Kennesaw Mountain.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Wednesday, September 17, 1924. Upset with the Six Nations.

Governor General of Canada Julian Byng ordered the termination of the Six Nations Confederacy Council and ordered that it be replaced by an elected body.

This followed the Council's attempt to bring its existence to the attention of the League of Nations.

The Six Nations are the Mohawk, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Seneca and Tuscarora.  They have a large reserve in Ontario.

The Polish Border Protection Corps was established by Poland to protect against Soviet invasion and address bandits crossing the border.

Calvin Coolidge gave an electronic signal from the Oval Office to commences electrical generation from the Skagit River Hydroelectric Project.

Prince Wolfgang of Hesse married Princess Marie Alexandra of Baden over the objections of Wolfgang's uncle, the former German Kaiser Wilhelm II.  The couple would have no children.

She died in an American air raid on Frankfurt am Main on January 29-30, 1944.  She had been working as an aid worker there.  He joined the Nazi Party and was appointed a Landrat (district administrator) of Obertaunuskreis, a landkreis in the state of Hesse.  He remarried after the war and died in 1989 at age 92.

Last edition:

Tuesday, September 16, 1924. RBI record.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Thursday, September 16, 1824. Death of King Louis XVIII.


Louis XVIII, King of France, died.

He reigned from 3 May 1814 until 20 March 1815, and then again from 8 July 1815 – 16 September 1824, following the defeat of Napoleon.  He was succeeded by Charles X.

He introduced a parliamentary form of government, payed off French indemnity imposed by the Napoleonic Wars, modernized the French Army.

Last edition:

Sunday, August 29, 1824. Battle of Gerontas (Ναυμαχία του Γέροντα).