4,000 Marines, a substantial number, arrived in Iceland to replace British troops garrisoning the country.
USS New York off of Reykjavik.
Iceland had not regarded the British invasion of their island, done to keep the Germans from seizing it, as a favor. US forces were not invited either, but were better tolerated under the circumstances.
On the same day about 4,000 Chinese residents of Chongquing China died of asphyxiation in a tunnel in which they had sought refuge from a Japanese air raid.
Vichy France's status as a quasi belligerent on the Axis side increased when their aircraft bombed Aman, Jordan. The Royal Air Force had already bombed Syrian airfields, so the move wasn't wholly unjustified, but it did signal that France was creeping up on being an outright Axis ally under the authoritarian regime of Marshal Petain.
Around 2,500 people were killed in an ammunition storage explosion in Yugoslavia.