Showing posts with label Henry Cabot Lodge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Henry Cabot Lodge. Show all posts

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Monday, November 10, 1924. Henry Cabot Lodge passes.

He was a giant of American politics.

The Tientsin Conference opened in China between warlords Zhang Zuolin, Feng Yuxiang, and Lu Yongxiang.   Former president Sun Yat-sen, the ongoing head of the Kuomintang and the government sitting in Canton, organized the meeting to discuss the ongoing civil war.

Ranch property belonging to Mexican president elect Plutarco Elías Calles was expropriated by the state in accordance with Mexican agrarian laws.

Chicago mobster Dean O'Banion, leader of Chicago's North Side Gang, was gunned down in his florist shop, making the cover of The Casper Herald.  His murder was nearly inevitable as he'd grown crosswise with one of the Italian mob families in Chicago.

Last edition:

Saturday, November 8, 1924. Declaration from Honolulu.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Saturday, January 23, 1915. The Chilembwe Uprising.

African Baptist minister John Chilembwe lead an uprising against British colonial rule in Nyasaland, Africa (now Malawi).

The Austo Hungarians commenced an offensive against the Russians in the Carpathians.

There were growing concerns, and predictions, about the US entering the Great War.

Interesting how those read.  Henry Cabot Lodge was sure we'd get in the war, and was correct.

And industry was predicated to end social unrest.

It was Saturday.  Judge went an age old theme:

Others went with war.

Last edition:

Friday, January 22, 1915. Similar strategies.