Showing posts with label Wales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wales. Show all posts

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Today is St. Dwynwen's Day.

The ruins of the church built by St. Dwynwen.

She was a Welsh nun of the early Church, having died in about the year 460.

She is the patron saint of lovers, having lived as a hermit on Ynys Llanddwyn off the west coast of Anglesey, where she built a church.  Becoming a hermit was common amongst the extremely devout of the early Church, although it's more common associated with North Africa.  She apparently had been very sought after by a young suitor whom she could not marry, and in her isolation prayed that God look after all true lovers.

Her day is widely celebrated in Wales.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Tuesday, November 3, 1942. The 1942 Election.

Today was election day in 1942.  Overall, the nationwide election saw an increase in Republican office holders.

In Wyoming, the following occurred:

Hunt's death, it should be noted, remains an enduring tragedy of the McCarthy Era, and one which, at least in some Wyoming circles, came to define McCarthyism and certain right wing elements of the press.

More on Hunt:

Baseball, Politics, Triumph and Tragedy: The Career of Lester Hunt

Robinson, on the other hand, gives us a rare example of a nearly completely forgotten Wyoming politician.  In some ways, that's a shame, as his life story was one that was somewhat typical of the era in that he was an early, post Frontier Era, immigrant to the state when a person could still enter ranching, which he did, in spite of having an engineering background.  Following his defeat for reelection he ultimately retired to Pendleton Oregon in 1958, where he died in 1963. 

 The Marines and Army begin an offensive on Guadalcanal at Koli Point.

Marine Corps pack artillery in action at Koli Point

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Tuesday, October 28, 1941. Lend Lease gets an office, How Green Was My Valley gets a film.

P-39L-1BE 44-4673 on its way to the Soviet Union. The P39 was a favorite of the Soviet Air Force, but never really well liked by the U.S.

The Office of Lend Lease Administration was established on this day in 1941 to oversee that effort, something I only am aware of due to the link below:

Today in World War II History—October 28, 1941

Lend Lease was a massive effort, suffice it to say, and was one of the primary ways in which the US helped bring about the Allied victory.

In the US, the classic film How Green Was My Valley, about Welsh miners, was released. The John Ford epic is highly regarded, as is the semi biographical book it is taken from, but I've not read the book nor seen the film myself.

The Germans reached Tula south of Moscow, but were stopped there. They would not take the city.

The troops that reached the border of the city were under Guderian's command.  While I can't find it offhand, I think that Tula is the city which Guderian made the really odd comment about "Tula, long drive, blond girl".

I have no idea what that means.

Lavrentiy Beria, Soviet Georgian, rapist, murderer and head of the Soviet NKVD had twenty former Soviet military officers and politicians executed in Kuybyshev.

In his capacity as an official murderer (rape was his hobby, being the bloody head of the NKVD his occupation) he was responsible for the deaths of thousands, but would go on to be executed following the death of his murderous patron, fellow Georgian Stalin, by natural. . . maybe, causes.

Australia opened its first diplomatic mission to China, opening it in Chunking due to wartime conditions in the country.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

January 26, 1921. Sketches of late January.


Women gained the right to vote in Sweden.

Defeated Presidential candidate Cox visited the White House to pay his respects to outgoing Democratic President, Woodrow Wilson.

A grain collision at Abermule, Wales, resulted in the deaths of 17 people.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

January 2, 1941. The work of 1941 commences.

Americans went to work on the first day of work for the New Year.  Always a joyous occasion.  The Bookkeeping department of Manufacturer's Trust in New York on this day in 1941.

Dublin in neutral Ireland was bombed by the Luftwaffe.  It'd be bombed again the next night.

Cardiff in Wales was also bombed, this being the second and worse day of the Cardiff Blitz.  Both events are not unrelated in that, in the context of 1941, air forces had a difficult time bombing accurately by night, and largely did not.  In that context, it was possible for the Luftwaffe bombing crews to miss their marks by a large distance and, as this demonstrates, end up bombing a neutral city.

Today in World War II History—January 2, 1941

The Andrew Sisters released Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, one of their signature songs.

This song is strongly associated, of course, with World War Two, but at the time of its release, the United States was not at war.  Rather, large numbers of men were in the service in training, having been drafted in anticipation of the war, or being in called up National Guard units.

The US announced its plan to build Liberty Ships as part of our war effort while we were not yet at war.

An enormous number of them would come to be made, and manufacturing time was reduced to such an extent that they were manufactured in twenty-four days or less.  Part of their innovation was to use welds, rather than rivets, in their construction.

Only four remain.

Elsewhere on this day during World War Two:

Day 490 January 2, 1941

Saturday, May 4, 2019

The Feast Day of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales.

Today, May 4, is the liturgical Feast Day of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales.

The forty martyrs are the forty English Catholics who refused to ascent to the King Henry VIII's severance of the church in England from Rome and his declaration that he was the head of the Church in his domains.  That act in 1534 was followed by the dissolution of the monasteries and the suppression of those faithful who refused to go along with Henry's assertions that he held the rights to the mission of the Church in England and Wales.

I'm posting this here today due to their example, but perhaps not in the way that might seem to be immediately obvious.  Prior to King Henry VIII England was an intensely Catholic country.  Had Henry VIII not been king, there's every reason to believe that this would have continued on to the modern age.  Henry's bedroom troubles sent him in another direction that his immense powers of rationalization, combined with his immense power, allowed him to do, and the long term results were monumental.  Indeed, his rebellion against the Church can potentially be regarded as the act that assured the success of the Protestant Reformation in general and certainly the act that lead to its success on Great Britain. That revolution would also ultimately, and indeed even rapidly, lead to the rise of individualism and all that entails, and to relativism as its natural byproduct, which ironically has lead to a decline of religious observance in the west which is very notably marked in the decline of the Anglican Communion in the northern hemisphere.

All of that is an historical observance, of course, but the reason we note this is that the history of the English Reformation makes it extremely obvious that at the parish level, the population remained Catholic and would actually rise up against the Reformation in the Prayer Book Rebellion of 1549.  But that act was extraordinary.  Most people simply went along, objecting in their minds, but not so much in their acts.

Cardinal John Fisher, who paid for his loyalty to the Church with his life.

Indeed, of the Catholic Bishops who were in office at the time, only Cardinal John Fisher refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of Henry's acts even though its almost certain that the majority of them did not agree with Henry personally.  Fisher paid for this with his life almost immediately, being executed in 1535, as did jurist Thomas Moore.

St. Thomas Moore, who likewise lost his life due to his adherence to his beliefs in 1535.

A person should note that a person being killed for being associated with a set of beliefs is not as uncommon as we might wish for it to be by any measure.  Indeed, members of the Church of England would be quick to point out that Bishops Ridley and Latimer, and Archbishop Cranmer, all of whom had been Catholic clerics prior to 1534, lost their lives during the short reign of Queen Mary.  Having said that, their executions had a strongly political nature and its hard to see how they would have not occurred in any event.  Indeed, Cranmer recanted at least twice prior to his execution, and only recanted his prior recanting at the moment of his execution.  In other words, no matter what a person may feel about them, Ridley's, Latimer's and Cranmer's fates were fixed prior to their being any point to whether they held fast to their beliefs or not.

Lots of people took the view of the English peasants, which was one in which they held "the Old Religion" close to their hearts and indeed did not really even recognize that the dispute going on in London directly impacted them, although it clearly disturbed them.  At the Parish Priest level its well known that many Priests just flat out ignored the Bishops and continued to view themselves as fully Catholic in every respect.  And indeed, the first years of the English Reformation caused a schism, not a real severance as it soon would.  That day arrived in the 1540s and resulted in full rebellion, as noted.

But our point in all of this is this.  Everyone always imagines themselves holding fast to their beliefs when pressure comes.  But most people, at all times, everywhere, just go along with whatever is going on.  Most of the English Bishops in 1534 probably felt that Henry was really out on a limb, to say the least (Latimer may not have as he was on record prior to 1534 with views that would have loosely supported Henry's position), but they went along anyway.  Most of Henry's Catholic advisers no doubt did feel that he was all wet, but they wanted to keep their offices, so only the rare person like St. Thomas Moore went to the ax.  Some likely came round to Henry's views, but the question then is whether the situation revealed what they then regarded to be the truth, or that they modified their definition of the truth to fit the situation.

Many well off English Catholics did in fact refuse to ascent and indeed Catholic noble families remained all the way until the rights of the Church were ultimate restored two centuries later.  Some notable dissenters, once the order was imposed that all had to attend the services of the Established Church went, but sat in the back, kept their hats on, and refused to stand or kneel at the appropriate times, a really bold move frankly in a country in which being a Catholic could cost you your life.  But most people just blinded themselves to the dispute in and in a generation or two their descendants no longer recalled or even know that their grandparents hadn't agreed with what occurred.

The other day I was at an event at which a speaker stated an opinion several times that's radically different from what the majority of Americans believed even a short time ago.  Most people wouldn't have gotten all up in arms about it at the time, but they wouldn't have accorded it as being their opinion in an endorsed fashion either.  Probably a very high percentage of Americans still do not, and maybe a majority, if in a place where no criticism could be personally directed at them, do  not currently.  But because of the shifting wind, its no longer the case that people will debate the topic outside of their own immediate circles so the speaker obtained the support of applause, with only a few souls taking the old "hat on in church" approach demonstrating their view by declining the applause.

That's the way people work in general.  When big shifts come, and we look back at the historical record and imagine ourselves standing up and saying "No", "Nein", "Nyet" or whatever, we're largely fooling ourselves.  Most just think those things, like the protagonist in Brecht's Maßnahmen gegen die Gewalt and only get around to "No!" when its safe, if ever.

And that's why the Feast Day of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales is worth noting and honoring for everyone.  A few, albeit very few, actually will say No.

Thursday, January 6, 2000

Saturday, January 6, 1900. Boer War events.

For the first time in centuries, the sword of the Gorsedd bards was unsheathed at Merionethshire in Wales and the chief bard "invoked the blessing of God on British arms in South Africa, and announced that the sword would not be sheathed again till the triumph of the forces of righteousness over the hordes of evil".

Boer troops fighting at Ladysmith attempted a raid on British positions resulting in 1,000 British casualties.

The German ship Herzog was seized by the HMS Thetis on suspicition that it was carrying supplies to the Boers, which it was not.

Last edition:

January 3, 1900. No giggling.