I confess, I have a real weakness for military jackets in general, and M65 field jackets in particular. I'm not sure where it comes from, but I really love them. I got my first M65 field jacket at the legendary local War Surplus store here in town and was still wearing it when I joined the National Guard several years later.
In basic training we were issued woodland pattern BDUs, but the Army was still using up OD field jackets, so we received two of those. Back in the state, we were issued woodland pattern and when I went to turn in my OD ones, I was told to keep them. I wore them as a regular winter coat for years. Tragically, however, I gave one to a girlfriend (bad move), and Global Shrinking eventually made it so that I could not wear the other. I'm not quite sure where it is.
I still have some, however. Indeed, I think I have at least three woodland pattern M65s and one desert pattern, the latter given to me by a fellow who served in the Guard with me. He served in the first Gulf War. I didn't.
I'd like to have an OD one for just kicking around, but I lack one, unfortunately. I do have a Greek one that has the French lizard pattern camouflage.
You see these everywhere, so I thought I'd start a page about siting's in the wild.
December 16, 2024
Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Dec. 7 in Notre Dame Cathedral, wearing a black example.
And NBC Journalist Richard Engel who has been in Syria is wearing a variant, with his clearly a M65, but with button up pockets recalling the last pattern of U.S. military BDU shirts.
January 15, 2025
Interesting example of the first of this family of field jackets in use.
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