Showing posts with label New Brunswick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Brunswick. Show all posts

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Friday, July 24, 1914. Mobilization of land armies commences.

Serbia mobilized, Austro Hungaria severed relations.

Russia, regarding its rearmament program incomplete, determined to partially mobilize in the hopes of deterring war.

Victoriano Huerta and his family reached Kingston, Jamaica aboard the German cruiser SMS Dresden. They would reside there until 1915 when they'd relocate to the United States.

The railway strike in New Brunswick came to a negotiated end.

Last edition:

Thursday, July 23, 1914. The Ultimatum.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Wednesday, July 22, 1914. Rejected proposals.

The Ottoman Empire proposed alliances with Germany and Austro Hungaria. They'd be turned down.

The Austro Hungarian Navy positioned battleships near Montenegro for the purpose of using their aircraft for border reconnaissance of the Montenegrin border, the first time something like that had been attempted.

The finishing touches were put on the demand note to be issued to Serbia.

While the July Crisis was largely off the front page in the US, the Mexican Revolution was not.

Railroad works in Saint John, New Brunswick, went on strike.

Last edition

Tuesday, July 14, 1914. Marmarth.