Showing posts with label Samoa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Samoa. Show all posts

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Sunday, August 30, 1914. The Imperial Russian Army destroyed at Tannenberg.

The German Army wiped out Imperial Russian forces at Tannenberg, taking 92,000 prisoners and inflicting 78,000 casualties.  10,000 Russian soldiers escaped.  The Germans took 12,000 casualties.

Russian commander Alexander Samsonov is believed to have committed suicide after walking into nearby woods. German troops found hsi body a year later.

The Russian chances of ending the war before the winter of 1914 were over, and the German gamble of taking on the Imperial Russian Army early on had paid off.

20,000 Austro Hungarians were taken prisoner by the Russians at Gnila Lipa.

French forces withdrew at Saint Quentin, but in an orderly fashion.

New Zealand invaded and took German Samoa.

Emiliano Zapata agreed to support the government of Venustiano Carranza.

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