Showing posts with label Battle of Veracruz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Battle of Veracruz. Show all posts

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Monday, November 23, 1914. End of the US occupation of Veracruz.

The US occupation of Veracruz ceased.

Today In Wyoming's History: November 231914  The last of U.S. forces withdraw from Veracruz, occupied seven months earlier in response to the Tampico Affair.  The crisis in Mexico would continue, and spill over the border early the following year, an event which would cause the Federalization of the National Guard, including Wyoming's.

Germans Escape After Being Surrounded Near Lodz

Last edition:

Saturday, November 21, 1914. 91,000 Canadians, 74,000 Ivy League football fans.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Friday, April 24, 1914. Occupying Vera Cruz.

Fighting in Veracruz ceased and the occupation of the city began.

Raising the flat at Veracruz, April 27, 1924.

35,000 obsolescent German, Austrian and Italian rifles and 5,000,000 rounds of ammunition were smuggled into Ulster from Germany and distributed by automobile in the Larne Gun Running incident to Ulster loyalists in anticipation of fighting over the issue of independence, with the Ulster Volunteers opposed to it.

Captain Robert Bartlett and Kataktovik reached Emma Town having traveled 700 miles in their effort to secure relief for his stranded party.  They secured passage there to Emma Harbour, a weeks journey, so that he could travel to Alaska by ship from there.

Emma Harbor, 1921.

The Brooklyn Federal League team was photographed.

Last prior edition:

Thursday, April 23, 1914. Wrigley Field Opens, War Panic.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Thursday, April 23, 1914. Wrigley Field Opens, War Panic.


April 23, 1914: Chicago Feds open Weeghman Park, later known as Wrigley Field

The first game was between the Chicago Whales and the Kansas City Packers.

The Casper paper may have been a bit off the mark:

Mexicans were not happy, however, about the massively heavy-handed overreaction of the United States at Veracruz.

Last prior edition:

Wednesday, April 22, 1914. Fighting in Veracruz

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Wednesday, April 22, 1914. Fighting in Veracruz

Street fighting was engaged in at Veracruz between landed US forces and Mexican forces as US forces advanced beyond the waterfront to secure their positions.  The Mexican forces included civilians who had received distributed Mexican arms.

Street fighting was unusual for Americans at the time, and the sailors had trouble adapting to it, whereas the Marines quickly did.

The city center was taken by 11:00.

The Titanic Engineers' Memorial was unveiled at Southampton, UK.

Babe Ruth, age 19, pitched his first major league game for the Baltimore Orioles.

Last prior edition:

Monday, April 21, 1914. The Battle of Veracruz commences.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday, April 21, 1914. The Battle of Veracruz commences.

A force of 2,300 U.S. Marines and Sailors landed in Vera Cruz over the spat the US was engaging in over the Tampico Affair.  Fighting broke out by noon and the Battle of Veracruz was on.

The House of Representatives voted 337 to 37 in favor of the intervention.

The papers were full of speculation about a war between the US and Mexico.

And Grape Nuts was advancing the "Spring Diet".

Last prior edition:

Saturday, April 18, 1914. Being petty.