Showing posts with label Mons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mons. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Saturday, August 22, 1914. British at Mons.

Austro Hungaria declared war on Belgium.

The French lost 10,000 colonial troops dead at the Battle of Rossignol.

The British Expeditionary Corps reached Mons.  Cavalryman Captain Charles Beck Hornby was the first British soldier to kill a German soldier using his sword.  Drummer Edward Thomas of the 4th Royal Irish Dragoon Guards was the British solider to fire a shot, becoming the first British soldier to do so on the European mainland for 99 years.

That even 99 years prior was at Waterloo, also in Belgium.

The Germans finished destroying Kalisz, Poland.

Combined British and French forces defeated the Germans at Chra, Togoland.  The Germans suffered largescale desertions.

Last edition:

Friday, August 21, 1914. Zapata warns about Carranza.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Sunday, August 23, 1914. Maurice James Dease

The Battle of Mons occurred in which the BEF held the German forces, but began a month long retreat to the Marne.

Irishman Maurice James Dease became the first British officer to be killed in action, for which he additionally won the Victoria Cross.

The machine gun crews were constantly being knocked out. So cramped was their position that when a man was hit he had to be removed before another could take his place. The approach from the trench was across the open, and whenever a gun stopped Lieutenant Maurice Dease... went up to see what was wrong. To do this once called for no ordinary courage. To repeat it several times could only be done with real heroism. Dease was badly wounded on these journeys, but insisted on remaining at duty as long as one of his crew could fire. The third wound proved fatal, and a well deserved VC was awarded him posthumously. By this time both guns had ceased firing, and all the crew had been knocked out. In response to an inquiry whether anyone else knew how to operate the guns Private Godley came forward. He cleared the emplacement under heavy fire and brought the gun into action. But he had not been firing long before the gun was hit and put completely out of action. The water jackets of both guns were riddled with bullets, so that they were no longer of any use. Godley himself was badly wounded and later fell into the hands of the Germans.

German troops killed 654 Belgian civilians in Dinant, Belgium in confusion or panic regarding francs-tireurs

The French were defeated in the  Battle of the Ardennes and the Battle of Charleroi.

The Battle of Tannenberg began between the German Army and the Imperial Russian Army.

The Battle of Kraśnik began between the Austro Hungarian Army and the Imperial Russian Army.

Japan declared war on Germany.  China canceled the German lease of the Kiaochow Bay.

New Zealand occupied the German colony of German Samoa, following an unopposed invasion.

Last edition:

Saturday, August 22, 1914. British at Mons.