Showing posts with label Al Smith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Al Smith. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Thursday, June 26, 1924. Nominating Al Smith.


The Coolidge family went to a baseball game.

Jesse Barnes.   Barnes battled left and pitched right.  He first played in major league ball in 1914, and last in 1927.  He died in 1961 at age 69.

In baseball, but not at this game, Jesse Barnes of the Boston Braves opposed Virgil Barnes of the New York Giants in the first brother vs. brother pitching duel. in major league baseball history. 

Virgil Barnes.   The younger of the two Barnes pitchers, he first played major league ball in 1919 and last in 1928.  He died in 1958 at age 61.

The Giants won.

Both brothers had been pitchers for the Giants at one time.

The United States and Bulgaria exchanged ratifications of an extradition treaty.

At the Democratic Convention, Franklin Roosevelt nominated Al Smith for the Democratic ticket.  

William McAdoo had been assumed to be the shoe in nominee in 1923, but things had begun to go off the rails.  It had been learned that he had accepted a $25,000 campaign contribution from oil tycoon Edward L. Doheny, who was associated with the Teapot Dome Scandal.  He returned it, but at the convention he received the support of the Ku Klux Klan and refused to reveal if he was a member or not.  He did not repudiate the Klan, which in turn caused Catholic support to evaporate.

Last prior edition:

Tuesday, June 24, 1924. The Democratic Convention opens.