Battle of the Rosebud Battlefield, Montana.
The battlefield today is nearly untouched.
Ostensibly exploring the practice of law before the internet. Heck, before good highways for that matter.
The battlefield today is nearly untouched.
The US Austrian peace treaty came into effect, officially ending the state of war between the US and Austria. On the same day, Yugoslavian troops advanced into Albanian territory.
I can't recall if I ever expanded on the whale oil lighting specifically, but I did generally, in this post here:
That post was entitled:
Well, today is the day that started changing, in 1878. Today is the anniversary of the Edison Electric Light Company commencing business.
To put this slightly in context, George A. Custer and the men under his immediate command at Little Big Horn had only been in their graves in Montana for two years at this point. Most of Central Wyoming completely remained Indian territory and the big Texas and Oregon cattle drives to that region of the state hadn't yet commenced. Rail transportation hadn't penetrated into most of Montana and was only in Southern Wyoming.
Put a slightly different way, for context, when this anniversary reached its centennial, I was in high school.