Showing posts with label U.S. Marshals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label U.S. Marshals. Show all posts

Monday, May 8, 2023

Tuesday, May 8, 1973. End of the Seige at Wounded Knee.

Today In Wyoming's History: May 81973    Militant American Indians who had held the South Dakota hamlet of Wounded Knee for 10 weeks surrendered.

US Marshals with duck hunter pattern camouflage raise the flat at Wounded Knee. From

Sudan, much in the news recently, released all of its political prisoners as a new constitution went into effect.

Palden Thandup Namgyal gave up his absolute authority of Sikkim in an agreement with India.

Fighting broke out between Lebanon and the PLO.

Bob Gibson of the St. Louis Cardinals made his 242nd consecutive start, a 20th Century record, in a game against the San Francisco Giants.