Showing posts with label Palm Sunday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palm Sunday. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Palm Sunday, April 2, 1944. Soviets enter Romania, Rebellion in El Salvador.

Sgt. Walter Holden, Haleyville, Ala., Pfc. Raymond Holler, Route 1, Lenoir, N.C., and Pvt. John Mart, Route 2, Sanford, N.C. of the 3d Infantry Division in an obviously staged photograph at Anzio.  All three men are wearing the new M1943 uniform, which the photo was probably intended to illustrate.  The uniform featured the M1943 field jacket, the M1943 field trousers, and the M1943 combat boot.  It remained the essential Army pattern of uniform for decades, and indeed to the present day, with modifications.  Replacing earlier uniform variants would, however, take months.

Today in World War II History—April 2, 1944: Soviet troops enter Romania. First US B-29 Superfortress bomber arrives at Kharagpur, India, near Calcutta. Armed revolt erupts in El Salvador.

From Sarah Sundin's blog.

The entering of Romania was more proof, if anymore was needed, that the Third Reich was in its final act.  Romania had sought to exit the war, but had been dissuaded from doing so by the Germans.  It would start pondering that once again in earnest. 

Romania, although somewhat forgotten in the West, was not a minor power in some significant ways.  The country had the third-largest army in the Axis in Europe, behind Italy and Japan, until Italy's 1943 surrender, at which time it was the second-largest Axis power.  Its army was in fact the fourth largest in the world.  It was plagued with internal problems, however, with a rank and file that was woefully uneducated and an officer corps that was condescending towards its men.  Generally, Romanians fought better under German officers and NCO's.

It was a monarchy, but a monarchy which was, at the time, led by a military dictator.

Hitler issued his directive 54 with the topic of stopping the Russian advance, which obviously wasn't going to happen.

The rebellion in El Salvador was a pro-democracy one against the country's fascist military dictator Maximiliano Hernández Martínez and included significant military elements.  Martinez admired Mussolini and Hitler, and like Hitler he was a vegetarian.  El Salvador declared war on the Axis in December 1941, but it took no actual part in the fighting and refused US requests to station troops there.

The rebellion would be violently put down, but it would nonetheless lead to Martinez' fall a month later.

Martinez was killed in a labor dispute with his taxi driver in 1966 while living in exile in Honduras.

The Japanese 15th Army (Mutaguchi) continued to advance.

The Italian Communist Party declared its support for the Badoglio government.

The 1944 Tour of Flanders bicycle race commenced.

Last prior edition:

Saturday, April 1, 1944. The closing curtain for the Axis.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Sunday, April 18, 1943. A vengeful Palm Sunday.

Admiral Yamamoto's airplane was ambushed by American P-38s in Operation Vengeance, which brought the plane down over Bougainville, killing him.

It was a very rare targeted action, in which Yamamoto was the purpose of the mission.  The mission remains somewhat debatable as a result.  Adm. Yamamoto was a very capable Japanese commander, and perhaps for that reason it was justified, although he also held mixed feelings about the war itself.

The intercept was made possible by the U.S. having broken the Japanese naval code and, for that  reason, it was also a bit risky as it may have revealed that fact to the Japanese as the P-38s were really beyond their normal range and their presence peculiar.

Sarah Sundin covered this in her blog as well.

Today in World War II History—April 18, 1943: Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto, commander of Japanese Combined Fleet, is killed when his plane is shot down by US Thirteenth Air Force P-38s over Bougainville.

She also covered the "Palm Sunday Massacre" in which the Allies shot down over half of an Axis 100 plane supply mission from Sicily to North Africa.

The Soviets denied the Katyn Massacre.

It was Palm Sunday, 1943.  Both of my parents would have attended Palm Sunday Mass with their families.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Message to the Faithful Priests of the Church in Germany. An die gläubigen Priester der Kirche in Deutschland.

Message to the Faithful Priests of the Church in Germany

ON APR 02, 2023

Reverend and Dear brothers in Christ,

You have been very much in my prayers throughout the time since the beginning of the so-called Synodal Way. After the conclusion of the Fifth Synodal Assembly on March 11th last in Frankfurt/Main, I have been praying for you most especially, so that you remain faithful to the Apostolic Tradition, to the truths regarding faith and morals handed down to us by Christ in the Church, which we, as priests, are ordained to safeguard and promote. The faithful have never needed more than today priests who announce to them the truth, who bring them Christ, above all, in the Sacraments, and who guide and govern them in the way of Christ.

I can only imagine your profound sadness at the positions taken by the Assembly, including the great majority of the Bishops, which are directly opposed to what the Church has always and everywhere taught and practiced. I share your sadness and experience the temptation to discouragement, which you, no doubt, also experience. At times such as these, which priests have experienced at other times in the history of the Church, we must recall the promise which Our Lord, who never lies and is always faithful to His promises, has made to us, when, at His Ascension, He placed into our hands the Apostolic mission: “… and behold, I am with you always, to the close of the age” (Mt 28, 20). Taking to heart, once again, the mission and Our Lord’s promise, we must soldier on, we must be His faithful “fellow workers in the truth” (3 Jn 8).

At times such as these, when even those who are Bishops betray the Apostolic Tradition, faithful Bishops, priests, consecrated persons, and lay faithful will necessarily suffer greatly precisely because of their fidelity. As we begin Holy Week, the week of Our Lord’s Passion and Death, and anticipate the Easter Season, the time of His Resurrection and Ascension, let us take to heart His words to those who would be His disciples: “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Mt 16, 24). During these holiest of days, Our Lord pours out from His glorious-pierced Heart the strong graces of His victory over sin and death to strengthen us to be good, faithful, and generous disciples. During Holy Week and the Easter Season, let us lift up to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, especially through the Eucharistic Sacrifice, the sufferings of His Mystical Body, the Church, which is passing through a time of pervasive confusion and error, with their fruits which are division, apostasy, and schism.

Let us always remember, especially when the suffering we endure seems too much to bear, that we are not alone, that Christ is alive in us, that divine grace – sanctifying and actual – is at work within us. Let us ever remember Our Lord’s words to His Virgin Mother and Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist, with whom we stand mystically at the foot of the cross: “Woman, behold thy son… Behold thy mother” (Jn 19, 26-27). The Mother of God is the Mother of Divine Grace and is, in a special way, the Mother of Priests who, in her Divine Son, bring countless graces to many souls. Our Lord’s Virgin Mother is ever at our side, even as she lovingly instructs us: “Do whatever he tells you” (Jn 2, 5).

One in heart with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we also ever enjoy the fellowship of all the saints who will never fail to assist us, if only we call upon their intercession. In dark moments, let us not forget the reality and exhortation divinely spoken to us in the Letter to the Hebrews: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb 12, 1-2).

In closing, I assure of my union with you and of my daily prayers for you. Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, we have been discouraged for a time before the Mystery of Iniquity, but now, with our eyes fixed on Our Risen Lord and His unchanging teaching, may our hearts be renewed in ardor by His grace (Lk 24, 32). I urge you to be close to Our Lord Who has chosen us to be His brothers in the Holy Priesthood and to be close to one another in pure and selfless love of the Church, His Mystical Body, and in the suffering offered for the sake of love of Him and of our brothers and sisters for whom we have been ordained as true shepherds.

Please remember me in your prayers.

With deepest fatherly affection, I impart to you and to Our Lord’s flock in your priestly care my blessing.

Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke


Palm Sunday, 2 April 2023

An die gläubigen Priester der Kirche in Deutschland 

Hochwürdige und liebe Brüder in Christus, von Beginn des sogenannten Synodalen Weges an waren Sie besonders in meine Gebete eingeschlossen. Nach Abschluss der Fünften Synodalversammlung am 11. März in Frankfurt am Main habe ich ganz besonders für Sie gebetet, damit Sie der Apostolischen Tradition, den von Christus in der Kirche überlieferten Glaubens- und Sittenwahrheiten, treu bleiben. Wir als Priester sind geweiht, um diese zu bewahren und zu fördern. Mehr als jemals zuvor brauchen die Gläubigen heute Priester, die ihnen die Wahrheit verkünden, die ihnen Christus bringen, vor allem in den Sakramenten, und die sie auf dem Weg Christi führen und leiten. 

Ich kann Ihre tiefe Traurigkeit über die Stellungnahmen auf der Versammlung nur erahnen, auch die Traurigkeit über die große Mehrheit der Bischöfe, die sich in direktem Gegensatz zu dem positioniert haben, was die Kirche immer und überall gelehrt und praktiziert hat. Ich teile Ihre Traurigkeit und spüre die Versuchung der Entmutigung, die Sie zweifelsohne auch verspüren. In Zeiten wie diesen, die Priester auch zu anderen Zeiten in der Geschichte der Kirche erlebt haben, müssen wir uns an das Versprechen erinnern, das Unser Herr, der niemals lügt und der Seinen Verheißungen immer treu ist, uns bei Seiner Himmelfahrt gegeben hat, als Er die apostolische Sendung in unsere Hände legte: "... Seht, ich bin mit euch alle Tage bis zum Ende der Welt." (Mt. 28,20). Indem wir uns erneut den Auftrag und die Verheißung Unseres Herrn zu Herzen nehmen, müssen wir weiterkämpfen, müssen wir seine treuen "Mitarbeiter in der Wahrheit" sein (3. Joh,8) 

In Zeiten wie diesen, in denen selbst Bischöfe die Apostolische Tradition verraten, werden treue Bischöfe, Priester, geweihte Personen und gläubige Laien gerade wegen ihrer Treue notwendigerweise sehr leiden. Wenn wir nun die Karwoche, die Woche des Leidens und Sterbens Unseres Herrn, beginnen und die Osterzeit, die Zeit Seiner Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt, erwarten, nehmen wir uns Seine Worte zu Herzen, die Er an diejenigen richtet, die seine Jünger sein wollen: "Wenn jemand mir nachfolgen will, so verleugne er sich selbst, nehme sein Kreuz auf sich und folge mir nach." (Mt. 16,24) In diesen heiligsten aller Tage gießt Unser Herr aus Seinem glorreich durchbohrten Herzen die mächtigen Gnaden Seines Sieges über Sünde und Tod aus, um uns zu stärken, damit wir gute, treue und großzügige Jünger sein können. Die Leiden Seines mystischen Leibes, der Kirche, die durch eine Zeit um sich greifender Verwirrung und Irrtümer geht, deren Früchte Spaltung, Glaubensabfall und Schisma sind, wollen wir in der Karwoche und Osterzeit besonders durch das Eucharistische Opfer zum Herzen Jesu emporheben. 

Denken wir immer daran, besonders dann, wenn das Leid, das wir ertragen, unerträglich zu werden scheint, dass wir nicht allein sind, dass Christus in uns lebendig ist, dass die göttliche Gnade - heiligmachend und helfend - in uns wirkt. Erinnern wir uns immer an die Worte Unseres Herrn an Seine jungfräuliche Mutter und den heiligen Johannes, dem Apostel und Evangelisten, mit denen wir mystisch am Fuß des Kreuzes stehen: "Frau, siehe, dein Sohn ... Siehe, deine Mutter" (Joh. 19, 26-27). Die Muttergottes ist die Mutter der göttlichen Gnade und in besonderer Weise die Mutter der Priester, die durch ihren göttlichen Sohn vielen Seelen unzählige Gnaden bringt. Die jungfräuliche Mutter Unseres Herrn ist immer an unserer Seite, auch wenn sie uns liebevoll anweist: "Was er euch sagt, das tut!" (Joh. 2,5). 

Ist unser Herz, durch das Unbefleckte Herz Mariens, mit dem Heiligsten Herzen Jesu vereint, genießen wir auch immer die Gemeinschaft aller Heiligen, die es nie versäumen werden, uns zu helfen, wenn wir sie nur um ihre Fürsprache anrufen. Vergessen wir in diesen dunklen Augenblicken nicht die Wirklichkeit und die Ermahnung, die uns im Hebräerbrief auf göttliche Weise zugesprochen wird: "Da wir nun von einer so großen Wolke von Zeugen umgeben sind, lasst uns alle hemmende Last abwerfen und die Sünde, die so sehr an uns haftet, und lasst uns mit Ausdauer den Wettlauf laufen, der vor uns liegt, indem wir auf Jesus schauen, den Begründer und Vollender unseres Glaubens, der angesichts der vor ihm liegenden Freude das Kreuz erduldete, ohne der Schmach zu achten, und zur Rechten des Thrones Gottes sitzt" (Hebr. 12,1-2). 

Abschließend versichere ich Ihnen meine Verbundenheit mit Ihnen und meine täglichen Gebete für Sie. Wie die Jünger auf dem Weg nach Emmaus haben wir uns eine Zeit lang vom dem Geheimnis des Bösen entmutigen lassen; doch nun, mit unseren Augen fest auf Unseren auferstandenen Herrn und Seine unveränderliche Lehre gerichtet, mögen unsere Herzen durch Seine Gnade mit neuem Eifer erfüllt und erneuert werden (Vgl. Lk. 24,32). Ich bitte Sie eindringlich, Unserem Herrn nahe zu sein, der uns zu Seinen Brüdern im Heiligen Priestertum erwählt hat, und einander nahe zu sein in reiner und selbstloser Liebe zur Kirche, seinem mystischen Leib, und im Leiden, das wir aus Liebe zu Ihm und zu unseren Brüdern und Schwestern, für die wir als treue Hirten geweiht wurden, aufopfern. 

Bitte denken Sie an mich in Ihren Gebeten. 

Mit tiefster väterlicher Zuneigung erteile ich Ihnen und der Herde Unseres Herrn, die Ihrer priesterlichen Obhut anempfohlen ist, meinen Segen. 

Raymond Leo Kardinal BURKE, 

Rom Palmsonntag, den 2. April 2023

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