Showing posts with label Colorado. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colorado. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Thursday, February 25, 1915. The Cottonwood Bluff War.

Lorenzo Creel, Colonel Michie, General Scott, Marshal Nebeker, Old Polk, Jeff Posey, Chief Posey, Tse-ne-gat, A.B. Apperson.

Paiutes and Utes exchanged gunfire with a  posse at Cottonwood Bluff, Utah.  The battle arose when a posse came to arrest Ute Tse-ne-gat who had been accused of murdering a Hispanic shepherd.  Paiutes made the accusation.

The arrest went immediately wrong and both Piautes and Utes resisted.  The war would be negotiated to a peaceful end by Gen. Hugh L. Scott.  Tse-ne-gat was tried in Denver, and found innocent of the charges. Tse-ne-gat died, age 39, of tuberculosis eleven years after the trial. Ute and Paiute chiefs, Polk and Posey, who participated in the war, went to the Ute Reservation in Colorado but found themselves unwelcome there, which is not surprising to those familiar with Ute history.  The returned to a subsistence lifestyle and combined it with cattle rustling.  A second armed outbreak would result in 1923.

The Royal Navy continued bombarding Ottoman seaforts in the Dardanelles.

The Ottomas removed ethnic Armenians from their armed forces.

Last edition:

Wednesday, February 24, 1915. Stuck.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Sunday, July 6, 1924 Plutarco Elias Calles elected.

Plutarco Elias Calles of the Partido Laborista Mexicano won Mexico's presidential election with 84.1% of the vote.  Before the emergence of the PRI, which Calles founded, it was the labor party, a democratic socialist party, was the most powerful party in Mexico.

That Mexico, which had just endured a violent attempt at overthrowing the government, was able to successfully stage an election was a triumph of democracy, albeit a temporary one as the PRI would later lock the country up into being a one party state with the PRI as the official party.

Calles was a left wing figure who had come up as a general in the Mexican War.  A controversial figure, he's admired by some for his work on social and institutional changes in Mexico, and an attempt, albeit only partially successful, to reform a military then dominated by revolutionary generals who were a threat to the government itself.  His administration, however, attacked the Church which lead to the January 1, 1927 Catholic rebellion known as the Cristero War, arguably the last chapter of the Mexican Revolution, in which 200,000 Mexicans died and would ultimately bring about the reelection of Alvaro Obregón in 1928.  He was exiled to the United States in 1936 but returned in 1941 when the PRI was firmly in power.  By that time, closer to death, he had become a spiritualist.

The Johnstown Meteor fell to earth in Colorado and interrupted a nearby funeral.  It's only one of eleven such events that have been witnessed.

Johnstown is famous today for the Buc-ee's located there.

Last edition:

Saturday, July 5, 1924. Hitting a concrete wall.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Going Feral: Report dead wild rabbits to Game and Fish

Going Feral: Report dead wild rabbits to Game and Fish:   

Report dead wild rabbits to Game and Fish

 Report dead wild rabbits to Game and Fish

Wyomingites are being asked to keep a lookout for dead rabbits in their yards, rural property and other outdoor areas. The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is collecting wild rabbit carcasses for Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus2 testing, known as RHDV2. While not found in Wyoming yet, the disease has been identified in neighboring states. Testing rabbits is key to monitoring the disease spread.

RHDV2 is a fatal disease of rabbits and hares. An estimated 35-50% of infected wild rabbits succumb to the disease.  

Samantha Allen, Game and Fish state wildlife veterinarian, said all of Wyoming’s rabbits and hares are susceptible — that includes game and nongame species like cottontail rabbits, jack rabbits and potentially, pygmy rabbits. Domestic rabbits are also at risk; however, other domestic pets and livestock are not at risk from the disease.

The first indication of RHDV2 infection in rabbits is dead animals.

“Any rabbit could become infected with the disease - so it could be a cottontail living in your yard or the one you see while hiking,” said Allen. “Please report any dead rabbits you find. Testing these carcasses is the only way to know if the disease is in Wyoming.”

The disease has been confirmed in California, Nevada, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado. 

RHDV2 does not pose a threat to humans, but rabbits carry other diseases which can —  like tularemia and plague. The public is advised not to touch or pick up any dead wild rabbits. Rather, note the location and call the Game and Fish Wildlife Health Lab at (307) 745-5865 or the nearest regional office. Game and Fish personnel will evaluate the situation, and make plans to collect the rabbit.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday, May 31, 1974. The Golan Heights.

The Agreement on Disengagement between Israel and Syria was signed in Geneva.  Artillery fire stopped at 1:15 p.m.  The United Nations Disengagement Force was created by UN Security Council Resolution 350.  Israel was left with the Golan Heights.

The British Home Office announced the end of the "bread and water" diet as a prison punishment.

Malaysia and China established diplomatic relations.

Vietnam Veterans marched from Boulder to Denver in protest over the war, which the US had of course withdrawn from, and for amnesty for draft evaders and deserters.

Last prior edition:

Monday, May 27, 1974. Memorial Day and Los Seis de Boulder.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday Farming: Southern Rockies Nature Blog: Lettuce Get Down to Business

Southern Rockies Nature Blog: Lettuce Get Down to Business: Photo from 1918 of the Mahon Ranch, west of Buena Vista. Pictured are Martha Mahon, her daughter Cassie and Cassie’s husband George Fields...

Friday, April 19, 2024

The 2024 Election, Part XVI. The Compromised Morals Edition

Richard Rich, 1st Baron Rich

April 10, 2024

Donald Trump released a four-minute video attempting to thread the needle on abortion, and largely failed.

Abortion is proving to be an odd issue in this election.  Following 1973's Roe v. Wade decision, the Democratic Party became increasingly pro death, with left the GOP as the pro-life default party.  It was generally pro-life, as a conservative party, but it was more vague about it for many years than a person might suppose.  This paid off for pro-life forces when the decision, which even informed left wing legal thinkers felt impossible to really defend, fell due to a Mitch McConnell influenced Supreme Court, appointed by Donald Trump.   That was a long wished for conservative result, which Trump claimed credit for, not without some justification, but largely due to Trump giving McConnell free rein on Supreme Court appointments.

This has ended up being a hot election issue ever since, but it's still very poorly understood as to its impact.  Various conservative states have enacted laws restricting or banning abortion (some old laws have just come back into operation) and it's ended up a ballot issue elsewhere.  Democrats believe that the issue works in their favor, although how that squares with elected legislatures restricting it isn't very clear.  Added to that, right wing Republicans began to push for a Federal nationwise restriction on abortion, which is something they haven't really fleshed out, thinking wise.  A Federal law, while universal, seems to suggest a compromise on the topic, which is a topic that can't really be compromised on, at least on the pro-life side.  That is, unless its just a nationwide ban, which seems to have little chance of passing.  The various proposals make just about 0 intellectual sense whatsoever.  A person either believes that all life has value, in which case it does from the first instance, or they believe it really doesn't, and should only be protected at an arbitrary point at which its too icky to admit to killing.

Enter the candidates on the issue. . . 

Joe Biden, who is a Catholic and morally obligated to believe that all life is sacred, instead has opted for an apparent state of personal mortal sin and is for allowing the killing, with his campaign featuring that position, and he is still being allowed to receive Communion for some reason that's hard to grasp. Donald Trump, who has a predatory relationship with women to at least some degree, and who has been pretty keen on bedding women of a certain type, kept his views secret until earlier this week when, in a four-minute video, he came out for no Federal law at all.

No Federal law is the position of some conservative, but politically savvy, Republicans who aren't Trumpers.  It is, for example, Chris Christie's position's was that the states should decide the issue for their states.  But the concept of a nationwise ban has received increasing support in conservative camps due to some states enacting broad permissive abortion laws.  It should be noted, others have enacted restrictive ones, like Wyoming (whose law is gummed up in court due to an incredibly dim witted paranoid law that enshrines personal medical choices as its supporters were rampaging paranoid about imaginary Obamacare "death panels".

This raises a lot of interesting questions, one being what does Trump actually think?  Frankly, Trump doesn't appear to be a deep thinker on anything, but on this issue it's known that he's run the gambit in views, originally being in the pro death camp.  His coming out the way he did appears to be in hopes of avoiding the issue, stating that it's a state rights issue.  After giving his four-minute flat affect speech, he came out again today on the Arizona Supreme Court finding a territorial era statute banning abortion was constitutional and revised, which makes perfect sense legally.  Noting that it was his appointees that brought the reversal of Roe finally around, he stated that the Arizona action, which again makes perfect legal sense, "went too far", which makes no legal sense but which reflects the view that most people have on courts which is that they're a policy legislature, which they aren't.

Life or death being a state's rights issue is lame in more ways than one.  A person could argue it on a practical basis, that being that leaving it up to states is the only way for any peace on the issue at all, which is more or less Christie's position. Trump's view came out like a rambling mish mash of a confused intellect, which is a bit surprising as somebody must have written his statement for him.

Indeed, the fact that he read it brings up the issue of his mental status. Statements that he reads tend to come out with a very flat affect, which has yet to be explained.  People continue to ignore the question of what's going on, organically, in his head.

All this has left some interesting fallout.  Serious pro lifers are left wondering about who to support, with some having supported Trump in the past solely because of this issue.  "He's better than Biden" seems to be the common reaction.  But some are really upset. By the same token, Biden's designation of Easter as Transgender Visibility Day disgusted some who are fellow travelers on this issue.  Pro lifers have been major supporters of the GOP since 1973, and now they have reason to question the party's loyalty to them.

And it all shows how compromised the values of politicians are in general.

April 12, 2024

The Trump campaign, which avoided debates in the primaries, wants more debates in the general election and wants them to start soon.

Trump is likely worried that a lot of his speaking coming up will be in the form of testimony, and wants to distract from that.  Also, Trump no doubt feels he's a better speaker than Biden.

In actuality, neither of them are good speakers. Biden has had a lifelong stuttering problem which makes his speech a bit odd, and Trump's speech suggests that he's in the early to early-mid stage of the onset of dementia.  Absent a spectacular performance, or spectacular failure, by either candidate, debates probably aren't going to matter much, but contrary to common belief, Trump, who really goes off the rail if he departs from the teleprompter, is more likely to say something extraordinarily off the mark, weird, or incoherent.*


Governor Gordon rightly rejected Secretary of State Gray's new voting rules.

Gray, who is clearly running for Governor and keeping populist heat turned up as a result, will undoubtedly reply with something shortly.


Eastern Shoshone educator Ivan Posey shares why he’s running for state House

April 13, 2024

Secretary of State Gray has an op ed in today's Trib entitled "Only Wyomingites Must Vote In Wyoming's Election".

It's a crime not to be a resident and vote in Wyoming's election, so this is a bit silly, but it's part of the Gray effort to whip up a frenzy in the populist right in part of his aim to run for Governor in 2026.  It's also more than a little ironic, as Gray is not a Wyomingite, and most of the Wyoming Freedom Caucus isn't either.  Jeanette Ward barely qualified to run for office when she ran for the seat Gray abandoned, as he tried first for the House and then for the SoS office.

Of course, "only Wyomingites" isn't what Gray means.

As always, Gray cited "radical left wing" activists as being his opponents.

Wyoming Democrats will caucus for the President today, not that it's going to matter. They'll choose Biden, and Biden will lose in Wyoming.

A Park County representative still wants all ballot counting in the county to be done by hand, but is being ignored as its a phenomenally bad idea.

Republican Dale Zwonitzer, a major House member from Cheyenne, is facing a run from Steve Johnson, Populist.  Zwonitzer has faced open hostility from the Populist right the last several years.

Colorado will have an abortion ballot initiative in the fall.

April 15, 2024

While hardly newsworthy, Joe Biden won the Wyoming Caucus Saturday.

April 16, 2024

Donald Trump's criminal trial regarded to the paying of hush money to three people, two of them pornographic personages, began yesterday in New York.

The favorite of the Evangelical right is accused of paying Stormy Daniels, a pornographic actress, and another person, a former Playboy playmate, hush money prior to the 2016 election so they'd keep their mouths shut abut his fucking them.  The third person is a doorman.  The crime is asserted to be election interference, I guess, which is frankly a little hard to grasp in this context.

A jury has not yet been selected.

April 18, 2024

Senator Barrasso announced yesterday that he's running for reelection to the Senate.

I frankly thought he'd already announced, as he was obviously running for reelection.  He has an opponent in the primary, Reid Rasner, who is running from the populist right.

I've mentioned the primary contest before, but I dismissed Rasner's campaign.  Frankly, I was in error to do so as at this point I think Rasner has a serious chance of beating Barrasso, and Barrasso obviously fears that as well.  Barrasso has been putting out hardcore populist, Trumpite, messages now for weeks. I strongly suspect that he doesn't believe in what he's tweeting, but he's taking this position, like almost every Republican political figure, in order to hang on to their jobs, even though it's killed the GOP.

Therefore, at the primary election, Wyoming will be presented with a contesnt between a genuine populist and a fake one.  Actual conservatives will vote for Barrasso, not for what he's saying, but what they suspect he actually believes.  Some populists will as well.

April 19, 2020

The GOP state convention defeated a bylaw proposal that would have provided a mechanism, probably ineffectively and illegally given the way party affiliation actually works, to kick actual Republicans out of the party.

One populists commented:

There was a group of citizens in Weston County very, very concerned about Liz Cheney and the way she tried to infiltrate and change our party,


It's the populists who infilatrated the GOP, not the other way around.  Cheney is a real Republican.  Her opponents are largley Dixiecrats, but don't know it. 

Natrona County voters will have a ballot item on the fall to create a Senior Service District consisting of the entire county.  This will add 2 mills to people's taxes to fund senior services.

It's hugely unpopular to say so, but in an era in which Wyomingites are unhappy about all the growth they encouraged causing property values to rise (d'uh!) this will pass anyhow, and shouldn't.  The current generation of seniors has had the best breaks of any generation in history, continues to basically control the country, and is fairly wealthy overall, even if individual members of the generation are not.  A 2 mill tax effectively takes cash out of everyone's pockets to fulfill a need that people should have filled on their own, or that their families should.


*Something you'll sometimes hear from Trump supporters is that "he talks like us".  I fear that might be true, which is we're beginning to sound mildly demented and addled as a society.

Last prior edition:

The 2024 Election, Part XV. The Disappointing Choices edition.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Lex Anteinternet: Bloody 287

Lex Anteinternet: Bloody 287: I've traveled it countless times myself, that stretch of highway between Laramie and Ft. Collins. It's not a great road. Yesterday, ...

A petition for guardrails. 

Implement Guard Rails on Highway 287 for Safer Travel

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Southern Rockies Nature Blog: Colorado Wolves: Faux "Paws" on the Ground

Southern Rockies Nature Blog: Colorado Wolves: Faux "Paws" on the Ground: Gov. Jared Polis was on hand Dec, 18, 20203 to release Oregon wolves in Colorado, but some Coloradans deeply involved with the project never...

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Southern Rockies Nature Blog: Wolves Now Add to the 'Colorado Experience'

Southern Rockies Nature Blog: Wolves Now Add to the 'Colorado Experience': A wolf who walked in from Wyoming caught on a scout camera in North Park in March 2023 ( Don Gittleson via AP). Dad was still alive when the...

Friday, January 5, 2024

Monday, December 4, 2023

Tuesday, December 4, 1923. House Session Breaks Up In Vote Deadlock. Vaccination Ruling To Be Put To Test.

Somewhere I've seen a t-shirt advertised that says "Study history, realize people have been this dumb for thousands of years."


Big events at the movies.   The Ten Commandments by Cecil B. DeMille. . . .the first one, was released.  It was silent, of course.  Some of it, however, was filmed in technicolor.

At least one of the movie posters for what would become the most popular film of 1924 depicted moderns in the throes of agony for, presumably, violating one of the Commandments.  This is because the two-hour-long movie is divided into two parts, one a prologue depicting Exodus, the second a modern melodrama.

Colorado Aggie students voted to emblaze a local hill with a large "A".  Colorado State University had its origins as an agricultural college, and while the Rams are known for many things today, at that time, they were focused on agriculture.

The Arctic Exploration Board posed for a photograph.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Monday, November 15, 1943. The Combat Infantry Badge.

One of the awards most respected by soldiers to be issued by the U.S. Army, the Combat Infantry Badge, was authorized.

Limited to infantrymen alone who have seen actual ground combat, the creation of the award acknowledged the particular horrors experienced by infantrymen in combat.  The World War Two awards were upgraded, which they likely should not have been as it cheapened the original awards, to Bronze Stars in the 1980s, reflecting the particular horrors of World War Two in which soldiers were not rotated home but served until severely injured, killed, or the end of the war.

It followed the authorization of the Expert Infantry Badge, which had been authorized on November 11, 1943.

Both awards remain enormously respected in the U.S. Army.

"Nomadic" Gypsies in the Soviet Union were reclassified by Germany to be in the same racial category as Jews and therefore subject to the death camps, whereas "sedentary" Romani were classified as citizens of the country they were in.

The order would ultimately extend beyond the occupied regions of the USSR and was another example of how, as Nazi Germany's fate became sealed, it became more homicidal.

Offensive actions by the U.S. Fifth Army were halted by Gen. Alexander.

Today In Wyoming's History: November 15: 1943 1943  Harmonica player Larry Adler played at the University of Wyoming.  Adler was a well known harmonica player.

Manuel L. Quezon was inaugurated as President of the Philippines, in exile. It was his third term.  In the Philippines a collaborationist government, not as disdained by the post-war Philippines as might be supposed, was in control, with the sanction of the Japanese.

The Cross Mountain, Colorado post office was closed, putting an end to the Moffat County town.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Saturday, October 27, 1973 Ceasefire.

Israel and Egypt announced a ceasefire in the Yom Kippur War.  Part of the agreement was for the deployment of a UN peacekeeping force.  China declared it would not help pay for the force.

Nixon stated at a press conference; “So long as I can carry out that responsibility for which I was elected, I will continue to do my job."

A 1.4 kg meteorite hit in Fremont County, Colorado.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Monday, October 8, 2023. New disasters

New disasters finally pushed the Cole Creek railroad disaster off the front page of the local paper.

And the trial of the Sheriff's deputy who killed a woman for failure to dim her lights had come up.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Sunday, October 7, 1923. Midwest Mine Explosion, Grand Junction Colorado.

From one disaster to another:
Mine Explosion Snuffs Out Six Workers’ Lives
Nevada State Journal, Reno
October 8, 1923

Grand Junction, Colo., Oct. 7. -- An explosion of gas in the Midwest Coal Mine at Palisades, Colo., at 11 a.m. today killed six of the seven men working in the mine.

The dead are:
Robert P. Scott, manager
J. K. Keys and three sons, Harvey Keys, W. B. Keys and Robert T. Keys
George McKee
McKee had entered the service of the company today, and this was his first shift.

The government mine rescue crews that were fighting the fire in the Bookcliff Mine arrived an hour after the explosion, and located four bodies.

Jim Benda, the other miner in the workings at the time of the explosions, was badly burned. He crawled three quarters of a mile through the smoke and gas to safety. It is said that he will recover.

The usual force at the Midwest mine is 40 men, but only a short clean-up crew was at work today. Superintendent Scott had entered the mine on an inspection trip.

The explosion wrecked the mine badly, it is said. The mine entry is far up on the side of Grand Mesa above Palisades.

Three members of the government rescue crew attempting to recover bodies from the Midwest mine were so overcome by the smoke and gas, despite the helmets, that their companions had to carry them from the workings.  All of the bodies except those of Robert P. Scott and W. B. Keys were recovered tonight and it was announced that no further efforts will be made to recover them until morning, when it is hoped that some of the gas and smoke will have cleared away.

It is now believed that the mine did not take fire but that the smoke was from the explosion.

The body of George McKee was the first to be recovered. He was found among wreckage of cars which had been started down grade toward the portal by the force of the explosion.

The string of cars hit his body and were derailed by it. He was mangled by the cars. The bodies of J. K. Keys and one of his sons were found close to the air shaft which was wrecked by the blast. The younger men had been blown against one of the mine timbers with such force as to crush his body.

The great exhaust fan at the top of the airshaft on the surface was blown from its foundation and hurled down the hill.