Showing posts with label Democratic Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democratic Party. Show all posts

Monday, March 24, 2025

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist. 78th Edition. We'd like to inform you that terrible things are being done in your name, edition.

The caption comes this week from a letter the publishers of The New Republic wrote to Stalin, when one of their reporters wrote back on atrocities being committed in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s. 

Crowd jeers Hageman at tense Laramie town hall. She calls them ‘hysterical.’: Wyoming’s lone congresswoman faced tough questions and angry constituents Wednesday night.

Not just Laramie, but also solidly Republican Rock Springs and Evanston.

Indeed, all over the country, when Republicans show up in their home districts.

Indeed, the event in Evanston was so notable that a populist apologist felt compelled to write an Op Ed for the Cowboy State Daily.

Jonathan Lange: Barbuto’s Miscalculation Released The Flying Monkeys

Lange you may, but probably don't, recognize as Rev. Lange of the Missouri Synod of the Lutheran Church, who has his own blog, Only Human.  He's reliably pro Trump and Pro Populist, which brings up one of the real ironies of populism, which is deeply religious people supporting a movement lead by some wildly irreligious people, as we've discussed elsewhere, so we'll only note that Trump is, in Christian terms, an adulterer living in an adulterous irregular relationship as well as being a serial liar, and Musk is an atheist.  Lange came to the attention of some in the state by opposing the successful bill to make child marriage illegal.

But we digress.

What's really notable, is that even here in deep Trump country people are really reacting to DOGE and aren't happy about it.

And that's not all they aren't happy about.

March 24, 2025

A coal mine near Kemmerer is laying off 28 workers.

Tesla chargers have been vandalized with swastikas in Rock Springs.

Kemmerer balked at an immigration detention center.

In far Western Wyoming coal continues to fail, as it will, as coal's days are over, but that hasn't caused deeply Republican Kemmerer to say "yes, we'll sign up for the deportation frenzy" and take an immigrant concentration camp.


Anyhow, I'll give Hageman credit for simply going to Laramie, where she must have known that she'd encounter real hostility.  But her response to a LGBTQ was really wrong headed in a city that's sought to overcome the murder of Matthew Shepard for decades.  

She called the crowd "hysterical".  They weren't hysterical, they were angry.

So far Hageman hasn't toured north of the Union Pacific, which is interesting.  I wonder why, sincerely?

Someone else who is touring is Bernie Sanders, and AoC.

They drew a crowd of 30,000 or more in Denver last week, which Sanders says is the largest crowd he's ever spoken to.

AoC is obviously considering running against the pathetic Chuck Schumer.

Also, in Colorado:

Walking the fine line of ‘all of the above’: Two Republicans from #Colorado add names to letter calling for restraint in gutting of #climate legislation — Allen Best ( #ActOnClimate

One of the really interesting things that's starting to happen in the Trump world is the same thing that happened in the Socialist left world during the 20s and 30s, that being the belief that the dear leader doesn't know about what the Party is doing.  I saw this on Facebook, which is just about as far to the left as Wyomingite's normally go, from somebody who is about as far to the right as possible.

So again, in our home State of Wyoming, the left wing lunacy continues to try to rob Wyoming of more original beauty. My understanding is that the Duncan Ranch was to be used for Agriculture and ag based education only. How is it that these are even being considered?!?! Anyone that knows this area can attest to its beauty yet now, that is threatened. I warned people that the State Lands and BLM would be the next spots for these to be in the crosshairs. Those who have allowed these on their private property have opened the door for them to continue to push for this failed technology. So here it is, they want to build on public ground like it's no big deal. There are already whispers of eminent domain coming into play for the future of these cancers as well. It must stop! There is absolutely nothing green about the agenda they push. Wyoming is Oil, Gas, Coal  Agriculture, and Tourism. We are not some waistland where you can just stand your turbines up and collect a check. Our Natural Resources are the reason our State isn't bankrupt like the liberals who surround us. Why are we so worried about pandering to these other states that don't follow or respect our way of life? At one time a few years ago, the Natrona County Commissioners agreed 4 to 1 to allowing all of these turbines just North of Casper at 20 Mile Hill. They did so even tho there was standing room only in the courthouse in opposition. So now, there are windturbines in our back yard. It's sickening. Blinking lights at night as far as you can see. The beautiful sunrise that generations of my family has enjoyed for years is now ruined by towering monstrocies.  However, when it came time to vote on those commissioners who's term was up, WE THE PEOPLE replaced them. Now, we have a commission who is strong for the people. The most recent green deal that came before these new commissioners for approval got shot down 3 to 2. They understand Wyoming doesn't want this crap in our back yard.

My point is, whoever is not standing for Wyoming, needs voted out and if we want to protect our Wyoming and our tax dollars, these projects need to be met with lots of opposition by, "We The People".

The Duncan Ranch, which this individual is worried about, justifiably, is not in Natrona County.  It's in Converse County, which never saw any kind of industrial project of any kind it didn't like.  And the rancher, and that's what he is, who is upset, is justifiably upset, but he's being about as green and distributist as can be, and doesn't know it.

Anyhow, these projects weren't backed by a bunch of raving environmentalist here.

Hydrogen project major wind farm at & near Duncan Ranch, seeks state approval this week

They were backed by major heavy industry.  And by the county its in, which has supported every single one of these projects without question.  Indeed, the only County Commission which didn't support one was the Natrona County Commission, which actually was largely made up of the same people who had supported the prior ones in the county, in spite of what the Facebook fellow says.  I think there's only one new Commissioner.

Trump seems backed by billionaires.  

People don't really seem happy with what's actually occurring.

By the way, one of the things that's occurring is that the Trump Administration is going to require you appear in person to apply for Social Security. . . while they're also closing Social Security offices.  Rock Spring's office is being closed.  Casper's isn't listed, but the entire building is suggested to be sold, which could mean that Casperites would have to probably drive three hours to Cheyenne, or five to Denver.

Not to worry, no billionaire will be harmed by this decision.


From Rep Hageman's newsletter:

Rock Springs Social Security Office Update

Late last week, we began receiving calls from constituents concerned by a media article reporting that the Rock Springs Social Security Office was closing. I immediately reached out to the agency and was able to confirm that the allegation was inaccurate. The agency has canceled the lease for an ancillary hearing room it no longer uses, and those hearings will now be held at an alternative location, but the office itself will remain open. You can read more about the new SSA efficiencies here.

Last edition:

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist. 77th Edition. A bridge too far?

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Wednesday, February 9, 1825. John Quincy Adams chosen as President.

The 1824 Presidential election, which ran from October 26 to December 2, 1824, saw Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay and William Crawford run for the oval office.

John C. Calhoun was elected with a comfortable majority of the vote for Vice President. 

However, none of the main contestants for the Presidency held a an electoral vote majority.  On this day in 1825 the House of Representatives voted,with each state delegation casting one voted,  elected John Quincy Adams as President, giving the election to him.

Andrew Jackson was a bufador, so Adams was the right choice.  Unfortunately Jackson (a Democrat, I might add) would revive, and, and come back, Trump like. Indeed Trump, who is also a bufador, admires Jackson, or claims to.

For years, the local Democratic Party here had Jefferson Jackson Days, honoring the supposed founder of the party (who wasn't) and its early populist leader.  Populism was a main element of the Democratic Party, like it currently is of the Republican Party, from Jackson's election through the 1980s, when Reagan's Southern Strategy co opted the Southern Democrats and Rust Belt Democrats, unfortunately.  Now, the GOP is what the Southern Democratic Party had been.

One of the comforting things about knowing history, I might add, is to know that there were prior eras when we acted darned near as stupidly as we currently are.

Last edition:

Thursday, January 27, 1825. Origin of the Trail of Tears.

Friday, January 10, 2025

The 2025 Wyoming Legislative Session, Part 3. Still time to find a place to hide edition.

The last edition was simply too unwieldy.

December 24, 2024

A bill has been filed to allow for enhanced concealed carry permits, requiring training to obtain, that would allow for concealed carry on school grounds and the grounds of the University of Wyoming.\

New Natrona County legislator  Jayme Lien is trying to get Jeanette Ward's "What is a Woman" act through this session.

December 26, 2024

Rep Harshman is introducing a bill to require a special election for vacancies in any significant elective offices, including Governor and Senator.

January 2, 2025
Example of old fashioned Five and Dime store.

The Wyoming Freedom Caucus puts its cards on the table in the form of its "five and dime" plan for the 2025 legislature.  The incoming Speaker of the House, a member, even went on Trump propaganda forum Newsmax, to tout it.

It's agenda for the 2025 legislature is below:

ELECTION INTEGRITY: Require Proof of WY Residency & US Citizenship When Registering to Vote

- WHAT: Create clear statutory authority for the Wyoming Secretary of State to promulgate rules requiring voters to prove WY residency and to ensure that non-citizens cannot register to vote in WY.

- WHY: No requirement exists for voters to prove their WY residency or US citizenship status. This simple fix will better secure our elections and bolster confidence in our election system.

Not too surprisingly, this is sort of horseshit.  You have to verify your address, already, every time you vote. We've been doing it for years.  Now we have to present a photo ID as well.

Oh, I'll do it.  I'll present piles of stuff showing that I'm an actual Wyomingite and didn't move in from somewhere.  Quite a few of the Freedom Caucus, if asked to do that, would be shown to be people who moved in here.

IMMIGRATION ACCOUNTABILITY: Invalidate Driver Licenses Issued to Illegals by Other Jurisdictions

- WHAT: Invalidate driver licenses issued to illegal aliens present in WY.

- WHY: An estimated 9 million + illegal aliens have entered the US since 2021. Nineteen states and D.C. issue licenses to illegal immigrants– Wyoming does not. This simple bill will help WY crack down on illegal immigration and to ensure consistency in our statutes and rules.

Bill previously written (SF0120, 2024)

Wyoming has no legal authority to invalidate another state's driver's licenses, and the full faith and credit clause of the U.S. Constitution makes that illegal. 

People who have taken an oath to the Constitution, by the way, like legislators, can't back this without violating their oath.

STOPPING THE WOKE AGENDA AT UW: Prohibiting D.E.I. in Higher Education

- WHAT: Prohibit the University of WY and Wyoming’s Community Colleges from engaging in discriminatory hiring or continuing education requirements that place moral, historical, or other blame on a person or group of people on the basis of immutable characteristics.

- WHY: It is illegal to discriminate on the basis of any immutable characteristic. As the Equality State, WY should be proud to codify additional protections against discrimination. With continually declining enrollment rates at UW, dumping “woke” DEI programming will attract the free thinking cowboys and cowgirls we want attending our university.

There isn't a "woke" agenda at UW.

PROTECTING OUR CORE INDUSTRIES: Ban woke investment strategies for the State of Wyoming’s trust fund.

- WHAT:: Prohibit the State of Wyoming from investing in funds that prioritize “environmental, social, or governance” standards over funds promising the highest financial rate of return.

- WHY: Wyoming should not invest tax dollars with entities who do not seek the highest rate of return and who are out to destroy and eliminate our core industries.

Bill previously written (SF0172, 2023)

Investing in the "highest rate of return" means you will invest in things that aren't necessary in line with our core industries, some of which are a bad economic bet right now.

CUTTING TAXES: Real Property Tax Relief

- WHAT: Provide a 25% property tax cut to residential property owners with a backfill to local governments.

- WHY: The people of WY have been crushed by years of skyrocketing property taxes.

Bill previously written (SF0054, 2024)

Populism in Wyoming is heavily populated by out of staters who moved in here, causing property taxes to rise.  Now they're going to cut what they caused, with no way to pay for anything. 

A better strategy would be to impose a tax on the value of the last house you sold, no matter where you sold it, and leave the current property taxes alone.

January 9, 2025

It wasn't clear to me but the dime portion of the "5 and 10" plan is to pass the five bills in the first ten days of the legislature.

January 10, 2025

This will be interesting.










Access to public lands-corner crossing.


Sponsored by: Representative(s) Provenza, Andrew, Campbell, E, Larson, JT and Wharff and Senator(s) Jones, Rothfuss and Schuler







AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; providing an exception to the offenses of criminal trespass and game-and-fish trespass regarding incidental contact associated with crossing two (2) adjacent parcels as specified; and providing for an effective date.


Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:


Section 1.  W.S. 63303 by creating a new subsection (d) and 233305(b) are amended to read:


63303.  Criminal trespass; penalties; exception.


(d)  For purposes of this section, a person does not commit criminal trespass if the person incidentally passes through the airspace or touches the land or premises of another person while the person is traveling from one (1) parcel of land that the person is authorized to access to another parcel of land that shares a common corner with or is immediately connected to the first parcel and that the person is authorized to access.


233305.  Hunting from highway; entering enclosed property without permission; penalty; hunting at night without permission prohibited; exception.


(b)  No person shall enter upon, travel through or return across the private property of any person to take wildlife, hunt, fish, collect antlers or horns, or trap without the permission of the owner or person in charge of the property. Violation of this subsection constitutes a low misdemeanor punishable as provided in W.S. 236202(a)(v). For purposes of this subsection, "travel through or return across" requires physically touching or driving on the surface of the private property. For purposes of this subsection, a person does not commit trespass under this subsection if the person incidentally passes through the airspace or touches the land or premises of another person while the person is traveling from one (1) parcel of land that the person is authorized to access to another parcel of land that shares a common corner with or is immediately connected to the first parcel and that the person is authorized to access.


Section 2.  This act is effective July 1, 2025.

This is a Democratic bill. The Democrats have traditionally been the party that comes to the rescue in Wyoming when the GOP begins to descend into feudalism regarding land.  

If the populist really care what Wyomingites think, this should past.

My guess is that it won't.

Last edition:

The 2025 Wyoming Legislative Session, Part 2. Early bills

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Sunday, January 5, 1975. Ed Herschler inaugurated.

Today In Wyoming's History: January 51975  Ed Herschler began his 12 years as Governor.

Theoretically, but only theoretically, this is illegal under the term limitation that applies to Governors in the Wyoming constitution.  However, the Wyoming Supreme Court already struck this down as it applies to other offices, and clearly a person could run for a third term.  Given the current politics in the state, some hope Governor Gordon might do so, although there's no evidence that he intends to attempt that.

Herschler was a well respected Governor and was a Democrat.  He'd been a Marine Raider during World War Two.

The Tasman Bridge disaster when a bulk ore carrier travelling up the Derwent River collided with several pylons of the Tasman Bridge.

Angolan independence groups UNITA, MPLA, and FNLA signed the Mombasa Agreement in Kenya pledging to work together to negotiate with Portugal. 

The agreement would last for only a few months.

After the Portuguese pulled out, the US allied with Socialist  UNITA and the Soviet Union with MPLA.

Last edition:

January 5, 1925. Nellie Tayloe Ross sworn in as Governor.

Today In Wyoming's History: January 51925 Nellie T. Ross succeeded her late husband as governor of Wyoming, becoming the first female governor in U.S. history. She won her first election easily, but was narrowly defeated in the 1926 election during which her refusal to campaign for herself and her support of prohibition hurt her. She later went on to be Superintendent of Mints in the Franklin Roosevelt Administration. She's an interesting political figure in that not only was she the first woman governor in the US, but her career was accidental. Never well off financially, keeping her career going was a necessity from the very onset, as her husband had borrowed money from his life insurance policy in order to run for governor. She lived to be 101 years old.

Ross was a Democrat, and man of today's GOP firebrands in the state probably are only dimly aware of her.  They'd likely regard her with deep suspicion, sadly.

Her address:

Gino Sarrocchi and Alessandro Casati, members of the Italian Liberal Party turned in their resignations from Mussolini's Cabinet.

Last edition:

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

The 2025 Wyoming Legislative Session, Part 1. And we've already started. . .


April 4, 2024

Eh?  2025?  Didn't the 2024 session just wrap up?

Yes, yes it did, and:

Lawmakers begin work on new bills after voting against special session

It seems like we're getting closer and closer to a full-time legislature, which is a bit scary.

June 18, 2024

From: Subsidiarity Economics 2024. The times more or less locally, Part 3. The Decarbonizing the West and Electronic eartags Edition.

Related to this, and acknowledging that electric vehicles are coming, a draft bill for the 2025 legislature proposes to tax electric vehicle charging.  While that sounds punitive, the thought it that it will make up for lost gasoline taxes used for roads.  The introductory part of that bill:

September 24, 2024

The final makeup of the 2025 legislature isn't known yet, but as some other things posted today demonstrate, its fairly likely, although not certain, that the Wyoming Freedom Caucus, a populist (not conservatives) entity that's really a political party in its own right, will control the House.

If this comes to pass, it'll make for a massively contentious legislative session. The populist have already been extremely disruptive in the legislature, and now they'll be expected to advance their agenda, which in some instances are actually completely unworkable.  Should their views on taxation advance, for instance, it'll bankrupt local governments and reduce Wyoming to an overall sort of Appalachia in terms of government services.

Additionally, the hypocrisy of Wyoming positions on the Federal government will rapidly come to the forefront.  Can we really give the US government the middle finger, while accepting highway and disaster money?

Are we going to fight wildlands fires on our own?

Indeed, the Wyoming Freedom Caucus may be the biggest  gift to the Wyoming Democratic Party imaginable.

In the meantime, it's the outgoing legislature, not the incoming one, that's working on bills for the 2025 session.  These are the ones being considered right now.


Select Committee on Blockchain, Financial Technology and Digital Innovation Technology

Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions

Minerals, Business & Economic Development

October 4, 2024.

November 17, 2024

Small coal fired power plants? 


November 19, 2025

Making driver's licenses busier:

November 26, 2024

Looming disaster:

Wyoming Freedom Caucus poised for nation’s first statehouse takeover

Headline in the Tribune.


Freedom Caucus in control of the House.  Uff.

December 5, 2024

A bill to incentivize utilities to take steps in regard to wildfires in exchange for liability limitations has failed in committee.

December 9, 2024
December 11, 2024

The Freedom Caucus has taken over committee assignments.