Showing posts with label First Around The World Flight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label First Around The World Flight. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2024

Saturday, September 13, 1924. Pershing retires.

Gen. John J. Pershing, having obtained 64 years of age, retired from active duty in the U.S. Army.  64 was the upper age then allowed for Army service.

Pershing would continue to be influential in military circles during World War Two.

Major General John L. Hines became Chief of Staff of the Army.

The French allowed those deported from the Ruhr to return.

September 13, 1924. World flyers and their girlfriends.

Last edition:

Friday, September 12, 1924. Second Assyrian Uprising and National Defense Day.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Tuesday, September 9, 1924. Waiting in the rain.

The League of Nations began drafting a plan to take over the supervision of German disarmament.

The Hanapēpē Massacre occurred on Kaua'i when a dispute broke out between police were called to a dispute at a labor striked and arrived with arrest warrants sparking resistance.  Sixteen Filipino laborers and four policemen were killed.

The US, UK Japan and Italy deployed troops in Shanghai as it appeared that a Chinese civil war was imminent.

President Coolidge, after waiting for four hours in the rain, met the aviators circumnavigating the world at Boling Field.

Last edition:

Monday, September 8, 1924. Landing at Long Island. Beauties in Casper. Gunning down the mistress in Texas.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Monday, September 8, 1924. Landing at Long Island. Beauties in Casper. Gunning down the mistress in Texas.

The U.S. Army's around the world flight, that is the surviving aircraft of it, landed at Mitchel Field on Long Island.

The Prince of Wales was there to greet them.

The Casper papers reported on the big aviation event.

The Casper Daily Tribune also reported on the Princess Petrolia Ball.

The Casper Herald, a morning paper, noted that the flight would be coming, but headlined with other news.

Last edition:

Sunday, September 7, 1924. Infernos.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Friday September 5, 1924. Back in the US.

The three surviving U.S. Army aircraft attempting to fly around the world,  the Chicago, New Orleans and Boston, reentered U.S. airspace near Brunswick Maine in a dense fog.

President Coolidge gave a press conference.

Press Conference, September 5, 1924

Last edition:

Wednesday. September 3, 1924. The massacre at Taif.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Sunday, August 31, 1924. Back in North America.

The around the world flyers landed at Indian Harbour, Labrador (which was not yet part of Canada), thereby having arrived again in North America.

United with Newfoundland, Labrador would not become part of Canada until 1949.

Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich of Russia proclaimed himself heir to the Russian throne.

Wine was released, which featured Clara Bow in her first leading role.

Last edition:

Saturday, August 30, 1924. Late summer scenes.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Saturday, August 23, 1924. Princess Petrolia. Refinery expansion in Glenrock.


The Wyoming obsession with petroleum was much in evidence in the Saturday paper, with a beauty pageant title named after the stuff.

Glenrock's refinery was being expanded.

It no longer exists.

And the Italian air crew, which did survive ditching in the Atlantic, was reported as still missing.

Last edition:

Friday, August 22, 1924. Marxist harassing Marx.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Thursday, August 21, 1924. Making it to Greenland.

U.S. Army Lieutenants Lowell Smith and and the appropriately named and Swedish born Erik Nelson landed in Frederiksdah, Greenland at Frederiksdal.

Competitors Antonio Locatelli and a crew of three of Italy, went down in the sea in Greenland and were later by the USS Richmond (CL-9).

Nelson went on to a long career in the Air Force and retired in 1946.  He passed away in Hawaii in 1970.  Smith, who had served in the Mexican Revolution under Pancho Villa, did as well, but his life was not as long, dying in 1945 as the result of a injuries sustained in a horse accident.  He was 53.

President Coolidge wrote a letter to the National Negro Business League promising support for African American Constitutional rights.

Last edition:

Tuesday, August 19, 1924. Expecting a big vote.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Monday, August 4, 1924. Around the world disruptions.

Women commenced competing in an Olympic type event, the Women's International and British Games, for the first time. 

A British attempt to fly around the world ended with the plane crashing in the Bering Sea, while a US plan suffered a similar fate in the Atlantic.

Last edition

Sunday, August 3, 1924. German memorial day.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Sunday, August 3, 1924. German memorial day.

Germany observed its first memorial day.  

German communists disrupted a noontime two minutes of silence, with German police moving in to restore order.

Jewish Berliners held a separate service in the memory of Jewish German soldiers who were killed during the war, as a Jewish cleric was not allowed to deliver a prayer at the Reichstag ceremony held that day.

Soviet agents raided Stolpce Poland in a mission to free two members of the Communist Party of Western Belarus.  Seven Polish policemen were killed but the Soviet mission failed and would cause a reassessment of such attacks.

An American plane had made the leap to Iceland in the around the world flight:

It was a Sunday paper, so it had some human interest ones, including the following one, which I"m not sure I grasp:

King Amanullah Khan of Afghanistan, declared a jihad against six tribes who had commenced the Khost rebellion.

Ja'far al-Askari resigned as Prime Minister of Iraq in protest of the Constituent Assembly voting to ratify the Anglo-Iraqi Treaty approving the terms of the Mandate for Mesopotamia and making Iraq a British protectorate.

British novelist Joseph Conrad died.

Last edition:

Wednesday, July 24, 1924. Around the world flight reaches the Orkneys.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Saturday, July 26, 1924. Other around the world flights.

Argentinian pilot Pedro Zanni and mechanic Felipe Beltrame began their rather belated attempt to fly around the world.

Larry Estridge became the last person to win the World Colored Middleweight Championship, defeating title holder Panama Joe Gans in a 10-round bout at Yankee Stadium.  Segregation of titles by race would thereafter rightfully be abandoned.

The KKK held a rally in Issaquah, Washington that drew at least 13,000 people.

The weekly magazines were out.

The Saturday Evening Post with a girl who had a scouting uniform of some type, or perhaps was wearing an oddly colored representation of  Navy white shirt, with red instead of blue.

Country Gentleman had a classic of a draft team.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Wednesday, July 16, 1924. First news story on Big Foot to go nationwide.


BY JORG TOTSGI, CLALLAM TRIBE, Editor of the Real American, Hoquiam Washington.

HOQUIAM, Wash., July 15. — (Special.) — The big apes reported to have bombarded a shack of prospectors at Mount St. Helens, are recognized by Northwestern Indians as none other than the Seeahtik Tribe of Indians. Seeahtik is a Clallam pronunciation. All other tribes of the Northwest pronounce it Seeahtkeh. Northwestern Indians have long kept the history of the Seeahtik Tribe a secret, because the tribe is the skeleton in the Northwestern Indians’ closet. Another reason the Indians have never divulged the existence of this tribe is that the Northwestern Indians know the white man would not believe the stories regarding the Seeahtik Tribe.

These facts are corroborated by Henry Napoleon, Clallam Tribe; L.J. James, Lummi Tribe; George Hyasman, Quinault Tribe.


Every Indian, especially of the Puget Sound Tribes, is familiar with the history of these strange giant Indians, as they are sometimes referred to by local Indians. Shaker Indians of Northwestern Oregon, who attended the Shakers’ convention on the Skokomish Reservation on Hood Canal last year, related to the writer their experience with the Seeahtik Indians.

Oregon and Washington Indians agree that the Seeahtik Indians are not less than seven feet tall and some have been seen that were fully eight feet in height. They have hairy bodies like a bear. This is to protect them from the cold as they live entirely in the mountains. They kill their game entirely by hypnotism. They have great supernatural powers. They also have the gift of ventriloquism, and have deceived many ordinary Indians by throwing their voices.


These Indians talk, beside the bear language of the Clallam Tribe and the bird language. The writer was told by Oregon Indians during his research work among them last year that the Seeahtik Tribe can imitate any bird of the Northwest, especially the bluejay, and that they have a very keen sense of smell. Oregon Indians at times have been greatly humiliated by the Seeahtiks’ vulgar sense of humor.

The Seeahtiks play practical jokes upon them and steal their Indian Women. Sometimes an Indian Woman comes back. More often she does not, and it is even said by some Northwestern Indians that they have a strain of the Seeahtik blood in them. Oregon and Washington Indians differ in regard to the Seeahtiks’ home. The Oregon Indians assert they made their home in or near Mount Rainier, while the Puget Sound Indians say they live in the heart of the wilderness at Vancouver Island, B.C.


Henry Napoleon of the Clallam Tribe came upon one of the members of the Seeahtik Tribe while out hunting on Vancouver Island. He related this story to the writer:

“I had been visting relatives near Duncan, B.C. and while there I had been told many stories of the Seeahtiks by the Cowichan Tribe of British Columbia and warned by them not to go too far into the wilderness. However, in following a buck I had wounded I went in farther than I expected. It was at twilight when I came across an animal that I believed to be a big bear but as I aimed at him with my gun he looked and spoke to me in my own tongue. He was about seven feet tall and his body was very hairy. As he invited me to sit down, he told me that I had come upon him unaware and that his mind had been projected to distant relatives of his, otherwise he (Mr. Napolean) would never have been seen.”


“After we talked for some time he invited me to the Seeahtik’s home. Though it was now dark, yet the giant Indian followed the trail very easily; then we began an underground trail and after hours of travel we came to a large cave, which he said was the home of his people, and that they lived during the winter in the different caves on Vancouver Island.

He also told me that the reason they were not seen very much was because they had a strange medicine that they rubbed over their bodies so that it made them invisible and that combined with their wha-ktee-nee-sing or hypnotic powers, made them very strong Tamanaweis men. They also told me that they could talk almost any Indian language of the Northwest. The next day they led me out and just at twilight I came out of the underground trail and they accompanied me to within a mile of the Indian village I was staying at.”


The Seeahtik Tribe is harmless if left alone. However, if one of their members is injured or killed they generally take 12 lives for the one. This the Indians of the Northwest have learned, and even though the Seeahtik Tribe steal all their dried meat or salmon, or even steal their women, the Puget Sound Indians will not try to retaliate, for once the Clallam Tribe in righteous indignation captured a young man of the Seeahtik Tribe at Seabeck Wash., and took him across the Hood Canal to Brinnon, where other Clallam Indians were camped.

Kwainchtun, the writer’s own grandfather, kept telling the Clallams to be careful of the Seeahtik’s supernatural powers, but he was only laughed at. It was later told by Kwainchtun, that while they were still 20 yards from the shore the young Seeahtik made a mighty leap and immediately made for the mountains.


Kwainchtun warned his people that they should move but again he was laughed at. That very night the Seeahtik Tribe came down and killed every Clallam there but Kwainchtun, who had moved his family across the canal. The Oregon and Washington Indians of the present believed that the Seeahtik Tribe was just about extinct, as it was 15 years ago since their tracks were last seen and recognized at Brinnon, Wash., where the giant Indians came every Fall to fish for salmon in the Brinnon River.

However, Fred Pope of the Quinault Tribe and George Hyasman were fishing for steelheads about 15 miles up the Quinault River, one day in September four years ago, when they were visited by Seeahtik Indians. Mr. Hyasman said he heard and recognized their peculiar whistling before they approached us and in the morning we found that they had stolen all the steelheads we had caught. Therefore, the Indians of the Northwest after reading an account of the “big apes” attacking a prospector’s shack immediately recognized the Indians referred to in The Oregonian as the Seeahtiks, or giant Indians.

Some Indians of the Northwest say that during the process of evolution, when the Indian was changing from animal to man that the Seeahilk did not absorb the “Tamanaweis” or soul power, and thus he became an anomaly in the Indian’s process of evolution.

Their sence of humor is vulgar and obscene as many ordinary Indians have told the writer, therefore, the Northwestern Indian is ashamed of this tribe, which is generally referred to as the skeleton in the Northwestern Indian’s closet.

The Oregonian, July 16, 1924.

The story was then picked up by the Associated Press. 

US flyers flew from Paris to London.

The London Conference opened to address the Dawes Plan.

Last edition:

Tuesday, July 15, 1924. The Free State frees prisoners.