Showing posts with label 18th Congress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 18th Congress. Show all posts

Monday, March 4, 2024

Thursday, March 4, 1824. The 18th Congress convenes.

The National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck was founded in the United Kingdom.  It became The Royal National Lifeboat Institution in 1858.

Florida Territorial Governor William Duval signed a proclamation designating Tallahassee as the new territorial capital.

Cockade of the "Republicans", based on the cockade worn by French Revolutionaries. By Angelus - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The 18th Congress of the United States convened.  There were 48 Senators, with the Majority being members of the Democratic Republicans.  There were 213 Congressmen, and they were in fact all men, with the majority also being Democratic Republicans.  Henry Clay, a legendary legislator, was the Speaker of the House.

The Democratic Republicans called themselves the Republicans in reality, with the latter term being a later historical innovation.  They were also the Jeffersonian Republican Party.  They stood for liberalism, republicanism, individual liberty, equal rights, decentralization, free markets, free trade, agrarianism, and sympathy with the French Revolution, the latter of which as a disaster and can be regarded as the father of disastrous 20th Century revolutions. The party became increasingly dominant after 1800 when the Federalist Party collapsed.  It was a progenitor of the Democratic Party.