Showing posts with label Nellie Tayloe Ross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nellie Tayloe Ross. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Thursday, January 15, 1925. Trotsky gets canned, Ross addresses the legislature.

Stalin fired Trotsky as head of the Soviet military.

Oh oh. . . 

Frankly, it made sense.  Trotsky has bizarrely retained cult of personality due to the James Dean Effect, but he was more radical in terms of the forced expansion of Communism than Stalin was, and his recent military schemes had been failures.  Moreover, leaving him in power in any sense was ultimately going to lead to a power struggle between him, and Stalin.

Nellie Tayloe Ross addressed the legislature.

Last edition:

Monday, January 12, 1925. Ordering Thompsons.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

January 5, 1925. Nellie Tayloe Ross sworn in as Governor.

Today In Wyoming's History: January 51925 Nellie T. Ross succeeded her late husband as governor of Wyoming, becoming the first female governor in U.S. history. She won her first election easily, but was narrowly defeated in the 1926 election during which her refusal to campaign for herself and her support of prohibition hurt her. She later went on to be Superintendent of Mints in the Franklin Roosevelt Administration. She's an interesting political figure in that not only was she the first woman governor in the US, but her career was accidental. Never well off financially, keeping her career going was a necessity from the very onset, as her husband had borrowed money from his life insurance policy in order to run for governor. She lived to be 101 years old.

Ross was a Democrat, and man of today's GOP firebrands in the state probably are only dimly aware of her.  They'd likely regard her with deep suspicion, sadly.

Her address:

Gino Sarrocchi and Alessandro Casati, members of the Italian Liberal Party turned in their resignations from Mussolini's Cabinet.

Last edition:

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Wednesday, November 5, 1924. Expelled from the Forbidden City.

The news of the election hit the papers.

The former Emperor of China, Puyi, was expelled from the Forbidden City by Gen. Feng Yuxiang who unilaterally revoked the Articles of Favourable Treatment of the Great Qing Emperor after His Abdication

Puyi lived a tragic life, having been born into the anachronism of the Chinese Empire at a time it was collapsing.  He'd go on to be Emperor of Manchukuo, the Japanese puppet state in Manchuria, a prisoner of the Soviet Union, a prisoner of the Red Chinese, and finally, a gardener.  He died in 1967 at age 61.

President Coolidge made a Thanksgiving proclamation:

We approach that season of the year when it has been the custom for the American people to give thanks for the good fortune which the bounty of Providence, through the generosity of nature, has visited upon them. It is altogether a good custom. It has the sanction of antiquity and the approbation of our religious convictions. In acknowledging the receipt of Divine favor, in contemplating the blessings which have been bestowed upon us, we shall reveal the spiritual strength of the nation.

The year has been marked by a continuation of peace whereby our country has entered into a relationship of better understanding with all the other nations of the earth. Ways have been revealed to us by which we could perform very great service through the giving of friendly counsel, through the extension of financial assistance, and through the exercise of a spirit of neighborly kindliness to less favored peoples. We should give thanks for the power which has been given into our keeping, with which we have been able to render these services to the rest of mankind.

At home we have continually had an improving state of the public health. The production of our industries has been large and our harvests have been bountiful. We have been remarkably free from disorder and remarkably successful in all those pursuits which flourish during a state of domestic peace. An abundant prosperity has overspread the land. We shall do well to accept all these favors and bounties with a becoming humility, and dedicate them to the service of the righteous cause of the Giver of all good and perfect gifts. As the nation has prospered let all the people show that they are worthy to prosper by rededicating America to the service of God and man.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States of America, hereby proclaim and fix Thursday, the twenty-seventh day of November, as a day for National Thanksgiving. I recommend that the people gather in their places of worship, and at the family altars, and offer up their thanks for the goodness which has been shown to them in such a multitude of ways. Especially I urge them to supplicate the Throne of Grace that they may gather strength from their tribulations, that they may gain humility from their victories, that they may bear without complaining the burdens that shall be placed upon them, and that they may be increasingly worthy in all ways of the blessings that shall come to them.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

DONE at the city of Washington this fifth day of November in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-ninth.

Last edition:

Tuesday, November 4, 1924. Ross and Coolidge win.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Tuesday, November 4, 1924. Ross and Coolidge win.

Today In Wyoming's History: November 4

1924 Nellie Tayloe Ross of Wyoming was elected the nation's first woman governor, when she was elected in a special election to fill the term of her late husband, who had been governor. She would serve until 1927, when she would leave office after having narrowly lost the 1926 election. She refused to campaign in either election, but remained popular nonetheless. Her 1926 loss is likely attributable to her refusal to campaign, which her opponent did do, and her strong support for Prohibition. She would later serve in Franklin Roosevelt's administration and Truman administration as the head of the United States Mint.
1924  Calvin Coolidge elected President.

Coolidge took 52% of the Wyoming vote, but showing a strong remaining progressive/populist streak, Robert LaFollette of the Progressive Party took second place with 32%.  The Democratic candidate, the forgotten John Davis, took the balance.

Last Edition:

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Monday, November 3, 1924. Election Eve.

Both Calvin Coolidge and John W. Davis made radio appeals to the nation.

More locally, a big contest was about to be resolved.

I'll be nearly everyone who could, listened in.

General Feng Yuxiang's troops entered Tianjin.

Locally, the Gladstone was opening.

It stand empty today, and for sale.

Ironically, in the Yellowstone District, just a few blocks away, an elevator shaft for a six story apartment building just went up.

Last edition

Sunday, November 2, 1924. Huang Fu became the acting President of the Republic of China.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Tuesday, October 14, 1924. The 1924 Wyoming Special Election takes sides.

The sides for the 1924 Wyoming special election, necessitated by the death of Governor Ross, had been chosen.

The Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, now Tajikistan was created as a partially self-governing entity with the new Uzbek SSR in the USSR.

Last edition:

Monday, October 13, 1924. Mecca captured.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Thursday, October 2, 1924. The death of Governor William B. Ross.

Today In Wyoming's History: October 21924  Governor William B. Ross died while in office .  His wife, Nellie Tayloe Ross, would become the US's first women governor the month thereafter when she won in a special election in spite of not campaigning.  She would serve only until 1926, however, when she would loose a subsequent election.

Secretary of State Frank Lucas became interim Governor.

His widow, Nellie Tayloe Ross, would be forever remembered as the first female governor in the United States, but her life was full of tragedy. The Ross' had lost a baby.  Of two three surviving sons, James A. Ross was killed a car accident near Saratoga in 1928 at age 25.  Only George Tayloe Ross survived of their children, going on to be a lawyer in New York.  He died in 1991.

The Geneva Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes received preliminary approval at the League of Nations.

The location of Ft. Caspar had been marked.

Last edition: