Showing posts with label Propaganda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Propaganda. Show all posts

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Pandemic Part 10. A new paradigm?


February 17, 2022

The Center for Disease Control estimates that, taking the massive spread of Omicron around the country into account and the final relatively high vaccination rate in the country, 73% of the nation is now immune from the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2, i.e. COVID 19.

Nobody is really sure exactly what that means.  But it might mean that we're entering a phase where the virus doesn't disappear, but it's much less disruptive to society.

It's still the case, however, that it remains a danger for the unvaccinated.

March 1, 2022

Wyoming's public health emergency shall expire on March 14.

March 21, 2022

A new variant of Omicron has developed, which is about 30% more transmissible than the already more transmissible Omicron.  It's spiking in Europe and in Hong Kong has caused an outbreak with a massive death rate, mostly concentrated in the unvaccinated elderly.

China has reported its first deaths in many months.

According to experts, the world is about 50% through the probable course of the pandemic.

April 14, 2022

Over 1,000,000 Americans have now died from the COVID 19.

July 22, 2022

President Biden has COVID 19.

At this point, two members of our four member family also have, with one having had it quite recently and finding it awful, but being grateful accordingly for having been vaccinated.

A new, more traditional type of vaccine, has now been approved.

September 20, 2022

On 60 Minutes over the weekend, President Biden stated; "The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID. We're still doing a lot of work on it. But the pandemic is over."  The HHS Secretary later confirmed that position.

Epidemiologically, it isn't over, but then neither is the plague's pandemic either.  The statement has been criticized, with 400 people per day dying of the disease, but by and large it reflects the mood of the public which has largely gone back to a new post Covid introduction, world in which COVID 19 is part of the background.

December 15, 2022

The new defense spending authorization includes a requirement that the Secretary of Defense rescind vaccination requirements for troops because, well because that's the idiotic sort of thing that politicians like to stick into bills.

All of the troops should be vaccinated.

December 24, 2022

China, which has not accepted western vaccines, reported 37,000,000 new vaccinations in a single day.

January 2, 2023

A new variant of Omicron, XBB.1.5, now makes up 40% of the new cases in the U.S.

And Covid is still killing.

January 20, 2023

Governor Gordon Tests Positive for COVID-19

CHEYENNE, Wyo. –  Governor Mark Gordon has received results of a COVID-19 test that showed he is positive for the virus. The Governor is experiencing only minor symptoms at this time and will continue working from home on behalf of Wyoming. 

March 1, 2023

The Washington Post broke a story that the Department of Energy issued a report believing, with "low confidence", that the SARS-CoV-2 virus originated in a Chinese lab.

A really good analysis of this story can be found here:  

Why Scientists, Lawmakers & Diplomats Care Where COVID Began

In actuality, the Biden Administration early on ordered governmental intelligence agencies to get to the bottom of the virus' origin.  Eight intelligence agencies were assigned to the tasks, two of which have concluded, but with confidence doubts, that the virus was natural in origin. Two, we know now, felt the opposite, with it already known since 2021 what the FBI felt, with "moderate confidence" that the origin was a Chinese lab.  Two just haven't reported.

None of this kept some from claiming that it's now proven that the virus originated in the lab.

FWIW, private scientists, as opposed to intelligence agencies, overwhelmingly feel that it originated due to animal transfer in the Wuhan market.

March 18, 2023

Recent evidence points to raccoon dogs at the Wuhan market as the source.

April 11, 2023

President Biden declared the COVID emergency to be over.

August 22, 2023

Declared over or not, two new strains are on the loose and a new booster should be available mid September.

April 12, 2024

The CDC has found there's no link between the COVID vaccines and cardiac arrest in young people.

Not that this is a surprise.

It'll make no difference in the anti-scientific atmosphere of the day. A society that can believe that legalizing marijuana, which is largely untested and wholly unregulated, and that Donald Trump won hte 2020 election, will still believe that the vaccine is risky, but cause it wishes to.

June 15, 2024

Reuters has revealed that during the height of the pandemic, the US ran an anti-vax campaign in the Philippines to try to undermine Chinese efforts there.

There's no excuse for that whatsoever.

November 18, 2024

January 26, 2025

The Central Intelligence Agency revised its report on the origin of COVID reporting, with low confidence, that a Chinese laboratory is to blame.

This was a report that was completed during the Biden Administration and was just now released.  It's being released now is unfortunate, in that it comes during the Trump Interregnum which is packed with people who generally have a contempt for science, which this will slightly fuel if anyone notices it given all the distraction at the present time.  Most Scientists think the most likely hypothesis is that it circulated in bats, like many coronaviruses, before infecting another species.

Last prior installment:

Pandemic Part 9. Omicron becomes dominant

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Friday, April 26, 2024

Wednesday, April 26, 1944. Pyrrihic Kidnapping.

Example of wartime propaganda aimed at the Japanese.

In a mission months in the making, members of the SOE and Cretan resistance kidnapped Heinrich Kreipe.

Originally directed at Gen. Friedrich-Wilhelm Müller as a reprisal for actions committed under his orders, Kreipe had succeeded him by the time the SOE team arrived.  Kreipe's kidnapping would cause Müller to return and order mass reprisals, something that had not occurred under Kreipe.

In short, it was a pointless action and poorly thought out, with ultimately tragic results.

Kreipe would be reunited with his kidnappers in a 1972 Greek television program.

In New Guinea, American beachheads at Tanahmerah Bay and Humboldt Bay were linked up.  Australian forces took Alexishafen.

The Yoshida Maru No. 1 was sunk by the USS Jack resulting in the loss of 2,669 men.

The U-488 was sunk off of Cape Verde by the U.S. Navy.

The I-180 was sunk off of Chirikof Island by the USS Gilmore.

The Royal Navy, in an effort to attack the Tirpitz which failed due to weather, found a coastal convoy instead and sunk three ships  in it.

The POW camp in Hoopeston, Illinois, received its first prisoners.

Last prior edition:

Tuesday, April 25, 1944. The Blood for Goods deal extended, Air disaster at Montreal, the death of George Herriman.

Friday, October 13, 2023

The Agrarian's Lament: Somehow unsettling.

The Agrarian's Lament: Somehow unsettling.

Somehow unsettling.

Okay, I regard myself as an agrarian, and I am a Catholic, but I've worked sheep (many yeas ago), and I've worked cattle a lot.

And I don't ever recall anyone working sheep or cattle dressed like this and looking so darned clean.

Images like this, while beautiful in their own way (and the female subject doesn't look too bad either), really distort agriculture.  

It's a minor matter, but a little creepy somehow.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Sunday, August 22, 1943. Gertie from Berlin.

Irish army recruiting poster during World War Two.  Note the odd shade of the uniform, which was a very grass shade of green, a color unique to the Irish Army, but well suited for the island nation.  This depiction shows an Irish soldier after the adoption of the British style helmet, which came at the UK's request.  Before that the Irish had used a British Vicker's produced version of the German M1916 helmet, which was in fact a better pattern.  Ireland had a hard time staffing its Army during "the Emergency" as military aged men joined the British Army in such large numbers.

Sarah Sundin reports, on her blog:

Today in World War II History—August 22, 1943: German 10th Army is activated in southern Italy under Gen. Heinrich von Vietinghoff. 
In the Mediterranean, all fighter groups and medium bomb groups in the US Ninth Air Force are transferred to the Twelfth Air Force.

The Germans began to withdraw from Kharkiv to avoid encirclement.

Andrei Gromyko was named Ambassador to the United States, replacing Maxim Litvinov who had returned to the Soviet Union under Stalin's orders in May.  Gromyko was Belarusian.

US forces occupied islands in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands including Nukufetau and Namumea without opposition.

George S. Patton thanked the troops of his Army for their efforts in Sicily, noting:

As a result of this combined effort, you have killed or captured 113,350 enemy troops. You have destroyed 265 of his tanks, 2324 vehicles, and 1162 large guns, and, in addition, have collected a mass of military booty running into hundreds of tons.

English language German radio propagandist "Gertie from Berlin" was revealed to be Gertrude Hahn, a native of Pittsburgh who had gone to Germany in 1938 when her family returned to their native country.

The United Islamic Society of America formed in Newark, New Jersey.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Thursday, August 19, 1943. The United States and the UK promise not to nuke each other.

The Quebec Agreement, concerning nuclear weapons, was agreed upon between the US and the UK.

August 19, 1943

The Citadel, Quebec.

Articles of Agreement Governing Collaboration Between The Authorities of the U.S.A. and the U.K. in the Matter of Tube Alloys

Whereas it is vital to our common safety in the present War to bring the Tube Alloys project to fruition at the earliest moments; and 

Whereas this maybe more speedily achieved if all available British and American brains and resources are pooled; and 

Whereas owing to war conditions it would be an improvident use of war resources to duplicate plants on a large scale on both sides of the Atlantic and therefore a far greater expense has fallen upon the United States;

It is agreed between us

First, that we will never use this agency against each other.

Secondly, that we will not use it against third parties without each other's consent.

Thirdly, that we will not either of us communicate any information about Tube Alloys to third parties except by mutual consent.

Fourthly, that in view of the heavy burden of production falling upon the United States as the result of a wise division of war effort, the British Government recognize that any post-war advantages of an industrial or commercial character shall be dealt with as between the United States and Great Britain on terms to be specified by the President of the United States to the Prime Minister of Great Britain. The Prime Minister expressly disclaims any interest in these industrial and commercial aspects beyond what may be considered by the President of the United States to be fair and just and in harmony with the economic welfare of the world.

And Fifthly, that the following arrangements shall be made to ensure full and effective collaboration between the two countries in bringing the project to fruition:

(a) There shall be set up in Washington a Combined Policy Committee composed of:

The Secretary of War. (United States)

Dr. Vannevar Bush.  (United States)

Dr. James B. Conant.  (United States)

Field-Marshal Sir John Dill, G.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.  (United Kingdom)

Colonel the Right Hon. J. J. Llewellin, C.B.E., M.C., M.P.  (United Kingdom)

The Honourable C. D. Howe.  (Canada)

The functions of this Committee, subject to the control of the respective Governments, will be:

(1) To agree from time to time upon the programme of work to be carried out in the two countries.

(2) To keep all sections of the project under constant review.

(3) To allocate materials, apparatus and plant, in limited supply, in accordance with the requirements of the programme agreed by the Committee.

(4) To settle any questions which may arise on the interpretation or application of this Agreement.

(b) There shall be complete interchange of information and ideas on all sections of the project between members of the Policy Committee and their immediate technical advisers.

(c) In the field of scientific research and development there shall be full and effective interchange of information and ideas between those in the two countries engaged in the same sections of the field.

(d) In the field of design, construction and operation of large-scale plants, interchange of information and ideas shall be regulated by such ad hoc arrangements as may, in each section of the field, appear to be necessary or desirable if the project is to be brought to fruition at the earliest moment. Such ad hoc arrangements shall be subject to the approval of the Policy Committee.

Aug. 19th 1943


Franklin D. Roosevelt

Winston S. Churchill

Tube alloys were atomic weapons.

The Italians began to negotiate with the Allies in Lisbon, bargaining for a surrender.

The Australian Army prevailed in a three-month series of actions on New Guinea known as the e Battle of Bobdubi

The U.S. Office of War Information released the film "Black Marketing".

Saturday, May 20, 2023

The blaring of the propoganda bugle.

Wyoming Rep. John Bear writes, "It was the Speaker’s decision to create an Appropriations Committee consisting only of socially liberal legislators from big cities, and now it appears that the President of the Senate sees some benefit in a Senate Appropriations committee loyal to the Uniparty’s cause as well.

John Bear, head of the Freedom Caucus, in the Cowboy State Daily.

There is no Uniparty.

A person would be hard-pressed to find a single "socially liberal legislator", let alone one from a "big city", in the State Legislature. 

I note this as this is the current drumbeat of the Freedom Caucus, and it's a fantasy.  A better case could be made that the Freedom Caucus is not made up of Republicans, as it doesn't reflect traditional Wyoming Republican values.  Of course, Bear isn't a Wyomingite, being a transplant.

The problem with false propaganda, however, is that people will believe it, including those spouting it.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Wait a moment, did you just compare Tucker Carlson to Joseph Goebbels?

Fox political columnists at work.

Why yes, I did. Thank you for noticing.

I did that here:

German propagandist Joseph Goebbels wrote in his diary

The anti-Bolshevik theme is the best horse in the stable.

Goebbels' comments are something that are frighteningly relevant in our current society.  Communism was the enemy of mankind, but so was Nazism.  Indeed, they both shared the common trait of mass murder as a central element of their ethos, which gave the regimes an odd sense of being constantly imperiled by huge plots, in their view, which necessitated murder, in their view, which in turn made millions of people culpable, and therefore loyal, through guilt.  

Victory or Bolshevism was the theme of this poster, which ironically portrayed starving Germans in the manner of which recalls Holocaust victims.  After 1943 the theme of this poster was in fact becoming increasingly true, although victory was no longer possible, as the Red Army was now advancing toward the German frontier.  Germans would have recalled that being a threat during the Russo Polish War of the early 1920s, when Trotsky seriously imagined entering Germany after defeating Poland, but now it was rapidly becoming an inevitability, which the German government implicitly acknowledged through this poster.  In fact, the German government would take no action to withdraw the civilian population from Prussia, although individual German commanders sometimes did, which mean that thousands of German men were shot and tens of thousands of German women raped when the Red Army entered the country.  The final months of the war would be a combat blood bath as German soldiers often went down fighting attempting to let the civilian population get out, a situation which was brought upon them by a barbarous Nazi government.

The Nazis, right from the onset, portrayed themselves as the cultural defenders against Communism, which made many forget, and then adopt, their radical views which were not "conservative" in any real sense. After reaching an accord with the Soviets just prior to World War Two, this was downplayed, but it was ramped back up again prior to Operation Barbarossa and kept at a fever pitch through the remainder of the war.  The message to Germans was that the Nazis were the only defense of Western culture against an "alien" Communism, although Communism itself was originally a German movement.  The message was sufficient for many Germans, including high ranking ones, to put aside their doubts about Nazism on the basis that it seemed to be, based upon what they were hearing, their only alternative to Communism.

Of course, for millions of Germans, the end of the war and Germany's fighting it out past mid 1943 would bring Communism to them.

By way of contemporary analogy, millions of Americans today have been listening, and continue to, to populist propagandist who spread lies and whip up panic over their being the only alternative to "wokeism".  Tucker Carlson and his ilk portray the far populist right as the only means of combating a host of truly concerning liberal ideas.  By espousing lies, they bring those ideas closer to implementation.

Oh my, some are thinking, how could you compare a "conservative" "news" figure to an um. . . conservative government figure. ... who, um, is listened to by millions even if his version of the truth isn't the truth, to a person who was listed to by millions whose version of the truth. . . 

Now, a couple of things.

I'm a conservative.

But I have a brain, value the truth, seek reality, think for myself, and accept the truth is the truth, and there's only one truth, not shades of it.

I'm shocked by how some very serious, well-educated people, listen to Tucker Carlson.  He's a propagandist for Trumpism and has openly spouted lies. He still is, and people, amazingly, are still listening to him.  And as I noted, people rightfully scared of some propositions that progressives put forth, such as that DNA doesn't matter, and you can be what you self identify with, are being led down the primrose false path that only Donald Trump, and his band of followers, can save the nation.

Not likely.  Indeed, if history is any guide, extremism ends in the opposite extreme.

Nazi Germany gave us the German Democratic Republic.

Russian Imperial retrenchment gave us the Bolsheviks.

Napoleon Bonaparte gave us the restoration of the French monarchy.

And yet people sit down at the Fox lunch counter, are served up a steaming bowl of scat, and declare it to be delicious prime rib.

How does that happen?

Probably a variety of ways, but perhaps there are three chief amongst them.

One is, and it's probably the majority reason, is that a lot of people conclude things emotionally.  Most people, in fact.  So they base their decisions on that.

The GOP and the Democratic Party ignored the working class in the country for decades, and came to ignore the middle class. And the Democrats grew used to rule by the courts, not democratic rule.  People knew that they didn't believe that Bobby could become Bobbie chemically or that unrestricted immigration didn't help them, or that they personally weren't evil because they owned a gun.  Trump told them that they were right, and that progressives were part of an evil conspiracy of dunces.

So when Trump told them that the conspiracy had stolen the election, even though there was no theft, and he simply lost, having never won the popular vote in the first place, they believed him and some still do.

The way that works is that "I know that I'm right, people who tell me that I'm right are right, so Tucker Carlson must be right".

For some, it isn't even that advanced. They love Trump as he told them what he wanted to hear and they'll go to their graves believing that Trump is some sort of hero.

None of that changes this basic fact.  Whatever the merits of conservatism, or populism (and the latter is not only conservative but liberal as well, both in a radical way) are, Trump is a threat to democracy and without democracy all values are in danger.  People like Trump, or Greene, or Boebert, are threats to the well-being of the nation, and frankly their values, when examined, are swimming in the shallow end of the pool.

Tucker Carlson, however, is something else, entirely. . . .well not entirely. Frankly, a lot of people associated with Trump stink from what they shovel, and Trump certainly does as well.

Tucker Carlson, major league liar.

Recently he was confronted in a fly shop somewhere:

Liar Carlson confronted by irate large customer.


That's an interesting question.

Here's something revealed about Carlson the other day:

Among the documents released Tuesday as part of the $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit filed against Fox News by Dominion Voting Systems was an email from Fox Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch to Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott that the organization was “Still getting mud thrown at us! … Maybe Sean and Laura went too far.”

Two months after the election and just days before Jan. 6, 2021, Fox host Tucker Carlson texted with an unknown Fox employee about how badly he wanted to stop covering President Donald Trump.

“We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights,” Carlson texted Jan. 4, 2021. “I truly can’t wait.”

“I hate him passionately,” Carlson added.

Dan Eggen, Washington Post.

Given that the man is a lying tool, exposing his vile nature in front of his daughter, who would not, it should be noted, be a child, while extreme, may be warranted.  

If your brother sins, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have won over your brother.

If he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, so that ‘every fact may be established on the testimony of two or three witnesses.’

If he refuses to listen to them, tell the church. If he refuses to listen even to the church, then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector.

Mathew 18:15.

Carlson is an Episcopalian, married to the daughter of an Episcopal priest.  He claims to "hate" much about the Episcopal Church, while remaining a member.  The Episcopal Church has, in its mainstream, diluted much of the Christian message and in fact incorporated within its institution in some places those who openly endorse things St. Paul openly condemned.  But it doesn't condone lying.

Maybe calling Carlson a liar in public, and perhaps in front of his family at that, is warranted.  

Maybe it's time to call more of these anti-democratic liars what they are, liars, while at the same time being blunt to politicians and public figures about the other falsehoods they adopt.

For that matter, in public discourse, maybe its even time to do the very difficult. Which would be, for instance, "that Liz Cheney sure is a liar, eh", to say "no, she told the truth, people didn't want to listen" and or "man alive ol' Biden sure caused the price of gas to go up" to say, um, no Putin did..

And with Tucker, all the more so as he's now going on to lie about the nature of the January 6 insurrection.

At some point, the only way to address the publicly vile is to confront them to their face and make the disgusting nature of their behavior known to them publicly.  Carlson's not an idiot, he's lying to people intentionally for some sort of personal advantage.  When there is no advantage to him personally, he'll cease.  

And perhaps he'll repent.

Or he can just go, the functional equivalent of being treated like a tax collector.

Joseph Goebbels shoved out crap for the Nazis, which at least he partially believed himself.  While he didn't loyally serve his wife, having serial affairs, he loyally served Hitler and shoveled out the lies for him.  He and his wife had six children together.

Goebbels, through his propaganda, helped convince the Germans to keep on keeping on in a war which brought the Red Army all the way into Berlin, destroyed Prussia, the largest and most dominant German state, resulted in the rape of perhaps 2,000,000 German women, 100,000 in Berlin alone, and the enslavement of eastern Germany in Communism for decades.  All of this in perpetration of a series of lies, although he no doubt believed some or maybe all of them about German racial superiority and the inferiority of others, particularly the Jewish people.  He and his wife, both of whom cheated on each other, murdered their six children as Berlin collapsed.

Lies have consequences. All of them do.

Big lies have big consequences.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Tuesday, March 9, 1943. Rommel departs. Air Force limits. De La Rocque arrested. Goebbels looks in the Stable. We Will Never Die opens. Mardi Gras.

Erwin Rommel was recalled by Hitler from North Africa and put on medical leave. General Hans-Jürgen von Arnim assumed command of the Afrika Korps, and would remain in command until its surrender.  Effectively, Hitler had rescued Rommel.

Von Arnim.

Von Arnim bore a remarkable resemblance to actor Keenan Wynn, who played Col. "Bat" Guano in Dr. Strangelove.

Wynn, left.

Von Arnim would go into captivity in the UK and then later the U.S.  He would not enter the Bundesheer following its establishment, perhaps due to age, and died in 1962 at age 73.

Sarah Sundin notes on her blog:

Today in World War II History—March 9, 1943: US Eighth Air Force Central Medical Establishment recommends 25-mission combat tour for bomber crewmen and 200 hours or 50 missions for fighter pilots.

Of note, making it through 25 bomber missions at the time was against the odds.  Also, I didn't know that there was a limit for fighter pilots.

De La Rocque.

French right wing political figure François de La Rocque, who had gone from accepting the French surrender and Petain's rule to being a secret opponent of it and founder of a right wing resistance movement, was arrested by the Germans. Regarded by some as a precursor to de Gaulle, he would survive the war and die in 1946 at age 60.

De La Rocque had interestingly gone from the far right into moderation prior to the war, first being part of the Croix de Feu and then being a founder of the French Social Party.  The latter party was a combination of conservative and corporatist, but it was not anti-democratic. Some credit it with giving the French middle class an alternative to fascism, thereby preventing fascism from rising in France.

German poster in Dutch, part of an effort to recruit occupied Europeans to German arms out of fear of Communism.

German propagandist Joseph Goebbels wrote in his diary

The anti-Bolshevik theme is the best horse in the stable.

Goebbels' comments are something that are frighteningly relevant in our current society.  Communism was the enemy of mankind, but so was Nazism.  Indeed, they both shared the common trait of mass murder as a central element of their ethos, which gave the regimes an odd sense of being constantly imperiled by huge plots, in their view, which necessitated murder, in their view, which in turn made millions of people culpable, and therefore loyal, through guilt.  

Victory or Bolshevism was the theme of this poster, which ironically portrayed starving Germans in the manner of which recalls Holocaust victims.  After 1943 the theme of this poster was in fact becoming increasingly true, although victory was no longer possible, as the Red Army was now advancing toward the German frontier.  Germans would have recalled that being a threat during the Russo Polish War of the early 1920s, when Trotsky seriously imagined entering Germany after defeating Poland, but now it was rapidly becoming an inevitability, which the German government implicitly acknowledged through this poster.  In fact, the German government would take no action to withdraw the civilian population from Prussia, although individual German commanders sometimes did, which mean that thousands of German men were shot and tens of thousands of German women raped when the Red Army entered the country.  The final months of the war would be a combat blood bath as German soldiers often went down fighting attempting to let the civilian population get out, a situation which was brought upon them by a barbarous Nazi government.

The Nazis, right from the onset, portrayed themselves as the cultural defenders against Communism, which made many forget, and then adopt, their radical views which were not "conservative" in any real sense. After reaching an accord with the Soviets just prior to World War Two, this was downplayed, but it was ramped back up again prior to Operation Barbarossa and kept at a fever pitch through the remainder of the war.  The message to Germans was that the Nazis were the only defense of Western culture against an "alien" Communism, although Communism itself was originally a German movement.  The message was sufficient for many Germans, including high ranking ones, to put aside their doubts about Nazism on the basis that it seemed to be, based upon what they were hearing, their only alternative to Communism.

Of course, for millions of Germans, the end of the war and Germany's fighting it out past mid 1943 would bring Communism to them.

By way of contemporary analogy, millions of Americans today have been listening, and continue to, to populist propagandist who spread lies and whip up panic over their being the only alternative to "wokeism".  Tucker Carlson and his ilk portray the far populist right as the only means of combating a host of truly concerning liberal ideas.  By espousing lies, they bring those ideas closer to implementation.

We Will Never Die, a Jewish pageant featuring spectacular artwork (copyright protected) on its cover, opened on the East Coast.  It acknowledged that it was held in memory of what it then thought to be Europe's 2,000,000 then Jewish dead, showing that knowledge of the Holocaust was in fact widespread, contrary to what some will claim.

Today was Mardi Gras for 1943.  On the same day, readers of the nation's newspapers learned that the wartime ban on sliced bread had been lifted the prior day.  The ban had been to save steel needed for slicing machines.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Sunday October 5, 1941. Game Four of the 1941 World Series, Louis Brandeis passes away, the sitaution in the East grows grimmer.

I managed to miss the first three games here on the blog.

In game 1, the Yankees beat the Dodgers 3 to 2.  In game 2, the Dodgers beat the Yankees 3 to 2.  In game 3, the Yankees beat the Dodgers 2 to 1.

In this game, the Yankees beat the Dodgers 7 to 4 at Ebbets Field.

You could have listened on the radio, of course, but there were also other things to listen to.

Louis Brandeis, former Supreme Court Justice, died at age 84.  He'd retired from the court in 1939.

Brandeis remains a legend from the court, although probably few people could really define what he stood for now.  He was a progressive when that term had been defined by Theodore Roosevelt's politics. He was appointed to the court by Woodrow Wilson.  He was a wealthy man, but was opposed to consumerism and felt it influence corrupting.  He was also an opponent of big finance and big corporations.  He was personally very reserved.

He was the first Jewish Supreme Court Justice, although his parents were members of the heretical Frankism sect. The rest of his family was not, and it does not appear that Brandeis himself was.  He was married to a cousin of his and had two children.

On the same day, the New York Times ran an article that things were worsening for Jews in Eastern Europe, an understatement if ever there was one, but an understandable understatement given that Western news outlets hadn't had free access to Eastern Europe for twenty years at the time, and the Germans weren't about to give it to them.  Herman Hoth, a German general, was appointed commander of the German 17th Army where he would be a strong proponent of the war of annulation against the Jews and the Communists, whom he made no distinction between.  Hoth was tried after the war for war crimes and tried to excuse his actions as ones that that were sales puffery only, which was quite a stretch.  He served 15 years in prison for war crimes and died in 1971.

Weekly German propaganda poster released on this day in 1941.  The text reads, loosely; "Farmers and Soldiers stand hand in hand together, to give to the Volk their day bread, and to the Reich freedom through room.  The poster is a ghastly perversion of Christian ideals in regard to its reference to "daily bread" and bizarrely has the sword not beat into a plowshare, but anchored to a plot.

Of note, if you were in the West reading the news from this period, it'd have been hard not to conclude the Germans were going to win the war.  Now, of course, we realize that they were already in trouble in the Soviet Union, but that wouldn't have been obvious from reading the newspapers.