Showing posts with label J. D. Vance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label J. D. Vance. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The 2024 Election, Part XXV. The GOP yells "get off my lawn" edition.


The Harris/Trump debate took place last night.  I missed the first 45 or so minutes.

I don't know what happened in that time frame, but in the part I saw, watching Donald Trump was like watching a racoon on crack.

Even Fox News declared Harris the "clear" winner, while whining about ABC moderators fact checking "everything" Trump said. Given that Trump is a massive liar, the fact that they did fact check was a public service.

One newscaster, post debate, stated that it was like watching "an old man yelling at clouds", which apparently is a reference to an episode of the Simpsons.  Apparently Simpson meme's went wild after Trump repeated the J. D. Vance bizarre canard about immigrants stealing pets for food (completely untrue).  Trump specifically stated:

In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs. The people that came in. They’re eating the cats. They’re eating – they’re eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what’s happening in our country, and it’s a shame.

The claim was immediately debunked by moderator David Muir, but people were quick to pick up on it.


And even as the newscaster made the yelling at clouds comment (and also mocked "get off my law") the memes were flying.

A rational party, which the GOP no longer is, would sideline this candidate.  The problem now is, however, that as J. D. Vance went out on a limb and admitted he would have acted illegally in regard to the bogus election claims, he's unfit for office and there's nobody to go to.

Whether it really matters or not is another matter, but post debate Taylor Swift endorsed Harris.

Wyoming's Congressional delegation declared Trump the winner of the debate, which was predictable.  Seriously, however,. if even Fox News states that Harris was clearly the winner . . . 

Last edition

The 2024 Election, Part XXVI. Touching Down

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The 2024 Election, Part XXVI. Touching Down

If a man continually blusters, if he lacks civility, a big stick will not save him from trouble….It is both foolish and undignified to indulge in undue self-glorification, and above all, in loose-tongued denunciation of other peoples.

Theodore Roosevelt, 1901.

August 20, 2024, 7:00 p.m.

And the primary results are in!  We're off and running for the general election.

Of course, the biggest race of the year, pitting a meandering, lying, babbling Donald Trump and his National Conservative running mate J. D. Vance against a fairly committed left wing but cogent ticket made up of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz wasn't on the ballot.  At one time, in Wyoming primaries, you actually did get to voice your opinion on who should run in the Republican or Democratic Party for President, but it was just that, an opinion vote.  The ticket was still chosen at conventions, with the Democratic one being open, and the Republican one being closed.

I guess that was confusing or pointless, so that isn't done anymore.

By way of a full confession, I started typing this out before August 20, and I'm posting right as the polls close, so the first part are predications, but probably fairly safe ones.

John Barrasso, twice endorsed by Trump, will have handily defeated Reid Rasner, who is a genuine Trumpist.  At one time it looked like Rasner had a chance, but Barrasso out Trumped him and easily won.

Barrasso will face Democrat Scott Morrow.

At least that's what I think occurred.

Harriet Hageman I'm sure won race against the Quixotic effort of Steve Helling.  Hopefully Helling quits these races at this point as this is embarrassing.

Hageman will face Kyle Cameron.


Senator Barrasso's  victory was a total blowout.

So was Harriet Hageman's.

Locally, Senator Anderson beat Bryce Reece, but only barely.

Given the campaign Reece ran, that's disappointing.  Reece was backed by what frankly were lies.

The longest serving legislator in the U.S. currently, Sen. Charlie Scott, beat out challenger Rob Hendry handily.

Elissa Campbell took retiring House member Jerry Obermueller's seat, keeping the seat in the rational Republican category.

Julie Jarvis handily defeated incumbent far right controversial populist Jeanette Ward for her House seat.  It'll be interesting to see if this trend crosses the state, and it'll also be interesting to see if Ward moves on.

For County Commissioner in Natrona County incumbent Dave North came out on top followed by new candidate Casey Coates.

For Casper City Council veteran former legislator Pat Sweeney came out on top with incumbent Amber Pollock second for Ward I, which makes for an interesting reentry into politics for Sweeney.

The Natrona County Senior District passed, but only barely.

August 21, 2024

The big new of the night is that the Freedom Caucus, while Ward went down in Casper, gained in the House overall and there will now be a populist House of Representatives, a very bad development for Wyoming.

Wyoming Freedom Caucus Has Huge Republican Primary, Could Gain 11 Seats

To clarify Ward I for Casper, Pat Sweeney, Amber Pollock, Ken Dockweiler and Julie Collins-Thiel, made it through the primary.

The senior district passed by only 110 votes.


Freedom Caucus Firebrand Jeanette Ward Upset For House District 57

Rod Miller: The Wyoming Freedom Caucus Wins Some Big Pots

Of note from Miller's article;

The effective head of the Democratic Party issued an immediate statement:


August 22, 2024

Mary Peltola finished first in Alaska's primary, one of the view in the country which actually makes sense in the modern era.  She got over 50% of the primary vote.

Republican Nick Begich III,  son of a prominent liberal political family in Alaska, who turned right wing and who has been endorsed by the  House Freedom Caucus, came in second with 27 percent and will face Peltola in the general election.

As if having the world's most boring musician artist, James Taylor slated to sing at the DNC, the Democrats had Opera Winfrey speak yesterday.  Winfrey is an example of pop baloney that plagues American culture, on both the left and the right, with her particular bland thick cut left of center baloney.

Bill Clinton, who noted that he's younger than Donald Trump, spoke as well, demonstrating a remarkable political recovery.  Republicans immediately took to social media to attempt to criticize him for his affair with Monica Lewinsky, which of course just serves to point out Donald Trump's behavior with women.  Clinton's flights on Epstein's plan, which did occur, were noted as well, but then Trump flew on it nearly as much.  So the point of the criticism was . . . ."

On Trump, Tammy Duckworth was on one of the weekend shows and outright called Trump a "five time" "draft dodger",  and called him a "draft dodging coward" in a speech at, I believe, the DNC.  Four out of the five deferments Trump had during the war were student deferments.  

It's interesting who the ghosts of the Vietnam War is returning to haunt once again.  I haven't heard somebody use student deferments to equate with draft dodging for years, although I have heard it.

August 23, 2024

Names for the Natrona County Senior District election, just approved, must be submitted by August 30.

And more proof that the National Conservatives may have shot their bolt:

Trump running away from Project 2025 and its authors.

Trump apparently spent a fair amount of the Democratic Convention basically live tweeting it, which is weird.

This showed up on Twitter, where somebody made this comment, so I'm not the only one who has had this reaction:
Am I the only one kinda floored that the GOP candidate for the United States President, is trolling social media like a disgruntled teenage boy who's girlfriend just dumped him? 🙄😬

Robert Kennedy has dropped out of the race and endorsed Trump.

Frankly, I doubt that makes any difference in the race whatsoever.

August 24, 2024

The third place finisher in the Alaska House race dropped out in hopes of throwing the race to the GOP.

And here, a real rambling string of Trump weirdisms:  Babble.

August 25, 2024

Relic of the 1970s Cornel West is not eligible to appear on Pennsylvanian's Presidential election ballot.

August 26, 2024

Trump's now mad at the network hosting the upcoming debate and threatening to back out.

August 27, 2024

The Harris campaign wants to unmute the mikes in the upcoming debate, should it occur.

That was a rule that the Biden team imposed for the last debate, but now its the Trump team that wants to keep it, fearful that Trump's inability to mute himself will sabotage him.

And frankly, Trump has grown increasingly incoherent on occasion, prone to going off on long wondering weird babbling.

On Twitter this morning is a clip of an extremely tired looking Donald Trump (he looks absolutely fatigued) rambling about climate change.

Okay, having lived through the dementia of one of my parents, this is frightening.  He sounds, frankly, like somebody in the early stages of it.

August 28, 2024

There's some sort of lesson in that last one.

One of those is believing your own propaganda.  It had been obvious for months that he was gong to lose.

August 29, 2024

J. D. Vance at a rally stated:
Kamala Harris is disgraceful. We’re going to talk about a story out of those 13 brave, innocent Americans who lost their lives, it’s that Kamala Harris is so asleep at the wheel that she won’t even do an investigation into what happened, and she wants to yell at Donald Trump because he showed up. She can…she can go to hell.
Vance is a co-religious of mine and this statement is sinful.  First of all, telling somebody they can "go to hell" is sinful.  Secondly, this is a lie.  Harris would have had nothing to do with the American withdrawal from Afghanistan as Vice President, which is what this statement is about.  He well knowns that.  Moreover, while the withdrawal was done badly, any withdrawal following Donald Trump's surrendered to the Taliban would have been difficult.

Afghanistan, it might be noted, has been in the news, now that the Taliban is back in control.  Taliban control can be attributed to Donald Trump.  He surrendered.

August 30, 2024

J.D. Vance, who is cutting a pretty wide swath, has been speaking a lot.  I suspect that's because Trump isn't really up to it.

Anyhow, Vance was booed by a firefighters union in Boston and then went on to try to mock Kamala Harris with a video of Miss North Carolina giving a poor answer to a pageant question.  Given Vance's prior cat lady comments, that's drawn the comments that his misogynistic, which were already out there, and ironically the figure he lampooned in that fashion, a Miss North Carolina, is a big Republican supporter. 

And, from another recent Trump address:
Some people don't eat bacon anymore. This was caused by their horrible energy. Wind. They want wind all over the place. When it doesn't blow, we have a problem.
I do the weave. Do you know what the weave is? I’ll talk about 9 different things, and they all come back brilliantly together. And friends of mine that are like English professors say, ‘It’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen, but the fake news say, ‘He rambled.
English professors?

Horse shit.
Well, let's see. First the earth cooled. And then the dinosaurs came, but they got too big and fat, so they all died and they turned into oil. And then the Arabs came and they bought Mercedes Benzes. And Prince Charles started wearing all of Lady Di's clothes. I couldn't believe it. He took her best summer dress, put it on and went to town.
Jacobs, Airplane II.

August 31, 2024

Seemingly feeling the heat, Trump is now against the Florida abortion measure.

Matt Malcom, who lost in the primary, is now suing to get on the ballot as an independent, in his Cheyenne district.  A Wyoming law prohibits a primary loser from doing this.

September 2, 2024

Casper sent out a mailer with its Sixth Cent  proposals:
“Proposition 1: $7,300,000 and interest earned thereon to the City of Casper to reconstruct the aging, failing, and undersized Metro Animal Shelter to better provide for animal health and safety.” (The current shelter is located at 2392 Metro Road.)
“Proposition 2: $5,000,000 and interest earned thereon to the City of Casper to fund a portion of the total construction costs of a second sheet of ice adjacent to the existing Casper Ice Arena.” (The arena is located at 1801 E. 4th St.)
“Proposition 3: $4,200,000 and interest earned thereon to the City of Casper to install a new quad capacity chair lift to replace the aging and outdated lift and add lighting at Hogadon Ski Area.”
“Proposition 4: $4,000,000 and interest earned thereon to the City of Casper to construct two fastpitch softball fields for league competition and high school use.”
“Proposition 5: $4,400,000 and interest earned thereon to the City of Casper to partially fund costs associated with the replacement of the City Casper’s outdated Fire Station #1.”
“Proposition 6: $5,000,000 and interest earned thereon to the City of Casper to fully replace the outdated and obsolete equipment for the 911 Dispatch Center.”
“Proposition 7: $3,600,000 and interest earned thereon to the City of Casper to build a new auxiliary gym to provide much needed space for programming at the Casper Recreation Center.” (The Center is located at 1801 E. 4th St.)
“Proposition 8: $1,500,000 and interested earned thereon to the City of Casper to design, reconstruct, and preserve the historic Washington Park Bandshell.”

September 5, 2024

Liz  Cheney endorsed Kamala Harris for President.

September 6, 2024

Donald Trump proposed giving Elon Musk a government role as an efficiency expert.

He also proposed to cut the corporate tax rate to 15%. The corporate tax rate should be hiked, not cut.


I am promising low taxes, low regulations, low energy costs, low interest rates, secure borders, low, low, low crime.

Americans seem incapable of grasping the fact that they are grossly undertaxed, which is a big part of the reason the US deficit is out of control. Rates in the past have been much, much higher than they currently are, particularly on the upper income tax bracket Trump and Musk are part of.

Also, energy costs, interest rates and crime is all low when judged by almost any historical standard.

In a meeting of businessmen Trump was asked a question about health care costs and then went into tariffs.


Some good political news:

Perennial Candidate Rex Rammell Says He’s Done With Politics, America Doomed

Gadfly candidate Rammell says he's giving up on politics and his interview with the Cowboy State Daily is his last.


Former Vice President Dick Cheney has endorsed Kamala Harris.

September 8, 2024

George and Laura Bush will not be endorsing anyone this election cycle.

In doing so, a spokesman noted that President Bush had retired from politics "years ago".

He's one month younger than Donald Trump. . .


Donald Trump has indicated that in Florida he intends to vote yes on a ballot measure to legalize marijuana.

September 10, 2024

The White Stripes have sued the Trump campaign over its use of the song Seven Nation Army.


I would have asked the states to submit alternative slates of electors and let the country have the debate about what actually matters and what kind of an election that we had,

J. D. Vance.

Absolutely shameful.

Related threads:

Something for Wyoming populists to consider.

Carpetbagging Carpetbaggers criticize carpetbagging.

Last editions:

The 2024 Election, Part XXV. Primary Election Day, Wyoming's real election.


The 2024 Election, Part XXIV. Brat Girl Summer*

Friday, August 30, 2024

What on Earth does the Republican Party stand for?

Ronald Reagan was the first President that I was able to vote for, or against (I voted for) in my lifetime.

The GOP of that era was far from perfect, but I knew what it stood for.  

It was pro life, pro defense, tough on crime, pro fiscal responsibility, and overall conservative.

People have claimed that for the Trumpist GOP, but what of it?

1.  Pro life?

The GOP went into this election cycle claiming responsibility, which it had every right to do, for the repeal of Roe v. Wade, which returned the abortion issue to the states.  Not surprisingly, however, a controversial issue remains controversial.  Now the GOP is running from the issue as quickly as it can.  It took its pro life plank out of its platform, where it's been for decades.  And now we have Trump, who has flip flopped on the issue for decades, stating this, in regard to a proposed six week provision in Florida:

I think the six week is too short, there has to be more time

This is really a simple issue.  Either you believe that life starts at conception, or aren't sure when a human is a human and therefore you err on the side of life, or you think killing only matters at some arbitrary point in time in which you can't stomach it.

At best, the Republicans here can claim to support State's Rights, but pro life?  Donald isn't.

Added to that is this, which gets also into the next topic.

I am announcing today that under the Trump administration, your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment.

We want more babies!

IVF means the creation of large numbers of embryos that are later killed, and in Catholic theology, IVF  is regarded as a moral evil.  

It's notable that Vance, who is a Catholic convert, has made some statements now generally supporting IVF as he runs towards Trump and away from his Faith.

2.  Fiscal Responsibility?

Trump added 8T to the federal debt in his term in office.

And he proposed, prior to Harris, cutting income taxes on tips, which has no logical defense.  Income is income.

Trump has stood for tax cuts, which have amounted to tax cuts for the wealthy.  People, including the wealthy like Elon Musk, have noted the country is going bankrupt.  Well, this is a big part of the reason why.

Back to the above, the GOP whined endlessly about Obamacare, and now proposes to expand government support for an insurance payment. What the crud?

3. Pro defense?

The Republican willingness in many quarters to abandon Ukraine says all you need to know about this. Added to it, Trump has a weird relationship with Russia that has never been explained.

Much of the current GOP wants to return to isolationism, which worked oh so well during the 1930s.

4.  Tough on crime?

Running Trump says all you really need to know on that.

This party, in spite of what its supporters believe, stands only for reelecting Donald Trump, and nothing else.

Mind you, there were signs of this happening for some time.  The entire spectacle of Evangelical Christians lashing themselves to the decks of the Trump serial polygamy ship was never easy to fathom.  National Conservatives came on board in a calculated fashion, thinking that when Trump shuffled off his mortal coil they'd be in charge, only to see the less popular portions of their beliefs mocked and categorized as "weird".  The Hawk Tuah girl was embraced by the Lynyrd Skynyrd branch of the populist whose Christianity is rather thin and not hardly of the Mike Johnson New Apostolic Reformation variety.

So what does that do to the populist movement in the GOP and the GOP in general?  Well, quite a few real Republicans are abandoning ship, particularly those cultural conservatives who were never really Trumpites, but believed there was a moral obligation to support the GOP due to its cultural conservative positions.  The American Solidarity Party is suddenly getting a lot of attention because its actually prolife.  But a lot of the Trumpites now stand for nothing but Trump and will go down with him like stormtroopers in Berlin on May 2, 1945.  Locally those politicians who have arisen in the Populist Freedom Caucus will keep on saying the same things they've been saying, even as their leader is saying the opposite.

Populism always gets co-opted in the end.  Here, it already has been.  Conservatism, for its part, was simply killed in the party.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The 2024 Election, Part XXIV. Brat Girl Summer*


The 2024 race for the Oval Office has been so shaken up since Joe Biden dropped out, and Kamala Harris stepped in, its simply unprecedented.  Trump, armed for a race against Biden, has been, for lack of a better word for it, simply freaking out, engaging in calling Harris (and former President Obama) racist names, and even engaging in absolutely wild fantasies, such as this:

Biden wants back in?

Not hardly.  That's delusion in full flower.  It is, frankly, weird.

But then Trump is weird.

The use of the world "weird" to coin the GOP campaign has been freaking the Republicans out as well, with it really hitting home after J. D. Vance, whom Trump might very well wish to dump, was named VP.  I don't think Vance is weird, but he is a full fledged National Conservative and the risk that entailed to Trump started to hit home almost as soon as Vance was picked, and hasn't let up since.  Trump, who embraced the National Conservatives earlier, probably only dimply aware of their views and not really caring about them as he saw them as just a sales opportunity, not realizing they saw him as their ticket to power as he won't be around very long, ran away from the National Conservatives as soon as they became a liability.

As Coulter has says, Trump is like a couch, bearing the impression of the last person who sat on him.

Ever since Harris came on the scene Trump and his backers have been looking for something that hits against her and failing. And now they're doing the same thing with Tim Walz, her VP pick, launching into him nearly immediately.  Meanwhile, they're abandoning social conservatives who voted for him reluctantly, giving them a reason to move to somebody else.

I've seen the American Solidarity Party mentioned in that context now more than once.

Basic training photograph of Tim Walz.

Walz is getting flack for retiring after a long National Guard NCO career before his unit was to deploy to Iraq.  Walz was originally a Nebraska National Guardsman, and enlisted in the Guard the same year that I did.  Shoot, he may have been in basic training when I was.  He stayed in for something like 24 years and retired in 2005, several months before his unit deployed to the Middle East.  He's taking criticism for his retirement.

He was in an E9 slot at the time, but because he hadn't completed a training cycle, which a former E-9 I know states takes two years, his retirement was at the E8 level.

There are reasons to criticize Walz, in my view, for his stands on social issues. But retiring from the National Guard after 24 years in is not one of them.  Even if he simply felt like not going to Iraq that wouldn't be one of them.  It's not like we saw Donald Trump beating the doors down to go to Vietnam, now is it?

But that seems to have become a hallmark of the Boomer generation.  Lots of opinions on service by people who didn't wear a uniform.

A hallmark of recent times is that military service is something the right claims as its own, which is odd.  This has become more and more the case as the number of people who have actually served has continued to decline.  Walz would have been part of the big Cold War Army in its last decade.  Vance was not, he wa part of the 9/11 generation of servicemen.  It's easy to forget, seemingly, that a lot of figures served in uniform, and many still do, who aren't of the political right.

Slamming a National Guardsman, it might be noted, is an old tactic that makes Guard veterans, including myself, bitter.  Those joining the Guard in 81, like Walz, or me, served a longer period of time, six years minimum, than active duty servicemen of the same era did. We received the same basic and advanced training, and were in the Army when we did, and we often pulled multiple actual periods of activation  All in all, that six years, for many of us, gave us as much or nearly as much active duty time as the two years that regulars pulled.

Vance, it might be noted, served in Iraq in 2005, but he didn't see combat.

Combative Harriet Hagerman is slamming the City of Boulder, Colorado, for no real apparent reason. Boulder is notably liberal, and that seems to be the reason.  She stated in Teton County:

The pilot project is, you take out all their gas stations,” she said to a crowd of about 70 people in the Teton County Library. “We take away all their internal combustion engines — cars. We take away all of their highways and streets, because that’s all oil-and-gas-produced.

We fill out open space with windmills and solar panels, and we’ll see if we can actually run a city of 100,000 people [with] no fossil fuels whatsoever.

We’ll see if I can get that off the ground.

Boulder city councilman Mark Wallach retorted:

If she doesn’t understand the actual serious nature of the threat posed by climate change, I’m afraid she’s going to be living in a very warm state in the next decade.

If somebody wants to make light, that’s their business.  I deal in the real world, not in her fantasy world.

Having jus tsustained a loss on the ranch of her youth, Hageman's refusal to recognize what Wallach is pointing out is really remarkable.

Of course, the danger here is that somebody takes Hageman's suggestion serious and the pilot program works.

Out in the hinterlands Democrats and Republicans might actually be moving more towards the center. "Squad" member Rep. Cori Bush lost her primary in Missouri’s 1st Congressional District to St. Louis County prosecutor Wesley Bell, a moderate Democrat.  Nutty Valentina Gomez, a far-right MAGA candidate for Missouri Secretary of State is now in 6th Place, her ads showing her running around armed and burning books with a flame thrower not withstanding. 

August 12, 2024

Truck abuse.

 A surplus U.S. Army 2 1/2 ton 6x6 truck converted into a political billboard.

Dawn's Early Light's release date has been pushed back after the election.

August 13, 2024

He was rambling, babbling on about crowd sizes and immigration and President Joe Biden and whatever else seemed to pass through his mind. He was also badly slurring his words, raising questions about his health, and doing nothing to knock down rising concerns about his age and well-being.

He sounded like a disoriented, racist Daffy Duck.

The USA Today in Elon Musk's Twitter interview of Donald Trump. 

Others sources were mixed, one calling it dull.


Teachers’ lobby targets candidates ahead of ‘pivotal’ Wyoming election: The Wyoming Education Association has publicly criticized Freedom Caucus members who oppose its positions. Some call foul.

August 14, 2024

Secretary of State Chuck Gray on Monday called for some county clerks to retest electronic voting systems with just over a week before the 2024 primary election. The request was made through a letter sent out on Monday to all 23 Wyoming county clerks

Casper Star Tribune, August 14, 2024.

Ilhan Omar her fourth Democratic Party nomination for her seat in Minnesota. 

August 15, 2024

Some good economic news:

August 15, 2024

Inflation has hit a three year low.

From the Casper Star Tribune:

Total employment in Wyoming grew by a scant 1.3% from first quarter 2023 to first quarter 2024, but total payroll grew by 4.1% over the year, the Research and Planning section of the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services reported Friday. Average weekly wage in the state grew by 2.8%.

In spite of this, however, GOP politicians are still campaigning on inflation.

It makes very little sense.

Consider this chart from the US Inflation Calculator:

Table: Annual Inflation Rates

To find annual inflation rates for a calendar year, look to the December column. For instance, the inflation rate in 2023 was 3.4%. Meanwhile, the "Ave" column shows the average inflation rate for each year using CPI data. In 2023, the average inflation rate was 4.1%. These average rates are published by the BLS but are rarely discussed in the news media, taking a back seat to the actual rate of inflation for a given calendar year.


*Data Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: All items in U.S. city average, all urban consumers, not seasonally adjusted.

This would indicate that average rates reach this rate relatively frequently.  We would note that they were down below 2% in 2019 and 2020, right before COVID hit, and during Trump's Presidency, but they were at .1 in 2015, right before Trump took office.

The Federal target rate of inflation is 2%. We're about 1% higher than that right now, but generally the rate has been down around there under Democratic and Republican Presidents for the past twenty years, with some notable exceptions that were somewhat higher or somewhat lower.  What seems to be routinely missed in the Republican complains here is the giant war in the grainbelt for the third world and southern Europe going on, and the massive impact of a global pandemic.

We have of course recently been tracking the Great War, which featured similar economic shocks.  What happened then?

Massive inflation caused by the war, combined with the destruction of global trade to such an extent that by some measures it had only recovered. . . just before COVID 19.

Oh well, in the current political era facts and analysis are deflated.

Regarding facts, I've noted it before without being hugely pointed about it but the race in Senate District 28 has featured some truly disgusting campaigning by Bryce Reece.  It's appalling.

Floods of flyers for Reece, who is challenging Jim Anderson, regarded as the most effective Senator in Wyoming's legislature, have been sent out and they contain lies.  One calls Anderson a "gun grabber".

Reece also sent out a letter from his wife in which she makes appeals to religion, noting how they devout they are (from the text it's clear they are members of some branch of Evangelical Protestantism).**  

Lying is a sin, and in some circumstances a grave sin.  

Reece at one time was a sheep rancher, but is notably hostile to the science regarding COVID 19.  I really don't grasp why people believe that COVID 19 was exaggerated, which Reece's propaganda asserts.  The disease has ripped through the ranching community, however, due to similar beliefs, even while ranchers continue to vaccinate their livestock without hesitation for animal diseases. 

At any rate, I've never seen more lies circulated in a Wyoming election year in my lifetime, all of which are originating in the far populist right.  This isn't unique to Reece by any means.  I'm only aware of it here, as I pick up propaganda in favor of him nearly every day.  It's going on all over the state.

Interestingly yesterday one of the things that came was a flyer for this area including all the populist far right candidates together.  Included was House candidate Pete Fox, who has not run a nasty campaign,  but who is clearly on the far right, incumbent Jim Allemand and Jeanette Ward.  I don't recall who else was on it. At the same time, precinct committee members for the GOP, who here are not extremist, sent out their own flyer endorsing Senator Jim Anderson and Elissa Campbell for the House.  They also listed Casey Coates and Paul Bertoglio for County Commissioner, and Amber Pollack and Pat Sweeney for Casper City Council.

In the far right oddities category, far right candidate for the Senate, Reid Rasner, is getting no love from the organized populists, which is interesting.  At the same time that they're locally willing to rip to shreds other Republicans, including incumbents, and resort to lies, they're ignoring Rasner, who is as far right as they are (but who hasn't been telling outrageous lies).  In the race for the U.S. Senate, he's the real deal, while frankly Barrasso is basically posing as being from the far right, bending to the wind in order to fend off the challenge.  In a year in which the far right has even accused a prominent member of the legislature as supporting the Chinese Communist Party (an absurd claim), you'd think that the populist would attack Barrasso as its a safe thing to do Republican seat wise.


Of course, Barrasso has done a good job of adopting their themes, although I frankly doubt he believes hardly any of them.


Competing PACs in the Wyoming GOP raked in tens of thousands so far this year

August 16, 2024

Somebody left a threatening message on Chuck Gray's voicemail, which stated:

You’re playing with fire. I want you to know that if you start cheating, stealing, election denying this time around and shit hits the fan in November — you’re going to fucking get it Mr. Chuck Gray,

Gray resorted to his usual line in regard to this, it's the media's fault.  The Tribune reports that he wrote them, stating:

False media reporting incites individuals like this. As mentioned by the individual leaving the message, the message was clearly triggered  by false reporting by publications such as WyoFile and their syndication partners around the state.

WyoFile hasn't been reporting falsely, and Gray did make false statements in the last election about the election being stolen, none of which justifies threatening him.

Regarding false statements, I received a text of all things referencing the attack ads in favor of Bryce Reece noting that they were paid for by an organization located in Virginia. This was some sort of unsolicited text, like spam.

Anyhow, I haven't checked it out, but that information is basically of the type that's otherwise been in the news.  It's disturbing that an out of state organization would sink money in Wyoming in favor of a populist candidate and circulate lies.

Donald Trump apparently gave a long rambling press conference yesterday.  It's full of odd statements and has been real fodder for his critics.

Included in them was a claim about China's nuclear arsenal equalling the U.S's one, which China immediately corrected, noting also that China, unlike the US, has an official no first use of nuclear weapons policy.

China termed the U.S. arsenal, correctly, as "way bigger".

Also in Trump's comments was this item, we've already commented about:

Dr. Marx?

You're all going to be thrown into a communist system. You will be thrown into a system where everybody gets health care . . .

Donald Trump. 

So the Red Horde was actually fighting for universal health care?

In fairness, that was just apparently a snippet of what he said.  In the same speech he accused Harris of "badness" to an unnamed ally.  But, in terms of speech, well this is, um, weird.

Other gems included the following.

Concerning the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Medal of Honor, which are not equivalent in any sense:

When we gave her the Presidential Medal of Freedom… It’s the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor— it’s actually much better because everyone who gets the Congressional Medal, they’re soldiers. They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they’re dead. She gets it and she’s a healthy beautiful woman.

This is a bizarre comment and once again into Trump's world outlook.  Trump seems to have a problem with injured people and he doesn't seem to respect military service much.  

It's worth noting, although it probably deserves a separate thread, that I've pretty much come to the conclusion that everyone should:

1) Be or live poor at some time.  I'm not keen on poverty, and I wish nobody had to stay poor, but having had to live poor at some point, which a lot of people do when they are students, really serves as a great leveler.  People who are rich their whole lives often believe they're super smart or superior to other people, when often circumstances of birth or luck have as much to do with that as anything;

2) Work a labor job.  By that I mean be in the Army, work in the oilfield, work in a gas station, and not for your parents.  People who've never had to do that often don't really respect those who do have to do that, or want to do that. 

Working for your parents, I'd note, doesn't count.  

I don't know much about young Trump, and I'm not going to bother to learn, but he's been rich his entire life, didn't serve in the Army, and has never, in so far as I know, worked a labor type job.  His character seems to suffer for it.

The Harris campaign replied.

Regarding the "weird" tag: 

She actually called me weird. He is weird. It was just a sound bite and she called JD and I weird. He's not weird. He was a great student at Yale.

For the record, I don't think J. D. Vance is weird.  I do think there's reason to be concerned that something is wrong with Trump's mental status.  And this "great student at Yale" thing is interesting.  Nothing keeps you from being a great student, and weird.

Regarding a Taliban leader:

He called me 'Your Excellency.' I wonder if he calls that to Biden. I doubt it.

Um. . . . 

Regarding job creation under Biden:

Substantially more than 100% of job creation went to migrants.

 Um. . . . 

Concerning Iran:

I’m not looking to be bad to Iran. We’re going to be friendly, I hope, with Iran. Maybe. But maybe not. But we’re going to be friendly, I hope. We’re going to be friendly.

Regarding windmills:

You want to see a bird cemetery, just go under a windmill, you see thousands of birds dead. The bald eagle, if you kill an eagle, they put you in jail for years. And yet these windmills knock them out like nothing.

Regarding acting like a 7th grade snot:

As far as the personal attacks, I’m very angry at her because of what she’s done to the country. I’m very angry at her that she weaponized the justice system against me and other people —- very angry at her, I think I'm entitled to personal attacks. I don't have a lot of respect for her. I don't have a lot of respect for her intelligence.

Intelligence is one of the things Trump brings up a lot.  To some degree, I wonder if he's insecure about his intelligence.

Regarding Harris:

 She's a very strong Communist lean.

That's nonsense as well as grammatically nonsensical.

Also regarding Harris:

She's been unbelievable in terms of badness to some of our great allies. You know who I'm talking about.


Regarding a millionaires mutual admiration society:

Elon endorsed me strongly, the most powerful endorsement, said it three or four times the other night during our little chat. A chat that was very well listened to and attended, we know that, right? Broke every single record I think in history.

On Harris replacing Biden, combined with what was supposed to be a comment on inflation:

It was a coup by people that wanted him out, and they didn’t do it the way, not the way they’re supposed to do it. $129 more on energy, and $241 more. This is all per month on rent,

Choice words from a person who tried to subvert the election.

And, on wars and inflation, oddly.

We have wars breaking out in the Middle East. We have the horrible war going on with Ukraine and Russia. All these things would have never happened if I was president. Would have never, ever happened, and they didn’t happen. Since Harris took office, car insurance is up 55%,

August 18, 2024

The Democratic National Convention is next week which means its time for the Democrats to do something really dumb.

Hillary Clinton will speak at the convention. 

Regular voters can't stand her.  Having her speak is not a good idea.

And, in a Trump rally:

I am much better looking than her. I'm a better looking person than Kamala.


August 19, 2024

And the verbal oddness just keeps on keeping on:

When you get the Medal of Honor, generally speaking…It’s much more painful to get…Where’s the Presidential Medal of Freedom, to my knowledge, I don't think anybody suffered


The VFW is unhappy.

"Asinine" is a pretty strong condemnation.

August 20, 2024

Trump slapped his loyal supporter in the GOP Primary, Reid Rasner, in the face by re-endorsing John Barrasso.  He also re-endorsed Harriet Hageman.

The Trump campaign bizarrely posted fake AI generated images suggesting that Taylor Swift had endorsed Trump.

Predictably, the fake effort blew up rapidly and helps give rise, once again, to the word "weird" being used in regard to the Trump campaign.

Weirder yet, at one rally female Trump supporters were buying bottles labeled as if they were J. D. Vance semen samples, which is pretty darned weird.

In a really sad example of how Baby Boomers still rule the roost in American politics, James Taylor was scheduled to sing and play at last night's Democratic National Convention, apparently.

Taylor, I'm convinced, is an example of the cultural conspiracy phenomenon in which everyone pretends somebody is funny/talented/pretty when they are not.  His music is dull beyond tolerance, but it's of the Boomer generation.

Something really interesting that will be on the Natrona County Primary ballot today is the question of a Senior District, comprising the entire county, which would add 1 mill to property taxes to fund things that help seniors, like Meals On Wheels and the Senior Centers.

I'll be curious if it passes in the current anti tax climate, but I'm also curious as I think its an example of forced charity, which is something I'm not comfortable with.

Funding for senior services has been in serious decline as donations have dried up locally, as the same time that the Baby Boomers are really starting to need them, and also at the same time in which Wyoming has become somewhat of a destination for aging people who have made their fortunes and lives elsewhere and then abandon the places they lived and worked in order to come here.  I have a problem with that latter fact in general.

Additionally, the last legislature reduced property taxes for long time residents of a single dwelling, which is this generation, and its impossible not to notice that the backers of the proposition to limit property taxes are also made up of it.

You can't condemn an entire generation for a trend, but the overall trend here is noticeable.  Old people need help, because of the train wreck of American culture they don't tend to get it from their families, particularly if they have moved away from them or vice versa, they don't like paying property taxes, the state's policies have encouraged property taxes to rise, and now the agencies that support them want to raise property taxes, albeit only a little.

In effect, with all of this combined, the tax burden will disproportionately fall on the young.  

What a surprise.

No generation has benefitted as much from economic times, medicine, and governmental services than the Baby Boomers. But there has to be a stop to it somewhere.  If overall policies have made things difficult for them, and they may have, things need to be rethought.

I voted against the district.

Thus Concluded This Edition.


*"Brat" used to be negative thing to call somebody, but in recent years young women have embraced it as symbolizing assertiveness and somebody has an album coming out this summer called "Brat".  Harris' supporters, and Harris, have embraced it, claiming this summer as "Brat Girl Summer".

**Included in the letter is statement that both she and her husband believe the U.S. Constitution is a divinely inspired document.  Few Christians believe that, but it is a minority view in certain strains of American Protestantism and the LDS.

Related Threads:

Woke v. Weird? The race we should have had (and still could save for Republican cowardice and populist subversion).

National Conservatism, Donald Trump, J. D. Vance, and The Law of Unintended Consequences.* **

Last edition:

The 2024 Election, Part XXIII. It's a new race.