Showing posts with label 1924 at the Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1924 at the Movies. Show all posts

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Monday, December 29, 1924. 4 ROH + 4 CO + O2 → 2 (CO2R)2 + 2 H2O

The tradition of releasing movies during the Christmas Holiday season obviously already a thing, Peter Pan was released.

The film was lost and rediscovered in the 1950s, and has been preserved.

The tariff on Oxalic Acid was increased by President Coolidge.

Presidents have been delegated wide authority by Congress to raise tariffs.  With all the current discussion on how Congress intends to take back delegated authority, which is directed at agencies, it'll be interesting to see if it dawns on them that the same situation exists as to the Presidency.

I doubt that will occur.

If it did, Donald couldn't run around threatening everyone with increased tariffs, so the same body of politicians that is outraged by one, will not be outraged by the other.

Last edition:


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sunday, September 14, 1924. Most Valuable Player.


Premiered on this day in 1924.  It had been filmed on location.  Anna Mae Wong, the famous Chinese American actress, was cast as an Inuit.

It was a bad day for police officers:

Deputy Constable J. Edward Brown:

Police Officer Francis X. "Buck" Roy

Patrol Inspector James F. Mankin

Walter "Big Train" Johnson was chosen Major League Baseball's Most Valuable Player

Last edition:

Saturday, September 13, 1924. Pershing retires.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Sunday, September 7, 1924. Infernos.

Released on this day in 1924.

A different type of inferno had broken out on Casper Mountain.

Spanish dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera issued a manifesto to the army appealing for an extension of his emergency powers in which he stated:  "One year is too short a time to attempt to carry out the work which lay before the directorio when we assumed power."  He'd remain in power until 1930, by which time he'd lost support of the king, and the military, the latter of which had never fully backed him.

Last edition:

Saturday, September 6, 1924. Putting down in Boston.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Sunday, August 31, 1924. Back in North America.

The around the world flyers landed at Indian Harbour, Labrador (which was not yet part of Canada), thereby having arrived again in North America.

United with Newfoundland, Labrador would not become part of Canada until 1949.

Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich of Russia proclaimed himself heir to the Russian throne.

Wine was released, which featured Clara Bow in her first leading role.

Last edition:

Saturday, August 30, 1924. Late summer scenes.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Monday, August 25, 1924. Ratifying the Dawes Plan and questionable movies.

Released on this day in 1924.  It was banned in some cities, as was the novel which it was based upon.

Chancellor Wilhelm Marx informed the Reichstag that he would ratify the London agreement whether the Reichstag approved it or not and even if it meant a downfall of the government and new elections.

The Cheyenne paper pointed out that summer was drawing to a close.

Last edition:

Saturday, August 23, 1924. Princess Petrolia. Refinery expansion in Glenrock.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Monday, August 11, 1924. First sound film of a President.

Lee de Forest filmed Calvin Coolidge on the White House lawn using his experimental Phonofilm sound film process, resulting in the earliest sound film footage of an American president.

The UK and Turkey agreed to submit a territorial dispute over Mosul to the League of Nations.

Anti British riots broke out in Atbarah in Sudan.

Muslim v. Hindu riots broke out in Hyderbad, British India.

Last edition:

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Monday, June 2, 1924. All Native Americans granted citzenship.

The Indian Citizenship Act was signed into law making all Native Americans U.S. citizens.  A little under half of the 300,000 Native Americans in the country became citizens for the first time due to the act.

It read:

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all non citizen Indians born within the territorial limits of the United States be, and they are hereby, declared to be citizens of the United States: Provided That the granting of such citizenship shall not in any manner impair or otherwise affect the right of any Indian to tribal or other property.

The Communist Party's Central Committee chose the real leaders of the country, the Politburo.  The leaders chosen, in the wake of Lenin's death, were Bukharin, Stalin, Trotsky, Rykov, Kamenev, Tomsky and Zinoviev.  They'd all be victims of Stalin's purge, save obviously for Stalin, with Tomsky being the only one who wasn't executed, but only because he killed himself rather than be arrested.

Frank Lloyd's The Sea Hawk made an early premier in New York City.

Last prior edition:

Sunday, June 1, 1924.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Wednesday, May 21, 1924. Big membership drive.

 Casper saw a big Chamber of Commerce Drive:

Apparently the drive did well.

The papers were advertising Daughters of Today, which apparently featured scandalous conduct by then contemporary young women.

Last prior edition:

Monday, May 19, 1924. Bonuses and Tick Fever.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Sunday, May 4, 1924. Summer Olympics. Not ousting councilman over booze.

The 1924 Summer Olympics opened in France with preliminary competitions and a really cool logo.

Men, opened.

It's lost.

The Society of American Wars, which was a thing, met with Coolidge.

Efforts to boot Councilman Royce failed, due to the state of the law.

And the transglobal flight was back at it.

Locally, plans were being advanced for the construction of the Presbyterian church, which were published in one of the papers.

The church ultimately constructed would look a big different.

City Park Church, formerly First Presbyterian Church, Casper Wyoming

This is City Park Church, and was formerly, as noted below in the original entry, the First Presbyterian Church.
This Presbyterian Church is located one block away from St. Mark's Episcopal Church and St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, all of which are separated from each other by City Park. 
The corner stone of the church gives the dates 1913 1926. I'm not sure why there are two dates, but the church must have been completed in 1926.
This century old church became the home of the former First Baptist Church congregation on February 28, 2020, and as noted in a thread we'll link in below, had been experiencing a lot of changes prior to that.

The original entry here was one of the very first on this blog and dated at least back as far as January 25, 2011.  While the architecture hasn't changed at all, with the recent change our original entry became misleading to an extent.

Related Threads:

Grace Reformed at City Park, formerly First Presbyterian Church, Casper Wyoming

Changes in Downtown Casper. First Presbyterian becomes City Park Church, the former First Baptist Church.

And, as can be seen, events have resulted in some denominational shifting.

The morning edition was full of all sorts of dramatic news.

British sponsored Assyrian Levies killed 50 in Kirkuk.

German elections were held, resulting in the Social Democratic Party of Germany narrowly maintaining a small plurality of 100 seats. The German National People's Party finished with 95.

The Soviet Union demanded an apology for yesterday's police raid.

Last prior edition:

Saturday, May 3, 1924. Foundings.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Tuesday, March 18, 1924. The high water mark of the Irish Mutiny.

Forty armed Irish soldiers assembled at a hotel in Dublin to plan the next move in the Irish Army Mutiny.  A possible coup d'état against the Irish government was on the table.  

Loyal Irish troops surrounded the hotel and there was a standoff.  The result was that the young Irish government responded by securing the resignation of Irish Army Council members, along with that of Defense Minister Richard Mulcahy.

The mutiny was of the oldest type, an army rebelling for itself.  Mulcahy would go on to a long career in Irish government, including as Minister of Education.

A soldier bonus bill was passed in the US.

St. Mark's is a major downtown church in Casper today.

St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Casper Wyoming

This traditionally styled Episcopal Church includes the office buildings for the church a meeting room, kitchen and a day school, so the interior space used for services is smaller than the large exterior might suggest.

The view featured on the bottom photograph could not be seen until recently, as a large house once stood in what is now an open area. The church is across the street from the former St. Anthony's Catholic School, which has moved to a new location across town. The church was built in 1924.

It's stunning to think it was built for $120,000.

The Douglas Fairbanks film, The Thief of Baghdad, was released.

Alice Longworth, the daughter of Theodore Roosevelt, was caught by the paparazzi on the streets of Washington D.C.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Saturday, March 1, 1924. The Nixon Nitration Works Disaster.

The Nixon Nitration Works disaster occured in which an explosion of ammonium nitrate killed at least 18 people, destroyed several miles of New Jersey factories, and demolished Nixon, New Jersey.

While a very famous industrial disaster, the Nixon Nitration Works and Nixon New Jersey are remembered now principally for being mentioned in Band of Brothers as Cpt. Lewis Nixon III, a major character Ambrose's depiction of the 506 Parachute Infantry Regiment, mentions it.  Lewis Nixon was in fact a member of the family that owned the plant, and it was the case that Richard Winters, his close friend and for most of his service in Europe his superior, worked there for a time after the war.

The Nixon's were troubled in general, and Lewis Nixon III was no exception.  His marriage contracted just after the start of the war failed during it, as did a subsequent one.  A third marriage to Grace Umezawa, formerly a Japanese internee, was successful.  She helped him overcome the alcoholism depicted during the series.

The KDP, the Communist Part of Germany, was reinstated.  The KDP, together with the NADSP, the Nazi Party, would figure enormously in the destruction of German democracy as the extremes grew increasingly powerful in the remaining years of the Weimar Republic.

Alice's Day at Sea, the first of 57 Alice comedies produced by Walt Disney, appeared.  They were short films meant to be shown before the feature, something at one time common.

White rats paraded in San Pedro, California.

Hacks, i.e., cabs, were allowed back in Hyde Park for the first time since 1636.

Not a hack, but on this day, an Irish Traveler feeding his pony on this day in 1924.

Locally, a story didn't add up.

A 20-year-old marrying a 15-year-old?  

And she was in 6th Grade?

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Sunday, February 3, 1924. Wilson's Last Sleep

He would in fact die that night, at age 67.

His early profession as a lawyer was abandoned to enter academic life. In this chosen field he attained the highest rank as an educator, and has left his impress upon the intellectual thought of the country. From the Presidency of Princeton University he was called by his fellow citizens to be the Chief Executive of the State of New Jersey. The duties of this high office he so conducted as to win the confidence of the people of the United States, who twice elected him to the Chief Magistrate of the Republic. As President of the United States he was moved by an earnest desire to promote the best interests of the country as he conceived them. His acts were prompted by high motives and his sincerity of purpose can not be questioned. He led the nation through the terrific struggle of the world war with a lofty idealism which never failed him.

Calvin Coolidge. 

While we keep harping on it, and yes medicine has really advanced since 1924, Wilson's death at age 67 wasn't surprising then, and really isn't now.  He was old, by age 67.  Electing a President older than that is foolish.

Alimony, a film, was released.

Like many films of this era, the plot is melodramatic and a bit hard to follows.  Apparently, the female protagonist sells her inventor husband's nifty invention to a wealthy oilman who covets her.  She leaves her husband due to a made up affair, demanding a huge alimony, which she obtains.  However, she wasn't fooled, and goes on to marry him again on her terms, whatever that means.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Wednesday, October 31, 1923. Too many beans.

A gas station at 376 Dupont Street, Toronto.  October 31, 1923.  The area today:,-79.4102822,3a,75y,345.25h,62.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHGkK4kB8gL_d4klZCcG4xA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu

Sometimes, you get too many beans.

I actually put this up because of the article on the Rialto Theater, which is still there and currently for sale.
D. W. Griffith on movie location.  Probably the movie "America".