French, Japanese and Russian sailors and marines landed in Singapore to help the British quell a rebellion by troops of the Indian Army.
Two German Zeppelins went down in Denmark.
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Ostensibly exploring the practice of law before the internet. Heck, before good highways for that matter.
French, Japanese and Russian sailors and marines landed in Singapore to help the British quell a rebellion by troops of the Indian Army.
Two German Zeppelins went down in Denmark.
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US radio stations stood silent between 10:00 and 11:00, EST, for international broadcasting tests. Radio broadcasts from the UK, France and Spain were heard as far west as the American Midwest.
The USS Los Angeles was commissioned.
Lita Grey (Lillita Louise MacMurray), actress, age 16, married Charlie Chaplin, age 35. She was pregnant. Grey was his second wife, and it was the second time he's married a teenager, Mildred Harris of Cheyenne Wyoming being 17 when they wed following a pregnancy scare.
Had the couple not married, Chaplin faced the possibility of being arrested for statutory rape.
They would have two children during their troubled marriage.
She'd go on to have three more marriages before dying in 1995 at the age of 87.
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Proclamation, October 15, 1924
Purpose: To declare historic landmarks on military reservations as national monuments
CASTLE PINCKNEY, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.
The entire area comprising 18.09 acres situated in the city of Saint Augustine, Florida.
Calvin Coolidge.
The Prince of Wales traveled from Detroit to Toronto and participated in a fox hunt.
Toronto was a very English town at the time.
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AT&T announced that a color photograph had been successfully transmitted from Chicago to New York via Wirephoto.
The German built, due to reparations, USS Los Angeles made its first flight.
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Today in World War II History—June 1, 1944: Countdown to D-day: BBC sends first coded message to warn French resistance of the coming invasion. US Fifth Army opens final offensive for Rome.
The coded message was taken from lines of Chanson d'automne and the Germans were aware of its meaning, but failed to respond to it.
The poem:
Les sanglots longs
Des violons
De l'automne
Blessent mon cœur
D'une langueur
Tout suffocant
Et blême, quand
Sonne l'heure,
Je me souviens
Des jours anciens
Et je pleure;
Et je m'en vais
Au vent mauvais
Qui m'emporte
Deçà, delà,
Pareil à la
Feuille morte.
The British took Frosinone in Italy. They also dropped 60 men of the 2nd Parachute Brigade behind German lines in the Abruzzo region in order to interdict supply lines, which met with an oversized German response.
Allied advances caused Kesselring to order a withdrawal from Rome to defensive positions north of the city.
Adolf Hitler dissolved the Abwehr and transferred its functions to the Reich Security Main Office. This placed its duties under Heinrich Himmler.
German forces that were on the attack near Jassy were pushed back by counterattacks of the Red Army, which regained ground recently lost.
A German convoy bound to Crete from Greece was attacked from the air, losing several ships.
On Biak US forces began to gain ground with armored support, while around the Aitape beachhead US forces continued to fall back under heavy attack.
The USS Herring was sunk by Japanese coastal batteries on Matua Island, in the Kuril's.
Two U.S. Navy K-class blimps completed the first transatlantic crossing by non-rigid airframe, flying from the US to Morocco in 80 hours.
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The Dixmude was lost, there was no doubt, but the French were making that known.
Totally unrelated, France ran a budget surplus of 568 million francs, determined as of this date.
Dietrich Eckart, German writer and Nazi, and a major influence on Adolf Hitler, died of a heart attack at Berchtesgaden at age 55, too early to see the horror that Nazi ideas would bring upon the world and Germany.
1) Nepal and Britain will forever maintain peace and mutual friendship and respect each other's internal and external independence.2) All previous treaties, agreements and engagements, since and including the Sugauli Treaty of 1815, which have been concluded between the two Government are hereby cancelled, except so far as they may be altered by the present Treaty.3) As the preservation of peace and friendly relations with the neighbouring States whose territories adjoin their common frontiers is to the mutual interests of both the High Contracting Parties, they hereby agree to inform each other of any rupture such friendly relations, and each to exert its good offices as far as may be possible to remove such friction and misunderstanding.4) Each of the High Contracting Parties will use all such measure as it may deem practicable to prevent its territories being used for purpose inimical to the security of the other.5) In view of the longstanding friendship that has subsisted between the British Government and the Government of Nepal and for the sake of cordial neighbourly relations between them, the British Government agrees that the Nepal Government shall be free to import from or through British India into Nepal whatever arms, ammunition, machinery, warlike material or stores may be required or desired for the strength and welfare of Nepal, and that this arrangement shall hold good for all times as long as the British Government is satisfied that the intentions of the Nepal Government are friendly and that there is no immediate danger to India from such importations. The Nepal such arms, ammunition, etc., across the frontier of Nepal either by the Nepal Government or by private individuals. If, however, any convention for the regulation of the Arms Traffic, to which the British Government may be a party, shall come into force, the right of importation of arms and ammunition by the Nepal Government shall be subject to the proviso that the Nepal Government shall first become a party to that Convention, and that such importation shall only be made in accordance with the provisions of that Convention.6) No Customs duty shall be levied at British Indian ports on goods imported on behalf of the Nepal Government of immediate transport to that country provided that a certificate from such authority as may from time to time be determined by the two governments shall be presented at the time of importation to the Chief Customs Officer at the port of import setting forth that the goods are the property of the Nepal Government, are required for the public services of the Nepal Government are not for the purpose of any State monopoly or State trade, and are being to Nepal under orders of the Nepal Government, The British Government also agrees to the grant in respect of all trade goods, imported at British Indian ports for immediate transmission to Kathmandu without breaking bulk en route, of a rebate of the full duty paid, provided that in accordance with arrangements already agreed to, between the two Governments, such goods may break bulk for repacking at the port of entry under Customs supervision in accordance with such rules as may from time to time be laid down in this behalf. The rebate may be claimed on the authority of a certificate signed by the said authority that the goods have arrive at Kathmandu with Customs seals unbroken and otherwise untampered with.7) This Treaty signed in the part of the British Government by Lieutenant-Colonel W.F.T. O'Connor, C.I.E., C.V.O., British Envoy at the Court of Nepal and on the part of Nepal Government by General His Highness Maharaja Sir Chandra Shumsher Junga Bahadur Rana, G.C.B, G.C.S.I., G.D.M.G., G.C.V.O., D.C.I., Thong-lin Pimma Kokang- Wang-Syan, Prime Minister and Marshal of Nepal, shall be ratified and the ratification shall be exchanged at the Kathmandu as soon as practicable.
Mexican revolutionaries were suffering a set back.
The first version of The Call of the Wild was released.
Lightening killed five competitors at the Gordon Bennett Cup balloon race. Those killed were U.S. Army lieutenants John W. Choptaw and Robert S. Olmsted, whose S-6 balloon crashed in the Netherlands near Loosbroek; two people on the Swiss balloon Génève which burned after being hit by lightning; and a person on the Spanish balloon Polar.
The event is still held annually.
King Boris of Bulgaria dissolved he Bulgarian Parliament, which wasn't meeting anyway. He further declared a state of emergency.
A major raid in Chicago on speakeasies resulted in the jails being filled to capacity.
Crime was a major story in Casper as well:
The Kimes-Terrill Gang and the Al Spencer Gang robbed a train on the Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railorad near Okemah, Oklahoma.
It was one of the last train robberies in the U.S.
The USS Shenandoah was launched for the first time, but was tethered and not under power. It was the first US rigid airship to use helium.
Strikes broke out in the Ruhr and Rhineland. German inflation, it might be noted, was now massively out of control.
Stretching a decline in public morals, Broadway began a 312 performance run of Artists and Models which featured nude and seminude female subjects. Rather obviously, going to peep at the nude subjects was the only purpose to go to the "review".
It's sometimes noted that The Roaring Twenties was as prelude to the 1960s in lots of ways. More accurately, the 1930s and the Great Depression interrupted trends started in the 20s which revived in the 60s, including this one.
Showing how far the invasion of Sicily already gone, British Gen. Harold Alexander was appointed the Allied Military Governor of Sicily.
For his first act, he banned the Fascist Party.
The U.S. airship K-74 depth charged the German U-134, which returned fire with its 20mm deck guns. The K-74 was shot down. The unsuccessful attack was the only such instance of an airship attacking a submarine during World War Two.
Japan's counteroffensive on New Georgia ended in failure.
MGM released Stormy Weather, showcasing a host of African American talent. The movie featured 20 musical pieces in 77 minutes.
The Red Army defeated the Whites at Okhotsk in the last major battle of the Russian Civil War, although at least one more engagement would occur. The results, at this point, were a foregone conclusion.
France and Belgium released a joint statement refusing to consider the new reparations proposal of Weimar as long as passive resistance to occupation was ongoing in the Ruhr.
The Army's TC-1 hydrogen filled dirigible was destroyed in a storm when winds blew it into a steel mooring tower.
On the same day, the Army's C-2 dirigible, filled with hydrogen, exploded at Brooks Field, Texas, injuring seven.
The Navy blimp L-8, put out earlier that day in search of Japanese submarines, coasted into Daly California without its crew.
The blimp and its crew of two had taken off at 06:03 from Treasure Island off of San Francisco. At 07:38 its crew radioed that they had seen an oil slick off of Farallon Islands, Point Reyes. A Liberty ship and a fishing boat both later reported that the blimp descended to about 30 feet above the slick and then headed east, rather than its planned route, which would have taken it northwest. It was next spotted at 11:15 off of Ocean Beach, by which time it lacked a crew. The blimp contained its parachutes and life raft, so the crew had not bailed out.
They've never been found.
Official speculation is that they were trying to deploy a smoke signal when one slipped out and the other went to rescue him, with both going into the ocean, or some variant of that. This seems fairly likely, although other theories abound.
The 101st Airborne Division, provided with cadre from the 82nd Airborne Division, was activated. The 82nd had been converted organizationally from a conventional infantry division to an airborne division the day prior.
On this day in 1922 the Roma, in what should have served as a warning for the later craft the Hindenburg, crashed in a firey explosion after striking electrical lines. Normally she was filled with helium, but on this day she was filled with hydrogen.
Admiral McCully's youthful Russian charges visited Secretary of the Navy Daniels on this day in 1921. We've written about them at length here:
Lightly armed rebels following John Chilembwe were defeated by the Kings African Rifles.
The Ottomans advanced on Qantara on the Sinai.
Alexander Graham Bell, in New York City, called Thomas A. Watson, in San Francisco, in the first US long distance telephone call.
The German Navy sustained its first Zeppelin loss when an ice up airship went down over the Baltic after bombing Libau, Russia. The Imperial Russian Navy captured the crew.
The United States Supreme Court determined a pardon is only valid if the person it is the subject of accepts it.
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