Showing posts with label M Leone Bracker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label M Leone Bracker. Show all posts

Friday, December 10, 2021

Saturday December 10, 1921. "Twas the season.

Truck decorated in an appeal for early mailing for the Christmas season in Washington D.C.

So, it 'twas the season, but what was going on this Satuardy, December 10, 1921.

The Saturday news magazines hit the stands, with much different themes.

Judge illustration by James Montgomery Flagg had a couple sitting a little too close for comfort, apparently from the woman's view.  You have to read a lot into it.

Colliers was featuring pirate themes.

On this day in 1921, the United States and Germany reestablished diplomatic relations with each other.

Italian General Diaz, who had been visiting the US, left.
Groups advocating peace gathered.
"Women's International League for Peace & Trade", according to the caption, which had its photograph taken on this day.  I suspect that these are actually members of the Women's International League for Peace & Freedom, which still exists.

And campaigns against diseases continued.

Ethel Barrymore acts as saleslady at the Christmas Seal booth in Washington, D.C. with Miss Barrymore are Miss Carlia Campbell and Mrs. Sidney Thomas.