Showing posts with label New Hampshire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Hampshire. Show all posts

Friday, December 13, 2024

Tuesday, December 13, 1774. Taking Fort William and Mary.

Paul Revere made a 60-mile gallop from Boston along the Old Bay Road to warn the citizens of Portsmouth that British troops may be landing to secure British munitions at Fort William and Mary at New Castle.

It proved to be a false rumor, but local patriots stormed Fort William and Mary, New Hampshire, guarding the mouth of the seaport. 

The fort had a six man garrison.

Last edition:

Tuesday, December 6, 1774. Powers of the Crown.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Wednesday, November 2, 1774. A Thanksgiving Proclamation.

Governor John Wentworth, British colonial governor of New Hampshire and Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, issued a proclamation setting November 24th as a day of public thanksgiving for all God's goodness in the harvest, health and blessings, as well as for the King and family.

Last edition:

Tuesday, November 1, 1774. The Virginia boycott.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

December 20, 1940. The world recoils.


"Behind this eight-foot concrete wall some 500,000 Jews will begin a new life in Warsaw's ghetto. By German decree, all Warsaw Jews are required to reside in the district, located in the central part of the conquered city. It surrounds more than 100 city blocks and closes off 200 streets and even street car lines."  New York World Telegram, December 20, 1940.

With the Christmas Season approaching, it was a grim day in many places where there were those who weren't acknowledging the message of the Price of Peace.  You can read more about that here.

Day 477 December 20, 1940

On this site we recall that already the Germans were butchering the Poles, and as can be seen from above, they were beginning a more systematic butchering of European's Jewish population.

The Germans also commenced the Liverpool Bitz, three days of horrific bombing of the city.

Post bombing photograph of Liverpool.

Even the Earth seemed to recoil against the violence. The first of two earthquakes occurred in New Hampshire.

Monday, March 9, 2020

March 9, 1920. Primaries, Republicans, Democrats, Communists, Anarchists and Smoking.

On this day in 1920 the New Hampshire Primaries were held.  It was the first time that New Hampshire's primary had the "first in the nation" status and only the second time it had been held, having been established in 1916.

The top Republican vote getter was Gen. Leonard Wood, where as the top Democrat was Herbert Hoover.

Wood was a physician and career Army officer who was a close associate of Theodore Roosevelt. That was part of the reason that Wood had been bypassed for the senior command of the U.S. Army in France during World War One, but only part of the reason.  That same association, however, made him a very serious contender for the 1920 Republican nomination.

Hoover, a mining engineer by trade, had come into the public eye due to his leadership of relief efforts in Europe following World War One.  During the war and following it he'd urged that taxes be raised and he'd been a critic of the Palmer raids.  He ran on Progressive policies such as the establishment of a minimum wage, the elimination of child labor, and a forty-eight hour work week.  While he did well in the New Hampshire primary as a Democrat, that very month he switched parties and in 1928 he ran, successfully, as a Republican.

Regarding politics, elsewhere Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman met with Lenin. They were among those who had been deported several weeks prior.  Both had been born in Imperial Russia and their radicalism resulted in their being rounded up and sent back there just prior to the Palmer Raids.

In meeting with Lenin they complained about Communists treatment of anarchists and lack of freedom of the press.  Lenin told them to pound sand.  Both would later write books about their delusionment with Soviet Russia.

In some ways its hard not to regard both of them as completely delusional.

In Cheyenne, the paper noted an effort to wipe out smoking by 1925.

The New Hampshire's first in the nation status wasn't a big deal at the time and it didn't make the front page of any Wyoming newspaper on this day.

The troubles over the ratification of the Versailles Treaty, however, did.

With all this news, it's no wonder some folks felt they needed a drink.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Tuesday, May 25, 1909. Reclamation lots in Powell.

Today In Wyoming's History: May 251909   The Reclamation Service sold lots in Powell, founding the town.

The Indian Councils Act of 1909 was given Royal Assent.  It caused the legislative councils of British Indian provinces to include members elected by Indians.

Israel Greene, age 85, died on his farm near Mitchell, South Dakota.  He had led the Marines who had captured John Brown.  He'd served as a Confederate Marine during the Civil War, even though he'd been born in New York and had grown up in Wisconsin.  His wife was from Virginia.

He'd moved to South Dakota in 1873.

Child labor at  Amoskeag Mfg. Company, Manchester N.H, was photographed.

Last prior edition: