Showing posts with label Kuril Islands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kuril Islands. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Friday, January 5, 1945. They gave all.

British forces prevailed in the Battle of Bure.

The Navy shelled Iwo Jima, Haha Jima and Chichi Jima. The USAAF also hit them with B-29s.

Suribachi Wan in the Kurils was bombarded by surface vessels.

Shwebo was taken by the British 2nd Division of British 33rd Corps (Stopford).  Indian paratroopers were dropped south of Rangoon.

The opening mission of Operation Cornflakes, an attempt to distribute propoganda via the German mail system, opened with a mail train being bombed followed by an air drop of fake mail to German homes.

Ala Gertner, age 32, was executed at Auschwitz for her role in the Sonderkommando revolt of October, 1944.

Julies Leber, age 53, was also executed by the Germans for his role in being an opposition politician and German resistance member.  An Alsatian who had originally chosen a career in the German Army, he was wounded in World War One and resigned from the army after the Kapp Putsch, which he opposed.  He was a member of the July 20 plot and was anticipated to have a future role in the replacement German government.

The Soviet government recognized the Communist Provisional Government, which the UK and US did not.

Pepe Le Pew debuted in "Odor-able Kitty".

Last edition:

Thursday, January 4, 1945. Fighting in snowy Belgium.


Friday, May 17, 2024

Saturday, May 17, 1924. U.S. Flyers reach Paramashiru.

Notre Dame students clashed with Ku Klux Klan members arriving in South Bend.

By Vallee - Made with freely available DEM data using QGIS and AerialOD, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Three U.S. Army airplanes flew from Attu to Paramashiru in the Kurils, the longest and most dangerous leg of their transglobal flight.

The route allowed the effort to avoid Soviet airspace.  The US had not yet recognized the USSR.

Attu has been discussed here several times before, Paramushir (Russian: Парамушир, Japanese: 幌筵島, Ainu: パラムシㇼ) has not.  It is a volcanic island in the northern portion of the Kuril Islands chain in the Sea of Okhotsk in the northwest Pacific Ocean. The Kurils have been mentioned on this blog only once previously. 

Paramushir derives from  Ainu and means “broad island” or “populous island”.   Now a Russian possession, it was a Japanese one at the time.

Black Gold won the 1924 Kentucky Derby.

Last prior edition:

Friday, May 16, 1924. Harry Yount.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Wedesday November 26, 1941. Japanese carriers depart the Kurils Islands.

Admiral Chūichi Nagumo's aircraft carrier task force departs for Pearl Harbor from the Kurile Islands, but with instructions that if contacted that negotiations have been successful with the U.S., it is to turn around and return.

On the same day, the US presented a proposal to Japan that it recognize the Chinese Nationalist government, withdraw from China and Indochina and agree to a multinational non-aggression pact.  The Japanese delegation asked for two weeks to study the proposal.  It stated:

Section I
Draft Mutual Declaration of Policy

The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan both being solicitous for the peace of the Pacific affirm that their national policies are directed toward lasting and extensive peace throughout the Pacific area, that they have no territorial designs in that area, that they have no intention of threatening other countries or of using military force aggressively against any neighboring nation, and that, accordingly, in their national policies they will actively support and give practical application to the following fundamental principles upon which their relations with each other and with all other governments are based:

  1. The principle of inviolability of territorial integrity and sovereignty of each and all nations.
  2. The principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.
  3. The principle of equality, including equality of commercial opportunity and treatment.
  4. The principle of reliance upon international cooperation and conciliation for the prevention and pacific settlement of controversies and for improvement of international conditions by peaceful methods and processes.

The Government of Japan and the Government of the United States have agreed that toward eliminating chronic political instability, preventing recurrent economic collapse, and providing a basis for peace, they will actively support and practically apply the following principles in their economic relations with each other and with other nations and peoples:

  1. The principle of non-discrimination in international commercial relations.
  2. The principle of international economic cooperation and abolition of extreme nationalism as expressed in excessive trade restrictions.
  3. The principle of non-discriminatory access by all nations to raw material supplies.
  4. The principle of full protection of the interests of consuming countries and populations as regards the operation of international commodity agreements.
  5. The principle of establishment of such institutions and arrangements of international finance as may lend aid to the essential enterprises and the continuous development of all countries and may permit payments through processes of trade consonant with the welfare of all countries.

Section II
Steps To Be Taken by the Government of the United States and by the Government of Japan

The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan propose to take steps as follows:

  1. The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan will endeavor to conclude a multilateral non-aggression pact among the British Empire, China, Japan, the Netherlands, the Soviet Union, Thailand and the United States.
  2. Both Governments will endeavor to conclude among the American, British, Chinese, Japanese, the Netherland and Thai Governments would pledge itself to respect the territorial integrity of French Indochina and, in the event that there should develop a threat to the territorial integrity of Indochina, to enter into immediate consultation with a view to taking such measures as may be deemed necessary and advisable to meet the threat in question. Such agreement would provide also that each of the Governments party to the agreement would not seek or accept preferential treatment in its trade or economic relations with Indochina and would use its influence to obtain for each of the signatories equality of treatment in trade and commerce with French Indochina.
  3. The Government of Japan will withdraw all military, naval, air and police forces from China and from Indochina.
  4. The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan will not support - militarily, politically, economically - any government or regime in China other than the National Government of the Republic of China with capital temporarily at Chungking.
  5. Both Governments will endeavor to obtain the agreement of the British and other governments to give up extraterritorial rights in China, including right in international settlements and in concessions and under the Boxer Protocol of 1901.
  6. The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan will enter into negotiations for the conclusion between the United States and Japan of a trade agreement, based upon reciprocal most favored-nation treatment and reduction of trade barriers by both countries, including an undertaking by the United States to bind raw silk on the free list.
  7. The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan will, respectively, remove the freezing restrictions on Japanese funds in the United States and on American funds in Japan.
  8. Both Governments will agree upon a plan for the stabilization of the dollar-yen rate, with the allocation of funds adequate for this purpose, half to be supplied by Japan and half by the United States.
  9. Both Governments will agree that no agreement which either has concluded with any third power or powers shall be interpreted by it in such a way as to conflict with the fundamental purpose of this agreement, the establishment and preservation of peace throughout the Pacific area.
  10. Both Governments will use their influence to cause other governments to adhere to and to give practical application to the basic political and economic principles set forth in this agreement.

The Germans withdrew from Sidi Rezegh and the British 7th Armored Division entered it.

Gen. Geoges Catrooux of the Free French forces in the Levant declared Lebanon independent.