Showing posts with label Swiss Air Force. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swiss Air Force. Show all posts

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Friday, July 31, 1914. Russia mobilizes.

Czar Nicholas II ordered the full mobilization of the Imperial Russian Army.

Kaiser Wilhelm issued a decree to the German people, depicted below:

It's extremely difficult, to say the least, to imagine how anyone could see the German cause in the erupting war as just in any fashion.

The 8th Congress of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation was held in Turkey to discuss asking for autonomy for Russian Armenia.

Inflation began to ramp up.  The London Stock Exchange closed, and would remained closed, for the rest of the year.

French Socialist leader Jean Jaurès by nationalist Raoul Villain.  Jaurès  was scheduled to attend an anti war conference of the International on August 9.

The Swiss Air Forces was established.

Drumright, Oklahoma, July 31, 1914.

Last edition:

Thursday, July 30, 1914. Bringing an action, if possible.