Showing posts with label Trucks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trucks. Show all posts

Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Work Truck Blog: Hating on EVs.

The Work Truck Blog: Hating on EVs.

Hating on EVs.

Oh my, they're here:

An earlier thread here:

The Work Truck Blog: Wyoming Delegation: Everyone Wants Internal Combus...

Wyoming Delegation: Everyone Wants Internal Combustion Engines, Enough With EV Nonsense

Wyoming Delegation: Everyone Wants Internal Combustion Engines, Enough With EV Nonsense

There is a real holding back the tide aspect to this.  Electric vehicles are coming, and soon.

Indeed, they aren't really new.

Something is really up with the GOP hating on EV's. It's really bizarre.  And it's not just Wyoming.  Consider that Senator Deb Fischer of Nebraska, who was on a tear the other day, posting tweet after tweet about electric vehicles.
California insists it's “speculative” to assume EVs will remain heavier than gas cars.
Public policy should reflect reality, not the baseless future dream of featherweight electric cars.

What’s speculative, obviously, is assuming with no evidence that their weight will change.

Heavy? Great. We used to complain that fuel efficient vehicles were too light.

To read the GOP propaganda in some quarters, Electric Vehicles travel in rogue bands, cross the Rhine, sack and loot villages, and take your daughters.

It's really absurd. 

All this comes about due to a Biden Administration proposed fuel efficiency mandate designed to spur on the development of EVs.  This is similar to what was done in the 70s and 80s concerning mileage standards, which some people also howled about.  And it's similar to what was done regarding water efficiency and electric efficiency in appliances since the 1970s.  In each instance, there were complainers who howled it was Federal overreach and the standard could't be met.  In each instance, however, industry had little trouble meeting it.

The truth of the matter is that EVs are now here, and there's a real holding back the tide aspect of this.  They're going to dominate in the near future, and each and every one of the supposed reasons that won't happen will be proven wrong, as will the common assertions it won't matter.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Saturday, February 23, 1924. Electric Trucks.

The Saturday magazines hit the stands, including this issue of Colliers:
The issue had some good articles on it, including one that would still be considered timely.

Politics and oil were a topic.

On oil, the issue had an Autocar Truck advertisement advertising gas and electric trucks. . . the latter being something that locals now insist just can't happen.

And Colt had an advertisement on handguns in a national magazine, something that wouldn't happen now.  While the government is referenced, it's really home protection, a theme we still see, that is being suggested.

The Royal Navy intervened in the ongoing dockworkers strike to move 4,500 bags of mail from the United States.

Albanian Prime Minister Ahmet Zogu was shot twice by an anarchist would be assassin, but survived.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Soap Blindness. Being careful about what you are wishing for.

Independent truck drivers, whom share nothing in common with Donald Trump whatsoever, are claiming they'll boycott New York State today due to the judgment against the serially indicted former President.

In the Gene Shepherd classic A Christmas Story, Ralphie imagines that he'll get "soap blindness" and live on the streets, to the regret of his parents, for having his mouth washed out with soap.  No such thing exists, of course, but in reality, if it did, it'd be worse than the remorse the parents would feel for the person enduring it.

In other words, a person needs to be careful for what they wish for.

Truck drivers, or at least American independent truck drivers, are heavily invested in the belief that "America needs us".  They're also heavily invested in a myth of manly, rugged independence.  The reality of the situation is quite different, however.

The United States went to a semi tractor supply distribution system through the short sightedness of Dwight Eisenhower, who backed the massive Federally funded expansion of the US highway system during his administration.  Eisenhower, impressed with the Autobahn, which he'd seen while the Supreme Commander of Allied Expedition Force in Europe, wanted them here.  It was really an example of the American System at work, and while I'm generally a proponent of the American System, it shouldn't have happened in this example.

Coming right at the same time that the American love of automobiles really took off, it caused a massive ongoing subsidy of the highway system, and by extension, the expansion of over the road trucking, at the detriment of the railroads.  I've posted on that here before, stating:

Trucking is a subsidized industry, but people don't think of it that way.  Its primary competitor is rail. Railroads put in their own tracks and maintain their own railroad infrastructure. When you see a train, everything you were looking at, from the rails to the cars, were purchased by private enterprise. When you seem a semi tractor, however, it's always traveling on a public conveyance.

It's doing that fairly inefficiently compared to rail.  Rail is incredibly cheap on a cost per mile basis, and it's actually incredibly "green" as well.  It's efficient.  Trucks are nowhere near as efficient in any fashion.  Not even in employment of human resources.  Trains have, anymore, one or two men crews, the same as semi trucks, but they're hauling a lot more per mile than trucks are with just two men.

And, as we also stated:

Following the Second World War the U.S. saw a rising expansion of over the road trucking.  By the late 1950s the US was, additionally, overhauling its Interstate highway system via the Defense Department's budget with new "defense" highways, which were much improved compared to the old Interstate highway system.  With the greatly improved roads, by the 1960s, interstate long haul trucking was in an advance state of supplanting the railroads for a lot of American freighting.  At the same time, the diesel engine supplanted the gasoline engine for semi tractors.  A very uncommon engine for motor vehicles in the United States prior to the 1950s, diesels started coming in somewhere in that period and by the 1960s they'd completely replaced gasoline engines for over the road semi tractors.  Now, of course, diesels have become fairly common for heavy pickups as well, and are even starting to appear in the U.S. in light pickup trucks in spite of the higher cost of diesel fuel.

The change was dramatic, although few people can probably fully appreciate that now, as we are so acclimated to trucking.  Thousands of trucks supplanted thousands of rail cars, and entire industries that were once served only by rail came to be served by truck.  The shipping of livestock, for example, which was nearly exclusively a railroad enterprise up into the 1950s is now done entirely by truck, a change which had remarkable impacts as rail shipping required driving the livestock to the railhead, whereas with the trucks they are simply scheduled to arrive at a ranch at a particular time.  Likewise, businesses that at one time located themselves near rail lines, so that they could receive their heavy products by rail, no longer do, as they receive those items by trucks.  For example, pipeyards, once always near a railhead, are not always today.

One semi truck does as much damage to the highways as 2,000 passenger cars, or some I'm told.  I was told that by the owner of a company that has semi trucks.

On top of it, truck driving isn't something Americans want to do anymore, something the independents who are protesting seem to be missing.  As we earlier noted:

There are presently 11,000,000 unfilled jobs in the United States.  These are jobs that were filled before the COVID Recession.  People aren't going back to work.

And laborers are also demanding better wages and benefits in order to do the work they're doing.

This represents a dual fundamental shift in the thinking of the American work force.  Part of it is old-fashioned, and part not so much.

As for better wages and benefits, following the Reagan Administration and the economic woes of the 1970s, American labor really faded from the scene as an organized entity.  Of course, we lost a lot of labor to overseas as well.  Now the remaining labor is fed up and taking advantage of the situation, for which it cannot be blamed.

The second part of this situation, however, is remarkable.  Forced out of work during the pandemic, stay homes, lots of people discovered that modern American work sucks. They don't want to go back, as their lives were better without the work.

Some of those who don't want to go back are truck drivers. The country is short 20,000 truck drivers right now.

In recent years the country has actually imported a lot of truck drivers, something the general public seems largely unaware of.  Anymore, when I read the names of people involved in truck driving accidents, I expect the drivers to be Russian, and I'm actually surprised when they are not.   What happened here overall isn't clear to me, but over the last fifteen years technology has developed to where it's much easier for trucking companies to keep tabs on their truckers while on the road and things have gotten safer. At the same time, this means, as it always has, but perhaps more so, that these guys live on the road.  According to Buttigieg the industry has an 80% annual turnover rate.

An 80% annual turnover rate doesn't sound even remotely possible to me, but that there's a high one wouldn't surprise me.  It's a dangerous job and contrary to what people like to imagine, it doesn't really pay the drivers that well as a rule, or at least fairly often.  Often the drivers are "owner operators" who own their own super expensive semi tractor and who are leasing it to the company they are driving for.  That in turn means that they're often making hefty payments on the truck.  I don't blame anyone for not wanting to do it.

I can blame the nation for putting itself in this situation, however.

Drivers can make a lot of money, for sure, but their paychecks often go towards paying for their trucks and the like.  Modern trucks are automatic transmission vehicles and the days of really highly skilled teamsters who knew how to double clutch and shift two gear shifts at once (which I've seen done), are long gone.  The job has become one where temporary immigrants and immigrants from the Third World are incredibly common.  

So sure, while there are Trump loving independent teamsters out there, there are a lot of drivers from India, Somalia, Russia or Mexico who no doubt have little Trump love.

And motorists have little truck love.  That's part of the reason that teamsters feel compelled to attempt to remind people that things move by truck.  The problem is, they don't have to.

Had the Defense Highway System not been built, things would move by rail, except locally. There's no reason that couldn't happen again, and if the Federal Government suddenly decided, for whatever reason (and expense would be a good one) to end the funding system, the result would be just like what happened when it quite subsidizing housing the mentally ill back in Reagan's day.  States wouldn't pick it back up.  It'd take awhile, but not as long as supposed, before rail picked its old role back up, but it could and would.  

Beyond that, rail transportation is already very "green", as noted above, compared to truck transportation.  It could be made much more so by electrifying the system, which is a proven system.  Trains engines are also more capable of readily being made in alternative fuels than semi trucks are.  Short haul trucks, from rail to consumer, are also relatively easy to make the conversion to electricity.

Up until after World War Two, most things moved by rail, and trucking was local.  The highway system, while the Federal Government was already in it, was much more local.

So, want to show how valuable you are to the economy?  Going on strike or into a boycott may do it.  Perhaps you are like the railroader of World War One and World War Two and can't be ignored.  Perhaps you are an economic Lysistrata and people won't want to ignore you.

Or perhaps people figure they're better off without you and they don't want to be taxed to support your industry anymore and they'll look forward to not seeing trucks in their rear view mirror.

Related Threads:

Supply Chain Disruption and Other Economic Problems

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Sunday, June 25, 2023

The Work Truck Blog: GMC New Design flatbed truck.

The Work Truck Blog: GMC New Design flatbed truck.:

GMC New Design flatbed truck.

This is a nice example, at least appearance wise, of a GMC New Design truck, the style of which is identical to the Chevrolet Advanced Design Truck.

The Advanced Design was introduced in 1947 and produced through 1955, although oddly you'll often see it claimed that it was produce through 53.  Indeed, 1953 seems to be associated with them, as people will often simply refer to the series as a "53".  We recently featured another example of it here:

Chevrolet Panel Truck

 Posted elsewhere some time ago, a beautifully restored Chevrolet panel truck.

Chevrolet Panel Truck

An exceptional example of a restored Chevrolet panel truck circa late 40s early 50s.

The one we're showing now is located out in front of the College Bar in Douglas, Wyoming, and it advertises that establishment.  It never moves, so I don't know if it's functional.  It's likely a 6100 2 ton truck or a 4100 1 1/2 ton truck.

The series was enormously successful and many examples of them remain in use.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Work Truck Blog: 1930s? International

The Work Truck Blog: 1930s? International:  

1930s? International


I saw this parked on the street the other day, with a for sale sign in the window.  I didn't stop, so I don't know the year for the truck.

International manufactured pickup trucks from 1907 to 1975.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

The Work Truck Blog: What's this blog about?

The Work Truck Blog: What's this blog about?

What's this blog about?

Oh no, Yeoman, not another blog.

Well, yes.

This one is dedicated to trucks, more specifically work trucks.

I've always had a thing for trucks.  And by that I mean real trucks. Not the cards mascarading as trucks that are so common today.

I'm sure I picked this up as a kid.

My father always had a truck.  Indeed, he always had a truck when most men of his occupation had cars, and perhaps a truck at home (most did).  Most men who did what my father did, and at the time he did it they were all men, drove a car to work day by day.  Not my father.  He drove a truck.

One of my cousins with my father's 1956 Chevrolet pickup truck.

I don't think my father ever actually owned a car of his own, although he co-owned there with my mother after they were married.  Before my grandfather died in the late 1940s, and my father worked as a teenager at the company packing house, my father drove a packing house sedan that had been converted into a truck.  It was a 1949 Chevrolet Sedan that had the bonnet removed from the truck, and a box installed.

If that doesn't sound like a truck, rest assured it is. The suspensions on late 40s and early 50s sedans were pretty truck like.  I myself had a 1954 Chevrolet Sedan for many years, and I drove it fishing fairly routinely, just like you would a truck.  I've owned two other cars since then, and I'd certainly not do that with them.

He had the 1949 prior to going into the Air Force and when he came back out, he bought the truck depicted above, the only new one he ever owned.  He had that until some point in the 1960s.  I'm told that I cried when he traded it in.

At that time, he acquired a 1965 Chevrolet Camper Special, which oddly enough was a half ton.  I recall it well.  A stick shift, light green truck with a white tonneau tarp, he had it for many years.  I learned how to drive on it.  Indeed, when I was old enough to test for my license at age 16, he had only just recently replaced it with a 1972 GMC.  I can recall this as I had a hard time with the driving test as I took it on my parent's 1973 Mercury Comet, which I later owned.  It was an automatic and I kept going to shift during the test, something which was emphasized by the fact that I was nervous.

I already owned a type of truck at that time, that being what the Army called a 1/4 ton utility truck or vehicle. I.e., a Jeep.  Mine was a 1958 M38A1, my first vehicle.

In buying it, I acquired a 4x4, something my father had never owned.  Unfortunately for me, or maybe fortunately, the engine was shot when I got it, so like the first car in the ballad Our Town, it didn't go far.  It established a precedence, however.  I've never been without a 4x4 since, and I've owned two more Jeeps, one of which I currently drive almost every day.

The 58 M38A1 was ultimately replaced by a 1974 F100 4x4 pickup, a light half ton. It's amazing to think that the 74 was "old" when I got it, as couldn't have been more than six or so years old in reality.  It was well-used however, and I only drove it for a year or so before I traded it in, myself, for a Dodge D150, the first great truck I ever owned.

Also, a 1974, it was, as Dodge used to advertise, "job ready".  Suspended more like a modern 3/4 ton, it was rough riding and tough as nails.  I drove it well into college, even though by that time I already had a second truck, a 1962 Dodge W300.  Ultimately, I sold it to my father, it becoming the only 4x4 truck he ever owned.  He drove it until it died, and truth be known, he didn't live much longer after that.  It's odd to think that he was younger than I am now when he bought it from me, and used it until both he and it really could go no further.

As you can probably tell, I've owned a lot of trucks over the years.  If you stick to just pickup trucks, I've owned seven of them, of which four were half tons and the remainder one tons (or heavier).  All have been 4x4s.  If you include Jeeps as little trucks, which I think they are, I've owned an additional three.

I'm likely done buying them.  The last one I bought that I regularly drive I've had now almost twenty years.  Petroleum vehicles are coming to an end, and at age 60, I'm also coming to an end.

But I've never gotten over my love for real trucks, and hence this blog on them.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Friday, January 26, 1923. The Sun-Joffre Maniefesto (孫文越飛宣言)

Sun Yat-sen and Communist envoy Adolph Joffe entered into the Sun-Joffre Maniefesto (孫文越飛宣言) providing that the Republic of China and the Soviet Union would cooperate with each other, while acknowledging that the Soviet system wasn't appropriate for China.

Sun Yat-sen is enormously admired to this day, but frankly there's plenty of reasons to regard him at least a little questionably.  This is an early example of Nationalist China leaning pretty heavily to the left, which it did for many years.  The Republic of China and the Soviet Union were sort of uneasy fellow travelers for quite some time.

Joffe was a Trotskyite whose health was already declining.  After Lenin's death and Trotsky's expulsion from the Communist Party, he was refused exit for medical treatment by the USSR and killed himself.  He almost certainly wouldn't have made it through the 30s had he been well.

The U.S. Army was photographed driving some of its trucks in Washington, D.C.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Monday, October 17, 2022

Two 1/4 tons.

A photo taken before the fall weather started to set in,

My 97 TJ in the background, with a 1960s vintage Bronco I in the foreground.

I've always really like the looks of the first generation Bronco.  The TJ is probably a better 4x4, it ought to be as it's thirty years newer, but the Bronco beats it in style.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Teamsters.* They aren't what they used to be. And that's sad in some ways.

Teamster, Toledo Ohio, 1920s.1

It was the only thing in the parking lot.

My 2007 Dodge 3500 that is.

It was parked there, all alone.  My wife took it to work, as I drove the 1997 Dodge 1500 to the shop for an exhaust repair.

A Haliburton driver drove into the lot, apparently one of the numerous misdirected truck drivers that take the exit, wrongly, and need to turn around in the parking lot.  He had plenty of room, but he hit my 3500 anyway.

He was driving a tractor trailer combo.

He was from Nigeria.2

I have nothing against Nigerians.  I've had one friend from Nigeria.  But I have to ask the question.

Are there any American truck drivers anymore?3

I work on trucking accidents quite a bit.  The last one I worked on featured a Polish driver.

In one I'm working on now, the drivers were Somalian.  I had a prior one where a driver was a central African who died driving a pickup truck in the first snowstorm he ever experienced.

Some time ago I worked on one where one of the drivers was Ukrainian.  

I see them all the time where the drivers are Russian.

I used to see them where the drivers were from Mexico.  No more, however.  Mexican drivers made sense, given NAFTA, which makes me wonder who is now driving the trucks in Mexico.

What's going on here?

Supposedly the US has a truck driver shortage to the tune of 80,000 drivers.  By the end of the decade that figure is expected to be 130,000.

Maybe the drivers just are paid so little, in context, that Americans have other options and won't do the job.

Indeed, I think the entire concept of a labor shortage in a country of 300,000,000+, which isn't gaining any more land, is a complete crock.  Truly, at that level of human settlement, if there are jobs going wanting, it makes sense that they be exported overseas.

But you can't, of course, export trucking jobs.

Supposedly the percentage of immigrant truck drivers is around 18.6%, just a little higher than the percentage of immigrants in the workforce, which is 17%.  That demonstrates its own oddities, again, for a country that now is likely exceeding its carrying capacity for human habitation, or at least the capacity at which it doesn't become extremely limiting and overall unpleasant for the inhabitants.  But just considering that, 18% is a lot.

So, might we note, is 17%.  That figure we'd also note resulted in one of Chuck Todd's accidental points against the point he was trying to make in a fairly recent post COVID Meet The Press in which he blamed inflation on the Trump era reduction in immigration, the logic being that the price of labor was going up as we weren't taking in as many immigrants.  And, indeed, that may be a factor, but the point would be that we're artificially keeping wages low by depressing wages by taking in those who are willing to undercut those already here.  It's like shipping jobs overseas, but by importing the overseas workforce instead, with the express intent of keeping wages in the country low.4 

Which brings us to this point in the current inflation finger pointing.  Part of this is just wages being readjusted to the level they should have been at long ago. And part of that, although probably not all that much, can be offset by reducing the obscene wages the upper management at a lot of large American corporations receive.

That aside, the 18.6% doesn't reflect what we're seeing in accidents.

An industry source reports the following:

Research Summary. Using a database of 30 million profiles, Zippia estimates demographics and statistics for heavy truck drivers in the United States. Our estimates are verified against BLS, Census, and current job openings data for accuracy. After extensive research and analysis, Zippia's data science team found that:

Well, I don't know what you make of that other than that truck drivers are, on average, not paid that great.  That probably explains why people don't want to do it.  Living away from home, for wages that aren't as high as you could get doing something else, why would you want to do it?

Twenty mule team.

Which likely explains why we see as many immigrant truck drivers as we do. Whatever they're making here is more than they'd make where they are from.  We noted some of this earlier here, before it really applied directly to us in the form of collision:

Some of those who don't want to go back are truck drivers. The country is short 20,000 truck drivers right now.

In recent years the country has actually imported a lot of truck drivers, something the general public seems largely unaware of.  Anymore, when I read the names of people involved in truck driving accidents, I expect the drivers to be Russian, and I'm actually surprised when they are not.   What happened here overall isn't clear to me, but over the last fifteen years technology has developed to where it's much easier for trucking companies to keep tabs on their truckers while on the road and things have gotten safer. At the same time, this means, as it always has, but perhaps more so, that these guys live on the road.  According to Buttigieg the industry has an 80% annual turnover rate.

An 80% annual turnover rate doesn't sound even remotely possible to me, but that there's a high one wouldn't surprise me.  It's a dangerous job and contrary to what people like to imagine, it doesn't really pay the drivers that well as a rule, or at least fairly often.  Often the drivers are "owner operators" who own their own super expensive semi tractor and who are leasing it to the company they are driving for.  That in turn means that they're often making hefty payments on the truck.  I don't blame anyone for not wanting to do it.

I can blame the nation for putting itself in this situation, however.

Trucking is a subsidized industry, but people don't think of it that way.  Its primary competitor is rail. Railroads put in their own tracks and maintain their own railroad infrastructure. When you see a train, everything you were looking at, from the rails to the cars, were purchased by private enterprise. When you seem a semi tractor, however, it's always traveling on a public conveyance.

It's doing that fairly inefficiently compared to rail.  Rail is incredibly cheap on a cost per mile basis, and it's actually incredibly "green" as well.  It's efficient.  Trucks are nowhere near as efficient in any fashion.  Not even in employment of human resources.  Trains have, anymore, one or two men crews, the same as semi trucks, but they're hauling a lot more per mile than trucks are with just two men.

Well, sooner or later people are going to have to return to work.  When the money runs out, that's the choice you have.

But this isn't going to return to normal. Whether we'll stabilize soon in a new economy, and we better hope that we do, or keep on enduring this, which will be wiping out savings and destroying earning capacity, remains to be seen.  The current Administration will be a key to that. 

What this also shows is the impact of technology.

It was trains, not trucks that moved most American goods and products prior to the 1950s.   We've addresssed that here as well too:

Following the Second World War the U.S. saw a rising expansion of over the road trucking.  By the late 1950s the US was, additionally, overhauling its Interstate highway system via the Defense Department's budget with new "defense" highways, which were much improved compared to the old Interstate highway system.  With the greatly improved roads, by the 1960s, interstate long haul trucking was in an advance state of supplanting the railroads for a lot of American freighting.  At the same time, the diesel engine supplanted the gasoline engine for semi tractors.  A very uncommon engine for motor vehicles in the United States prior to the 1950s, diesels started coming in somewhere in that period and by the 1960s they'd completely replaced gasoline engines for over the road semi tractors.  Now, of course, diesels have become fairly common for heavy pickups as well, and are even starting to appear in the U.S. in light pickup trucks in spite of the higher cost of diesel fuel.

The change was dramatic, although few people can probably fully appreciate that now, as we are so acclimated to trucking.  Thousands of trucks supplanted thousands of rail cars, and entire industries that were once served only by rail came to be served by truck.  The shipping of livestock, for example, which was nearly exclusively a railroad enterprise up into the 1950s is now done entirely by truck, a change which had remarkable impacts as rail shipping required driving the livestock to the railhead, whereas with the trucks they are simply scheduled to arrive at a ranch at a particular time.  Likewise, businesses that at one time located themselves near rail lines, so that they could receive their heavy products by rail, no longer do, as they receive those items by trucks.  For example, pipeyards, once always near a railhead, are not always today.

But here's something I hadn't considered, even thought it's referenced in the post above.

And trucks have become part of the American vehicular fleet in a way that would have been hardly imaginable even 50 years ago.  As they've become more comfortable to drive, and easier to drive, they've been a common family vehicle, which is not what they once were.  Pickup trucks used to be pretty much only owned by people who had some need of them, even if that need was recreational.  Now, they're common everywhere.  Indeed, the Ford F150, Ford's 1/2 ton pickup truck, has been the best-selling vehicle, that's vehicle, not truck, for the past 32 years.  So, so common have trucks become in the United States that one model of 1/2 tone truck is the number one single high selling model of vehicle.  Pretty amazing for a vehicle that started off as utilitarian and industrial.

That is, they've all become more comfortable to drive.

Semi's too.

Early semi tractors were pretty hard to drive.  Transmissions were not synchronized, and the drivers had to be able to double clutch and work two transmission levers simultaneously, while also driving something that had manual steering.  I've actually seen this done, FWIW, on 1950s era 6x6 trucks, although it took somebody who really knew them well to do it. Early truck drivers did, often shifting with both hands while hooking an arm through the steering wheel, something that sound frighteningly dangerous.  By the time I was young, however, big rigs had evolved considerably.  Nonetheless, they still required the ability to really work a manual transmission.

As I haven't kept up on this, it was only fairly recently, due to an item of litigation, that I learned manual transmission trucks are on their way out.  Indeed, almost all of the big rigs you seen on Interstate highways have automatic transmissions.  Trucks coming in and out of oilfield locations, if owned by contractors, are probably manuals, but they're also older as a rule.  If you see new trucks, even there, coming in or out of one, its an automatic.

And frankly, anyone, with just a little driving experience, can drive an automatic transmission semi.  Maybe not well, but you could drive it.

And hence the problem.

By the time I was a college student the romance of truck driving, and yes it was once regarded as romantic, had gone.  Locals started disliking the heavy trucks and the people who drove them, as they were regarded as dangerous.  I recall that coming up, oddly,in a geology class once during which the professor, from rural Montana, noted that he thought the decline in truck drivers was sad, as he had an uncle who was a truck driver when he, the prof, was young, and he was such a good driver.

And he probably was.  This conversation would have occurred around 1983.  The uncle probably drove trucks in the 40s and 50s, when they remained pretty hard to drive. People working skilled equipment are, well, skilled, and skill develops professionalism as a rule.

Now the trucks have become so easy to drive the real skill has faded, and with that, I suspect, the job has become dull in the way that skillless jobs become.  It doesn't pay well, and people don't want to do it, save for those who almost have to in some circumstances.


*. The name teamsters refer to men who used horses and wagons.  I.e., they drove a team.  That shows us, really, how old the term is, and how old the Teamsters Union is.  Having said that, horse-drawn teams were still in use for some things as late as the 1940s.

1. See footnote above.

A relative of my wife's, I'd note, was a teamster driving 20 mule teams locally when the oilfield still used them and when the refinery required them for heavy construction.  All a thing of the past, but something also requiring vast skill, which is relevant to this discussion.

2.  "He doesn't speak English" was a text I received right away from my wife.  "Russian?" was my reply, suspecting this must be the case.  "Nigerian" came the reply back.

In fact, she knew that right away.  We are friends with a Nigerian Catholic Priest and their accent is very distinct.  She just didn't want to embarrass the man by assuming his nationality, but he volunteered it.  Nigerian accents can be quite difficult to understand, as compared to other African accidents.

3.  I should note that it was clear that truck driving was probably only part of this individuals job.  He was dressed appropriately in FRs and likely was driving to a frac location.  Indeed, he noted he had to get to Shoshoni.  
But this raises its own interesting questions.  His "day boss" came to the location, driving in from Gillette, and taking a lot longer than he estimated it would take him.  The day boss was from Oklahoma or Texas, as his soft southern accent made clear.  The Haliburton trailer was licensed in Oklahoma. Haliburton used to have a yard here, but it no longer does.

I've encountered a lot of Mexican immigrants in oilfield service jobs, but up until recently I didn't encounter any African ones.  This is only the second time that I have, but here too, it's an interesting phenomenon.  For years, it's been a bedrock belief of Wyomingites that the oilfield provides good, high paying, jobs, and that certainly has in fact been true.  But for some time now, quite a few companies are actually staffed by out-of-state crews in some instances.  Locals still work on a lot of crews.  But now we're starting to see, at a very low level, I think, small numbers of immigrants who have come from overseas to work in these industries.

Again, who can blame them?  Nobody. But what is the overall impact on wages and employment?  Right now, probably not much, but some evolution seems to be going on.

4.  This is one of the things that gave rise to Donald Trump and the populist right.  A large number of Trump supporters came out of the Rust Belt Democrats who simply grew tired of having their traditionally well paying manual labor and skilled labor jobs erode economically due to intentionally bringing in an immigrant population that would work for lower wages.  This lead to a strong anti-immigrant feeling amongst them which mirrors a less virulent overall feeling in the country, save amongst liberals, that immigration into the country is at far too high of a rate.

This sense dates back all the way to the 1970s, but repeated generations of Democratic and Republican politicians have flat out ignored it, with the Democrats erroneously believing that every immigrant is a future Democratic voter and the Republicans cynically believing that this serves the interest of industry by keeping wages depressed.  With Trump's express adoption of this long suppressed view, many Rust Belt Democrats bolted their party and became Trump Republicans.

There is a lesson there about ignoring a long held concern of a large section of the country.  Not only has this now come into one of the two parties in force, it's become malignant in certain ways as well.

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