Showing posts with label July 20 Plot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label July 20 Plot. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Friday, January 5, 1945. They gave all.

British forces prevailed in the Battle of Bure.

The Navy shelled Iwo Jima, Haha Jima and Chichi Jima. The USAAF also hit them with B-29s.

Suribachi Wan in the Kurils was bombarded by surface vessels.

Shwebo was taken by the British 2nd Division of British 33rd Corps (Stopford).  Indian paratroopers were dropped south of Rangoon.

The opening mission of Operation Cornflakes, an attempt to distribute propoganda via the German mail system, opened with a mail train being bombed followed by an air drop of fake mail to German homes.

Ala Gertner, age 32, was executed at Auschwitz for her role in the Sonderkommando revolt of October, 1944.

Julies Leber, age 53, was also executed by the Germans for his role in being an opposition politician and German resistance member.  An Alsatian who had originally chosen a career in the German Army, he was wounded in World War One and resigned from the army after the Kapp Putsch, which he opposed.  He was a member of the July 20 plot and was anticipated to have a future role in the replacement German government.

The Soviet government recognized the Communist Provisional Government, which the UK and US did not.

Pepe Le Pew debuted in "Odor-able Kitty".

Last edition:

Thursday, January 4, 1945. Fighting in snowy Belgium.


Thursday, November 14, 2024

Tuesday, November 14, 1944. The death of Leigh-Mallory.

Sarah Sundin's blog has a bunch of interesting items:

Today in World War II History—November 14, 1939 & 1944: 80 Years Ago: British Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory dies in plane crash in the Alps. French First Army opens assault toward Belfort Gap in France

Leigh-Mallory was a lawyer by training and had just applied to be a barrister after obtaining his education when the Great War broke out.  He immediately joined the British Army and transferred to the Royal Flying Corps in 1916.  He thought of resuming his legal career after the war, but regarded his chances of having a successful legal career as poor in the post war United Kingdom, so he stayed in the RAF.

He was intensely Christian, although very private, and donated a portion of his salary to charity, something that was not widely known during his life.  In a private writing, he intimated that he'd seen the ghost of  women's right campaigner Emily Langton Massingberd at Gunby Hall in Lincolnshire, a building he subsequently intervened in order to prevent its destruction during the Second World War.

The Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia was founded in Prague, with the sponsorship of Nazi Germany.

Had such an organization existed earlier in the war, and been sincere, it might have achieved something.  Of course, in reality, liberating the Russian people was never something the Germans had in mind. Quite the opposite was the case.

As its first act, it adopted a manifesto, which read:


The Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia

Dear compatriots! Brothers and Sisters!

In an hour of difficult trials we must decide the fate of our Motherland, our peoples, our personal fate.

Humanity is undergoing an epoch of tremendous upheavals. The ongoing world war is a deadly fight of opposing political systems.

Fighting are the powers of imperialism headed by the plutocrats of England and the USA, the greatness of which is built upon the persecution and exploitation of other nations and peoples. Fighting are the powers of internationalism headed by the clique of Stalin, dreaming of a world revolution and the destruction of the national independence of other countries and peoples. Fighting are freedom loving nations, thirsting to live their own life, directed by their personal historical and national development.

There is no greater crime than to destroy, as Stalin is doing, countries and suppress peoples, who are trying to preserve the land of their ancestors and with their personal effort create upon it their own happiness. There is no greater crime than to persecute another nation and force one’s will upon it.

The powers of destruction and enslavement are covering their criminal aims with slogans of defense of freedom, democracy, culture, and civilization. Under the defense of freedom they understand the forceful pushing of their political system onto other governments. Under the defense of culture and civilization they understand the destruction of monuments to culture and civilization that were created by the millennial efforts of other peoples.

For what are the peoples of Russia fighting in this war? For what are they condemned to countless sacrifices and sufferings?

Two years ago Stalin could still fool the peoples with words about the patriotic liberational character of the war. But now the Red Army has crossed the state borders of the USSR and has broken into Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, and is drowning with blood foreign lands. Now the true character of the war dragged on by the Bolsheviks is clear. Its aim – to strengthen even more the lordship of the Stalinist tyranny over the peoples of the USSR, to establish this lordship throughout the entire world.

The peoples of Russia have for over a quarter of a century experienced upon themselves the weight of the Bolshevik tyranny.

In the revolution of 1917, the peoples that inhabited the Russian empire tried to seek a realization of their desires for fairness, general well-being, and national freedom. They rebelled against the outlived tsarist government, which did not want to nor was capable of destroying the reasons that created social unfairness, the remnants of serfdom, economic and cultural backwardness. But the party and leaders, who did not decide upon the brave and effective reforms after the overthrow of tsarism by the peoples of Russia in February of 1917, with their two faced politics, conciliatory attitude, and lack of desire to take upon themselves responsibility for the future – did not justify itself before the people. The people naturally went behind those who promised them an immediate peace, land, freedom, and bread, who put out the most radical slogans.

The people are not guilty for the fact that the party of Bolsheviks, having promised to establish public order, under which the people would be happy and in who’s name were brought countless victims – that this party, having taken power, by the people’s hands, not only did not fulfill the demands of the people but eventually strengthening its apparatus of power took from the people their fought for rights, placed them into constant neediness, lack of rule, and the most irresponsible exploitation.

The Bolsheviks took from the peoples of Russia their right for national independence, development, and originality.

The Bolsheviks took from the people the freedom of speech, freedom of conviction, freedom of privacy, freedom to choose one’s place of residence and freedom of movement, freedom of planning and opportunity for each person to take their place in society in relation to their abilities. They substituted these rights with terror, party privileges and arbitrariness, committed against the person.

The Bolsheviks took from the farmers the land they fought for, the right to freely labor on land and freely use the fruits of their labor. Having cuffed the farmers with their kolhoz organization, the Bolsheviks turned them into servants of the government without rights, more exploited and repressed.

The Bolsheviks took from the workers their right to freely choose a profession and place of work, to organize and fight for better conditions and compensation for their labor, to influence production and made workers into slaves of government capitalism without rights.

The Bolsheviks took away from the intelligencia the right to freely create for the benefit of the people and tried to use force, terror, and bribery to make it a weapon of their lying propaganda.

The Bolsheviks condemned the people of our motherland to constant poverty, hunger, and dying out, to a spiritual and physical enslavement and, finally, forced them into a war for alien interests.

All of this is masked by lies about the democracy of the Stalin constitution, about the construction of a socialist society. Not one country in the world did not know and does not know such a low living standard in the face of such large material resources, such lawlessness and denigration of the person, as this was and remains in the Bolshevik system.

The peoples of Russia disbelieved Bolshevism, in the face of which the government is an all consuming machine, while the people – its rights deprived, destitute, and overall deprived slave. They see the serious danger that is hanging over them. If Bolshevism could at least temporarily establish itself on the blood and bones of the peoples of Europe, the many year battle of the peoples of Russia that cost countless sacrifices would be fruitless. Bolshevism would use the exhaustion of peoples in this war and finally deprive them of the capability to resist. Therefore the efforts of all peoples should be directed at the destruction of the monstrous machine of Bolshevism and on the offering of rights to every person to live and create freely, in scope of their strength and capabilities, for the establishment of order, defending a person from arbitrary rule and not permitting the theft of the results of one’s labor by anyone, including the government.


The aims of the Committee of Liberation of the Peoples of Russia are:

a. The overthrow of Stalin's tyranny, the liberation of the peoples of Russia from the Bolshevik system, and the restitution of those rights to the peoples of Russia which they fought for and won in the people's revolution of 1917

b. Discontinuation of the war and an honorable peace with Germany

c. Creation of a new free people's political system without Bolsheviks and exploiters

As the basis for a new government for the peoples of Russia the committee places the following major principles:

1) The equality of all peoples of Russia and a real right for national development, self determination, self rule, and governmental independence.

2) The confirmation of a popular worker front, before which the interests of the government are subordinate to the goals of raising the well-being and development of the nation.

3) The preservation of peace and the establishment of peaceful relations with all nations of the world, an all round development of international collaboration.

4) Wide ranging government actions for the strengthening of the family and marriage. A true equality for women.

5) The liquidation of forced labor and the granting to the laborers a real right to free labor which creates their material well-being, the confirmation of a wage for all types of labor in an amount that can support an appropriate standard of living.

6) The liquidation of collective farms, the free return of land to the private ownership of farmers. The freedom to determine labor land usage. The freedom to use the products of one’s personal labor, the abolishment of forced requisitions, and the cancellation of all debts to the Soviet government.

7) The establishment of protected private labor ownership. The reestablishment of trade, crafts, domestic industry, the granting of the right of private initiative and an opportunity for it to participate in the economic life of the nation.

8) Granting the intelligencia the opportunity to freely create for the well-being of their people.

9) Granting social justice and defense of laborers from any exploitation, regardless of their origin and former activities.

10) The creation for all without exception the real right for free education, medical care, vacation, and senior welfare.

11) The destruction of the regime of terror and force. Liquidation of forceful repopulations and mass exiles. The establishment of a true freedom of religion, conscience, speech, assembly, press. A guarantee of the protection of person, property, and home. The equality of all before the law, the independence and clarity of the court.

12) The liberation of political opponents of Bolshevism and the return to the motherland from the jails and camps of all who were repressed for their battle against Bolshevism. No revenge and persecution for those who stop their battle for Stalin and Bolshevism, regardless of whether this was done by necessity or by conviction.

13) The reestablishment of national property ruined during the war – cities, villages, factories, and plants at cost to the government.

14) Government support of invalids of the war and their families.

The destruction of Bolshevism is the uncompromised aim of all progressive powers. The Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia is certain that the united efforts of the peoples of Russia will find support amidst all free loving peoples of the world.

The Liberation Movement of the Peoples of Russia is a continuation of a many years long battle against Bolshevism, for freedom, peace, and fairness. The successful completion of this battle is now provided for by:

a) The accumulation of greater experience than during that of the revolution of 1917.

b) The accumulation of growing and organized military forces – the Russian Liberation Army, the Ukrainian Liberation Forces, Cossack forces and national detachments

c) The accumulation of anti-Bolshevik armed forces in the Soviet rear.

d) The accumulation of growing oppositional powers within the people, government apparatus, and army of the USSR.

The Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia sees the main condition for victory over Bolshevism in the UNITY OF ALL NATIONAL FORCES AND SUBORDINATION TO THE COMMON TASK OF OVERTHROWING THE BOLSHEVIK POWER. This is why the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia supports all revolutionary and anti-Stalin, anti-Bolshevik opposition while at the same time decisively rejecting all reactionary projects that are tied to the suppression of the people’s rights.

The Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia welcomes the assistance of Germany on those conditions that do not affect the honor and independence of our motherland. This help is currently the only realistic opportunity to organize an armed struggle against the Stalinist clique.

With our battle we have taken upon ourselves the responsibility for the fate of the peoples of Russia. With us are millions of the best sons of our motherland, having taken up arms and already having shown their courage and readiness to give their life in the name of liberating our motherland from Bolshevism. With us are millions of people who left from Bolshevism and are giving their efforts to the common cause of battle. With us are tens of millions of brothers and sisters, suffering under the oppression of the Stalinist tyranny and awaiting the hour of liberation.

Officers and soldiers of the Liberation forces! With the blood spilt in our joint struggle, our battle friendship with warriors of different nationalities has been strengthened. We have a common cause. We must also have a common effort. ONLY THE UNITY OF ALL ARMED ANTI-BOLSHEVIK FORCES OF THE PEOPLES OF RUSSIA WILL LEAD TO VICTORY. Do not drop from your hands the arms you have received, fight for unity, selflessly fight with the enemies of the people – Bolshevism and its associates. Remember, you are being expected by the tortured peoples of Russia. Liberate them!

Compatriots, brothers and sisters who are located in Europe! Your return to the motherland as citizens with full rights can only be possible with the victory over Bolshevism. You are in the millions. Upon you hinges the success of battle. Remember, that you are working for a common cause, for the heroic liberation forces. Multiply your efforts and your feats of labor!

Officers and soldiers of the Red Army! Cease the criminal war that is aimed at the oppression of the peoples of Europe. Turn your weapons against the Bolshevik usurpers who have enslaved the peoples of Russia and condemned them to hunger, suffering, and lawlessness.

Brothers and sisters in the motherland! Strengthen your battle against the Stalinist tyranny, against the occupational war. Organize your powers for a decisive fight for your rights that have been taken away, for fairness and well-being.

The Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia calls you all to unity and to a battle for peace and freedom!


The chairman of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia

General Lieutenant A. Vlasov

The committee never encompassed all of the Russian groups then aligned with the Germans, and was iself oddly mixed, with some members being Communists.  Andrey Vlasov was the movements head, and was not trusted by the Germans, for good reason.  Late in the war, the armed expression of the movement would switch sides and fight against the Germans at Prague.

Vlasov, like Stalin, had started off as a Russian Orthodox seminary student but dropped out of that pursuit after the Russian Revolution and joined the Reds during the Russian Civil War.  He became a Communist in 1930 and was a Soviet military advisor to Chiang Kai-shek.  He was captured by the Germans in 1942 and was recruited to the anti Soviet side.  His opposition to Stalin's rule was sincere.  He was executed by the Soviets in 1946.

Norway's government in exile in the UK announced that Norwegian troops were operating alongside of Soviet troops in the country's far north.

92,000 Ahiska Turks were forcefully deported from the Meskheti region of Georgia by the Soviet Union.

German resistance members Walter Cramer, Bernhard Letterhaus and Ferdinand von Lüninck were hanged at Plötzensee Prison in Berlin.

The Aktsu Maru was sunk by the USS Queenfish.

Last edition:

Monday, November 13, 1944. Air service returns to London.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Saturday, October 14, 1944. Rommel kills himself.

A German Mark V Panther tank has been knocked out by the U.S. Army Air Corps. It stands alone in this field near Ploy, France. 14 October, 1944.

Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, rather than face trial for his remote association with the July 20 plot, killed himself.  He was met first by representatives of the German government and his house surrounded and given the choice between suicide with a state funeral and immunity from prosecution for his family, vs a trial.  The German public was told that he died from wounds associated with an Allied strafing run on his car.

German observation posts in Aachen, Germany, are targets for these M10s and their three-inch guns of "A" Co., 634th TD Bn. 14 October, 1944.  Company A, 634th Tank Destroyer Battalion attached to 1st Infantry Division.

The Allies took Athens and the Piraeus.  British forces landed at Corfu.

German and Italian Social Republic forces took Domodossola, Italy from partisans.

Troops in Italy eating K rations, looking a lot like Bill Mauldin's Willie and Joe depictions.

Two soldiers with a tapped keg of some kind.

The Germans withdrew from Niš, Yugoslavia.

The 81st Infantry Division replaced the 1st Marine Division at Peleliu.

Formosa was hit again by Task Force 38.  Task Force 38.4 conducted air raids on Luzon.

The Canadian frigate Magog was damaged beyond repair in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence by the U-1223.

Last edition:

Friday, October 13, 1944. Black Friday for the Black Watch.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Sunday, October 1, 1944. Battle of Tornio starts.

Miss Betty Brittian, Pasadena, Calif., hands Cpl. Wm. B. Brooks, Clayton, Ga., inside the tank, a cup of coffee and doughnuts. 1 October, 1944. Company B, 609th Tank Destroyer Battalion.

The Battle of Tornio began with a Finnish attack on German positions in Lapland.

The U.S. Army took Monte Battaglia.  II and IV Corps launch an offensive towards Bologna.

The Germans commenced the Putten Raid in the Netherlands, removing 660 men in reprisals for a failed assassination attempt on a German official.

British commandos landed at Poros, Greece.  Greek troops landed at Mitilini, Lemnos, and Levita.

British General General Richard McCreery assumed command of the 8th Army, in Italy. General Oliver Leese, was assigned to command Allied Land Forces, Southeast Asia.

Gen. Rudolf Schmundt, age 48, died of wounds sustained in the July 20 plot.  He had been an adjutant to Hitler.

Sally Reed, Durham, Mass., a Red Cross worker somewhere in France, does a bit of KP on the large containers about her--and she doesn't believe in signs for they're all coffee urns. 1 October, 1944.

Last edition: 

Saturday, September 30, 1944. Counteroffensive at Nijmegen.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Friday, September 29, 1944. Soviet amphibious operations and executions.

GIs with mess gear standing in the mud in Gothic Line in Apennines. 29 September, 1944. Fifth Army, Route 65, Italy.

The Red Army began the Moonsund Landing Operation, an amphibious operation to take German held Estonian islands.   Some Logistic support was provided by Finland.

The Battle of Arracourt ended with an American victory.

John William Harper preformed the actions that lead to a posthumous Victoria Cross.

The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the posthumous award of the VICTORIA CROSS to: —

No. 4751678 Corporal John William Harper, The York and Lancaster Regiment (Doncaster).

In North-West Europe, on 29th September, 1944, the Hallamshire Battalion of the York and Lancaster Regiment attacked the Depot de Mendicite, a natural defensive position surrounded by an earthen wall, and then a dyke, strongly held by the enemy. Corporal Harper was commanding . the leading section in the assault. The enemy were well dug in and had a perfect field of fire across 300 yards of completely flat and exposed country. With superb disregard for the hail of mortar bombs and small arms fire which the enemy brought to bear on this open ground, Corporal Harper led his section straight up to the wall and killed or captured the enemy holding the near side. During this operation the platoon commander was seriously wounded and Corporal Harper took over control of the platoon. As the enemy on the far side of the wall were now throwing grenades over the top, Corporal Harper climbed over the wall alone, throwing grenades, and in the face of heavy, close range small arms fire, personally routed the Germans directly opposing him. He took four prisoners and shot several of the remainder of the enemy as they fled. Still completely ignoring the heavy spandau and mortar fire, which was sweeping the area, once again he crossed the wall alone to find out whether it was possible for his platoon to wade the dyke which lay beyond. He found the dyke too deep and wide to cross, and once again he came back over the wall and received orders to try and establish his platoon on the enemy side of it. For the third time he climbed over alone, found some empty German weapon pits, and providing the covering fire urged and encouraged his section to scale the wall and dash for cover. By this action he was able to bring down sufficient covering fire *to enable the rest of the company to cross the open ground and surmount the wall for the loss of only one man. Corporal Harper then left his platoon in charge of his senior section commander and walked alone along the banks of the dyke, in the face of heavy spandau fire, to find a crossing place. Eventually he made contact with the battalion attacking on his right, and found that they had located a ford. Back he came across the open ground, and, whilst directing his company commander to the ford, he was struck by a bullet which fatally wounded him and he died on the bank of the dyke. The success of the battalion in driving the enemy from the wall and back across the dyke must be largely ascribed to the superb self sacrifice and inspiring gallantry of Corporal Harper. His magnificent courage, fearlessness and devotion to duty throughout the battle set a splendid example to his men and had a decisive effect on the course of the operations.

Otto Herfurth, Joachim Meichssner, Fritz von der Lancken, Wilhelm-Friedrich zu Lynar and Joachim Sadrozinski were hung for their rule in the July 20 Plot.

Virginia Turneli, Italian partisan, was burned to death.  

Last edition:

Thursday, September 28, 1944. The Belgrade Offensive and a last telegraph.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Saturday, August 19, 1944. Uprising in Paris.

French resistance members began attacks on German troops in Paris.

FFL on August 19, 1944.

The uprising forced an Allied reassessment of the line of advance.  While French forces very much wanted to take Paris, and probably would have advanced on it no matter what they were told, Eisenhower did not want to as he did not regard the city as strategic and its large civilian population would instantly become a burden Allied supplies.

Unlike the Soviets, however, the Western Allies were not willing to simply let the Germans do what they will with an uprising in a city.

On the road to Paris, Ecouche, a French military policeman directs a British armored convoy at an intersection of the town.  August 19, 1944.

The Battle for Mont Ormel ridge as a final part of the Falaise operation, featuring Polish troops taking on the Germans at Hill 262.

3d Infantry Division soldier in southern France walks over a poster of Hitler.

American anti tank gun crew in southern France.

3d Infantry Division medic aiding wounded German.  The medic's 1943 boots are clearly in evidence and the 3d Infantry Division insignia is prominent on the shirts and helmets of these men.  The medic is carrying a short pickaxe on his belt.

French policeman and resistance fighter bringing in German captive in southern France.

Two French women on opposites sides of the war in sympathies square off in a fight in southern France.  A couple of items.  One of the French women is wearing shorts, which were very common hot weather apparel for French women in this period.  They were worn elsewhere as well, but they were common for the French.  Secondly, I don't know who is who, but as the women in the center seems to be getting the brunt of it, my guess she is the German sympathizer.  This would become a common scene.

Operation Bagration concluded in a Soviet victory.

American submarines sank troopship Teia Maru (formerly the French ocean liner Aramis), the landing craft depot ship Tamatsu Maru and fleet oiler Hayasui.

German submarines U-123 and U-466 were scuttled.

A referendum to grant the Australian government additional powers over a five year period failed.

Field Marshal Günther von Kluge, age 61, who had fallen under suspicion due to the July 20 plot ,and who had been relieved the day prior, killed himself.

Last edition:

Friday, August 18, 1944. German retreats.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Thursday, August 10, 1944. Stiffening German resistance in the East, Advancing in the West, Pacific victory.

The Battle of Narva ended in a German defensive victory while the Battle of Tannenberg Line ended in a German tactical victory.

The Tartu Offensive began in Estonia.

The British took Vimont.   The US 20th Corps took Nantes.  Fearing encirclement from Canadian and US forces, the Germans pulled back near Mortain.

Frenchmen of the town of Angers celebrate their liberation by burning the swastika that long flew over their town in the town Awuare.

After a frontal attack routed the Nazis from Angers, tanks with infantrymen walking alongside, move through the town.

The Battle of Guam ended in an American victory.

July 20 plotter Berthold Alfred Maria Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg was executed.

The U-608 was scuttled after being damaged by a RAF B-24 and the Royal Navy sloop Wren.

Lsat edition:

Wednesday, August 9, 1944. Finns battle Soviets to a draw, Horror at the Łódź Ghetto, Yes to MacArthur and the Philippines, Third Army at Le Mans, Smokey the Bear and Sam Elliot arrive on the scene.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Sunday, July 23, 1944. The Lwów Uprising

The Lwów Uprising by the Polish Home Army began.  The uprising was a success in that it took large portions of the city as the Soviets arrived, but a failure in that the Soviets arrested the political leadership of the city,  and then conscripted or arrested the Polish combatants.

The Red Army took Pskov, the last major town of the prewar USSR to be liberated, meaning that the Soviets were now fighting off of their soil, for the most part.

The last inmates at Treblinka were murdered.

The SS launched a manhunt for members of the July 20 plot.

The Canadian First Army became operational in Normandy.

US troops outside of Saint-Lô.  The soldier closest to the camera is a NCO, identifiable by the horizontal stripe on his helmet, and is carrying a M3 "Grease Gun".

Last edition:

Saturday, July 22, 1944. Changes in governments.