Showing posts with label Operation Straight Line. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Operation Straight Line. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2024

Wednesday, May 17, 1944. Landing at Wakde.


The US landed on Wakde.

US forces also landed on Insumarai and at Arare on mainland New Guinea.

The U.S. Navy raided Surabaya's oil installations in the  Dutch East Indies by air, and then the night B-24s did so again.

Merrill's Marauders and Chinese Nationalists captured Myitkyina airfield.  Allied troops landed by glider later that day.

Allied forces took Piumarolo, Monte Faggeta, Esperiam Formiam Sant'Angelo. The Germans decide to withdraw to a new defensive perimeter.

From Sarah Sundin:
Today in World War II History—May 17, 1944: Allied Expeditionary Air Force approves black & white invasion stripes for aircraft for D-day to prevent friendly fire, not announced yet to maintain security.
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