Showing posts with label Pugachev's Rebellion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pugachev's Rebellion. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Sunday, August 21, 1774. Defeat for the serfs.

Johann von Michelsohnen.

The Imperial Russian Army, commanded by the unlikely named Johann von Michelsohnen, an Estonian of very obvious German descent, and serf rebels, led by Yemelyan Pugachev contested at what is now Volograd, with the outnumbered Imperial Russian Army not surprisingly prevailing.  Pugachev escaped, for a time, but hsi revolution fell apart thereafter.

Last edition:

August 17, 1774. Militia Muster.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sunday, July 31, 1774. Pugachev's decree

Russian Cossack ataman and rebel Yemelyan Ivanovich Pugachev, impersonating Czar Peter III, purported to free the serfs and extend religious liberty to the Old Believers

We, Peter III, by the Grace of God Emperor and Autocrat of All-Russia, etc. This is given for nationwide information. By this personal decree, with our monarchial and fatherly love, we grant to everyone who formerly was in serfdom or in any other obligation to the nobility; and we transfer these to be faithful personal subjects of our crown; we grant the right to use the ancient sign of the Cross, and to pray, and to wear beards; while to the Cossacks for eternity their freedoms and liberties; we terminate the recruiting system, cancel personal and other monetary taxes, abolish without compensation the ownership of land, forest, pastures, fisheries and salt deposits; and we free everyone from all taxes and obligations which the thievish nobles and extortionist city judges have imposed on the peasantry and the rest of the population. We pray for the salvation of your souls and wish you a happy and peaceful life here where we have suffered and experienced much from the above-mentioned thievish nobles. Now since our name, thanks to the hand of Providence, flourishes throughout Russia, we make hereby known by this personal decree the following: all nobles who have owned either pomesties [estates granted by the state], or votchinas [inherited estates], who have opposed our rule, who have rebelled against the empire, and who have ruined the peasantry should be seized, arrested, and hanged; that is, treated in the same manner as these unchristians have treated you, the peasantry. After the extermination of these opponents and thievish nobles everyone will live in a peace and happiness that shall continue to eternity.

The rebellion against Catherine the Great ended in the expansion of serfdom. 

Last edition:

Thursday, July 28, 1774. The New York Gazeteer.