The current NCSD dress code.
Usually with something like this, the poster, if he's been out of school over 20 years (and I have. . . shoot, I've been out of grad school for over 20 years.. . . hard to imagine), makes some comment about how things have changed and how back in the day. . .
Well, in actuality I think this is the same dress code, more or less, that they had back when I was in junior high. It might actually be a little more restrictive than the applied code when I was in high school. I think the same rules applied, but they weren't enforcing them all that much. I know weweren't supposed to wear t-shirts with beer advertisements on them, but they weren't all that common at that time anyhow, and I don't think they bothered with enforcing that rule. We were not to wear hats in class, I do recall that.
Which isn't to say that things never changed in the district. There were real rules at one time, but I don't really know when they ended. I suspect, however, it was the 1970s. Up until some point just after the Vietnam War every male student at NCHS (but not KWHS) had to take JrROTC and that did create a male dress code for at least one day per week. Earlier in the school's history I think that applied for more than one day per week.

NCHS students in 1940s.
Girls at that time wore a school uniform, or at least for part of that time they did. I don't really know when it ceased.
Whenever it did, the dress code that is the topic of the NCSD video, has pretty much been in place for at least 40 years.