Marines and Coast Guardsmen display a Japanese flag, Engebi, Eniwetok Atoll, 19 February 1944.
Marines land on Eniwetok in regimental strength. Fighting is heavy. Among the casualties is John A. Bushemi, noted combat photographer. He was 26 years of age.
Landing craft headed towards Eniwetok, February 19, 1944.
And also Cpl. Anthony Damato.

Corporal Anthony P. Damato
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving with an assault company in action against enemy Japanese forces on Engebi Island, Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands, on the night of 19[-20 February 1944. Highly vulnerable to sudden attack by small, fanatical groups of Japanese still at large despite the efficient and determined efforts of our forces to clear the area, Cpl. Damato lay with two comrades in a large foxhole in his company's defense perimeter which had been dangerously thinned by the forced withdrawal of nearly half of the available men. When one of the enemy approached the foxhole undetected and threw in a hand grenade, Cpl. Damato desperately groped for it in the darkness. Realizing the imminent peril to all three and fully aware of the consequences of his act, he unhesitatingly flung himself on the grenade and, although instantly killed as his body absorbed the explosion, saved the lives of his two companions. Cpl. Damato's splendid initiative, fearless conduct, and valiant sacrifice reflect great credit upon himself and the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his comrades.
From Sarah Sundin:
The Luftwaffe hit London with 187 planes, the heaviest raid since May, 1941.
The Germans ended Operation Sumpfhahn against partisans in Belarus.
The U-386 and U-264 were both sunk by the Royal Navy in the Atlantic.
Billboard modified its "Most Played Juke Box Records" chart to rank records rather than songs.