Showing posts with label Oligarchy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oligarchy. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

On being duped, and staying duped. I saw some Trumpsplainers go berserk on Twitter on the question of betraying Ukraine, with . . .

well at least he isn't having kids get gender bending surgery.


Has Trump done anything on that topic?

Well, no.  He hasn't.

He did ban biological men from participating in women's sports, something states were doing anyhow, and which is widely supported.  And his Secretary of Defense banned those who had received such surgeries from joining the service (not from staying in).

And on the social issues, somethings to consider.

Has he done anything to widen prohibitions against abortion?

Nope.  In fact, to the contrary, he's supporting IVF which results in millions of abortions and which is condemned by the Apostolic Faiths, including the one J. D. Vance claims to adhere to.

Has he done anything to protect the traditional definition of marriage?

Nope.  Indeed, his Treasury Secretary is openly homosexual.  I'm not saying he shouldn't be Treasury Secretary, but the populist had a four year fit over Biden's Transpiration Secretary being in the exact same domestic situation.

Exact same.  

I guess its okay now.

Deportation of illegal aliens?

Well, it's at pretty much the same rate it was under Biden.

So, those who supported Trump as they wanted to advance social issues on the right, well, what did you get?


Just men out of women's sports, which was being done anyhow.

Piles of cost saving cuts of wasteful things?

Nope, a few cuts of wasteful things combined with cuts we'll soon have to make up, supported by lies (like 150 year olds getting Social Security, not happening).

Indeed, this one is amusing as the most famous "discoveries" of the week is that Musk's minors in charge aren't familiar with COBAL, which is before their time.  They read COBAL entries literally when in fact they're a code, so they thing they think were literally years, weren't.

That's known now, but will they admit it?  Nope.

Oh, and the end of DEI, which wasn't really impacting you much anyhow, was it?

And all in exchange for a government dominated by oligarchs, being hated globally, and losing protections long won.

You were duped. 

But you won't admit it.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sunday, February 13, 1910. Protesting an oligarchy.

Largescale working class protests occurred in Berlin over the Prussian three class franchise which gave the wealthiest 1/5th of German voters 2/3s of the seats in the German parliament.  Bayonets were used on protestors, but nobody was killed.

This was part of the system which lead to the German revolution of 1918 which brought down the monarchy and lead to the end of World War One, something that our current political overlords may wish to remember, given the current oligarchic nature of the United States.

The name of San Pedro Bay was changed to Los Angeles Harbor.

I hate these geographic name changes.

Last edition:

Tuesday, February 8, 1910. Boy Scouts of America founded.