Showing posts with label Paul von Hindenburg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul von Hindenburg. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Sunday, January 21, 1945. Removing Hindenburg.

The Red Army captured Gumbinnen, crossed the Warthen and approached Poznań.  They also took Tannenberg, the site of a major German victory in World War One, where the Germans had begun demolishing key structures of the Tannenberg Memorial and where they also disinterred the remains of Paul von Hindenburg and his wife ahead of the Red Army's advance.

The U.S. Army took Titiz in the Ardennes.

"Reinforcements for front line duty move through Apach, France. 21 January, 1945. 94th Infantry Division."

The U-1199 was sunk by the Royal Navy off of Sicily.

The British landed on the northern tip of Ramree, Burma.

The US took Tarlac on Luzon.

The USS Ticonderoga was hit by two kamikazes.

Last edition:

Saturday, January 20, 1945. FDR Reinaugurated.