His address.
The Almighty God has blessed our land in many ways. He has given our people stout hearts and strong arms with which to strike mighty blows for freedom and truth. He has given to our country a faith which has become the hope of all peoples in an anguished world.So we pray to Him now for the vision to see our way clearly to see the way that leads to a better life for ourselves and for all our fellow men—and to the achievement of His will to peace on earth.
Roosevelt would be the only US President to be elected to more than two terms, and after him jealous Republicans caused the Constitution to be amended to prevent that reoccurring, which we can now all be grateful for as it will theoretically prevent Donald Trump from trying for a their term, should old age or dementia not remove him from politics before the end of his claimed current term. While still hated by some conservatives, FDR is the last American President who might be regarded as "great", although that status can be debated. He certainly was one of the best Presidents in the nation's history, and his long administration fundamentally altered the country and shaped the post war United States up until, it would seem, today.
Outgoing Vice President Wallace administered the oath to his successor Harry S. Truman, which had been the long standing tradition. It was the last time it would be observed. Wallace was dumped as insiders, including FDR, knew that FDR was on death's door and that the incoming Vice President would become President. Wallace was feared by many because of his very far left views.
The Germans started evacuating East Prussia.
The evacuation of East Prussia would be a major human tragedy, although one that receives very little attention as the Germans brought it upon themselves. The mass migration into the Reich would end centuries of German presence in what is now once again part of Poland.
The Red Army took Prešov, Slovakia.
The Hungarian Provisional Government entered into an armistice with the Allies.
The Allies progressed in the Ardennes and the French 1st Army commenced an offensive in the Vosges region.
The Nationalist Chinese took Muse, Burma.
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