Thursday, January 16, 2025

President Biden Delivers a Farewell Address to the Nation

A farewell address, and a couple of comments.

The Statue of Liberty is also an enduring symbol of the soul of our nation, a soul shaped by forces that bring us together and by forces that pull us apart. And yet, through good times and tough times, we have withstood it all. A nation of pioneers and explorers, of dreamers and doers, of ancestors native to this land, of ancestors who came by force. A nation of immigrants who came to build a better life. A nation holding the torch of the most powerful idea ever in the history of the world: that all of us, all of us are created equal. That all of us deserve to be treated with dignity, justice and fairness. That democracy must defend, and be defined, and be imposed, moved in every way possible: Our rights, our freedoms, our dreams. But we know the idea of America, our institution, our people, our values that uphold it, are constantly being tested.

Ongoing debates about power and the exercise of power. About whether we lead by the example of our power or the power of our example. Whether we show the courage to stand up to the abuse of power, or we yield to it. After 50 years at the center of all of this, I know that believing in the idea of America means respecting the institutions that govern a free society — the presidency, the Congress, the courts, a free and independent press. Institutions that are rooted — not just reflect the timeless words, but they — they echo the words of the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident.” Rooted in the timeless words of the Constitution: “We the People.” Our system of separation of powers, checks and balances — it may not be perfect, but it’s maintained our democracy for nearly 250 years, longer than any other nation in history that’s ever tried such a bold experiment.

And the rest of the world is trying to model it now. It’s working, creating jobs and industries of the future. Now we have proven we don’t have to choose between protecting the environment and growing the economy. We’re doing both. But powerful forces want to wield their unchecked influence to eliminate the steps we’ve taken to tackle the climate crisis, to serve their own interests for power and profit. We must not be bullied into sacrificing the future, the future of our children and our grandchildren. We must keep pushing forward, and push faster. There is no time to waste. It is also clear that American leadership in technology is unparalleled, an unparalleled source of innovation that can transform lives. We see the same dangers in the concentration of technology, power and wealth.

My first comment is that I fear what is coming.   No matter how he is looked at, Donald Trump is not committed to democracy and dark fears about dictatorship are not unwarranted.  Republicans who are willing to disagree with Trump are all but extinct, and Trump himself is backed by a movement in the population that would crown him king and excuse all of his massive failings.

The incoming administration will change the country.  We just don't really know how.  It may prove to be a temporary ineffective bridge to National Conservatism, which would also remake the country.  Or it may be four years of increasingly bizarre behavior.

That the country whose blueprint was laid out in the Great Depression and then constructed in the wake of World War Two has passed into history cannot be doubted.  The country that fought in the Second World War, albeit only after being attacked, and then contested the Soviets during the long Cold War is gone, replaced by one that has retreated into isolationism and even power worship.  The society that proposed a Square Deal, was given a New Deal, and aimed for the Great Society is also gone, and along with it, aspects of the Civil Rights Era.

American Exceptionalism is dead.

Gone too, probably, are the increasing lurches to the left which followed the Vietnam War and Watergate.  Indeed, they helped kill the era that has just died.

What comes up now, we don't know.  It could be something like the conservative Canada of before World War Two, if Trump is removed or dies early on.  Or it could be simply a second rate shit who that will descend into a comic version of itself, with an increasingly lower standard of living and behavior.

It is up to Americans on what we get.  We can accept the Trump oligarchy or resist it.

Biden is at least partially to blame for where we are now and that should not be forgotten.  He was supposed to be a bridge from Trump to a new era, but hubris wouldn't allow him to keep his promise not to run again.  A massive failure of the Federal judicial system is also to blame, being unable to bring in a conviction of a man within a year when it clearly should have.

The founders, Benjamin Franklin told us, gave us a republic, if we could keep it.  We have, but whether that will really last the next four years is an open question.  People, particularly Trump Republicans, will claim any doubt on that to be absurd, even as they make odd arguments about republics not being democracies.  Much of the public will simply go numb, and already has.

When Caesar crossed the Rubicon and deposed the Senate, most Romans didn't know that they no longer lived in a republic. They wouldn't actually know that for years, by which time they were worshipping men as gods.

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi.

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