Showing posts with label Canadian Army. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canadian Army. Show all posts

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Today in World War II History—November 24, 1939 & 1944 (Friday November 24, 1944). Terrace Mutiny,

Usually I post this separately, but there are so many significant items in Sarah Sundin's blog this Sunday, I'm incorporating it into my post.
Today in World War II History—November 24, 1939 & 1944: 80 Years Ago—Nov. 24, 1944: US B-29 Superfortress bombers bomb Tokyo for the first time. Japanese capture Nanning, completing a land corridor between occupied China and Indochina. In controversial decision, Gen. Dwight Eisenhower orders the 6th Army Group not to cross the Rhine but to drive north and assist Patton’s Third Army. In Terrace, BC, Canadian conscripts (many are French-Canadian) mutiny when they hear they might be sent overseas, the largest mutiny in Canadian history; put down by 11/29; news of the mutiny is censored. France establishes Commission de Récupération Artistique (CRA) to return looted artwork, with curator Rose Valland as secretary.


The Terrace Mutiny, which is what the mutiny was called, reflected the internal discord in Canada over conscription, something that has largely been glossed over after the war.  English Canadians were disproportionately represented amongst those who volunteered for service and volunteered to go overseas. French Canadians were disproportionally amongst those who did not.  Those who volunteered termed those who did not "Zombies" and often harassed them.  Ultimately, the needs of war could not sustain the system.

The 3d Army crossed the Saar.

Soviets completing their occupation of Saaremo in the Baltic.

The HMCS Sawinigan was sunk by the U-1228 in the Cabot Strait.

Last edition:

Thursday, November 23, 1944. Thanksgiving Day.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Thursday, November 23, 1944. Thanksgiving Day.

"Three American infantrymen eat K Rations on Thanksgiving day in a dugout somewhere in France.
They will be relieved later and will have Thanksgiving dinner in the evening with their unit. The soldiers are left to right: Sgt. Albert E. Burns, 1308 E. Gilbert Street, Muncie, Ind., Pfc. John K. Smith, Munderstar Route, Brookville PA., and Pvt. Robert H. Seymour, Newark, N.Y. Near Faulquemont, France. 23 November, 1944.80th Infantry Division."

French forces liberated Strasbourg.

US troops liberated the Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France.  20,000 people had died there while it was open.

The Canadian cabinet made 16,000 Canadian conscripts, previously not liable for overseas deployment, available for the same.

Soviet troops took Cop, Czechoslovakia and Tokay, Hungary.

The Royal Navy disbanded the British Eastern Fleet.  Escort carriers and older ships were formed into the British East Indies Fleet with modern ships detached for service in the British Pacific Fleet.

"A newly captured crossroad carries east and west bound traffic as Lt. Gen. George S. Patton's Third Army smashes towards the Rhine. 23 November, 1944. Photographer: Sawyer."

Last edition:

Tuesday, November 21, 1944. Vive La France.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Wednesday, November 8, 1944. Mystery of explosions resolved. Canadians prevail on the Scheldt.

Joseph Goebbels announced the V-2 rocket campaign for the first time. 

Churchill then did the same.

As V-2s came in so fast, they were largely silent, so this resolved a mystery concerning sudden large explosions.

The Canadian Army prevailed in the Battle of the Scheldt.

M4s that became stuck when firing from stationary positions due to sudden flood, France.  November 4, 1944.

The U.S. Army crossed the Seille and captured Nomony.

9th Army LVT in Europe.  I had no idea the LVT was used in the ETO.

High scoring Luftwaffe pilot Walter Nowotny was killed when his ME262 went down.  It's unclear if he was shot down or if the jet caught fire on its own.

The USS Growler was sunk by Japanese ships west of the Philippines.

Last edition:

Tuesday, November 7, 1944. Roosevelt wins a fourth term.

Today in World War II History—November 8, 1939 & 1944

Today in World War II History—November 8, 1939 & 1944: 80 Years Ago: Canadians secure Walcheren and the Scheldt Estuary to protect port of Antwerp, Belgium. US Third Army begins offensive toward Metz, France.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Monday, November 6, 1944.. The photo.

"Husband and wife serving in uniform meet for the first time on the continent--Lt. Jane I. Sunderbruch, Army Nurse Corps, assigned to an evacuation hospital, and her husband, Lt. Richard K. Sunderbruch, Davenport, Iowa. Signal Corps photographic officer. He was wounded in the Battle of Aachen, has since returned to duty. 6 November, 1944."  They survived the war. He died in 1992, she in 2006. They are buried together in Scott County, Iowa.

Walter Edward Guinness, 1st Baron Moyne, DSO & Bar, TD, PCk, British minister of state in the Middle East was assassinated by the Jewish terrorist group Lehi in Cairo.

The struggle over post war Palestine had begun.

Well, maybe begun again.  British rule in Palestine had never been particularly easy.

The German garrison at Middleburg in the Netherlands surrendered to the Canadian Army.

The French government repealed Vichy anti Semitic laws, but implementation would prove to be difficult to implement in terms of restoring their possessions and occupations.

Penicillin began production in large scale in Liverpool.

Last edition:

Sunday, November 5, 1944. The air and sea war off of Luzon.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Friday, November 1, 2024

Wednesday, November 1, 1944 Death of Greek Catholic Archbishop of Lviv and Metropolitan of Halych Andrey Sheptytsky

Andrey Sheptytsky, OSBM (Polish: Andrzej Szeptycki; Ukrainian: Митрополит Андрей Шептицький, romanized: Mytropolyt Andrei Sheptytskyi; had been the Greek Catholic Archbishop of Lviv and Metropolitan of Halych from 1901 until his death at age 79 on this day in 1944.  His maintained his office through numerous wars and six political regimes: Austrian, Ukrainian, Soviet, Polish, Nazi German, and again Soviet.  While he briefly supported the Ukrainian forces raised by the Germans in Poland, he recanted once the nature of the Nazi regime became apparent and openly opposed the Holocaust in Poland.  He wrote the pastoral letter, "Thou Shall Not Kill" protesting Nazi atrocities, which states:
Із Послання Митрополита Андрея Шептицького “Не убий” [21 листопада 1942 року]

Андрей Шептицький
Божою Милістю і Святого Апостольського Римського Престолу Благословенням Митрополит, Архієпископ Галицький і Львівський Єпископ, Кам’янецький Духовенству й вірним Мир о Господі і благословенство


[...] Дивним способом обманюють себе і людей ті, що політичне вбивство не уважають гріхом, наче би політика звільняла чоловіка від обов’язку Божого закону та оправдувала злочин, противний людській природі. Так не є. Християнин є обов’язковий заховувати Божий закон не тільки в приватному житті, але й в політичному та суспільному житті. Людина, що проливає неповинну кров свого ворога, політичного противника, є таким самим чоловіковбивником, як людина, що це робить для рабунку, і так само заслуговує на кару Божу і на клятву Церкви.

Християнин, і не тільки християнин, а кожна людина обов’язана з людської природи до любови ближнього. І не тільки християн, але й усіх людей буде Всев[вишній] Бог І[сус] Христос, справедливий Суддя, судити по всім ділам життя, а передусім по ділам милосердя і любови ближнього, як це описане в притчі про страшний суд (Мат. XXV). Чоловіковбивник не тільки, що не мав милосердя до вбитого, терплячого, ув’язненого, але ближньому зробив найтяжчу кривду, яку тільки міг зробити, відбираючи йому життя, і то може в хвилі, коли той ближній, на смерть не приготований, стратив через неї всяку надію на вічне життя! Тим вчинком скривдив він усі діти вбитого, жінку, старих батьків, які без помочі вбитого, засуджені, може, на голод і нужду. Та не тільки вбив ближнього, але й свою душу позбавив надприродного життя, Божої благодаті, та ввів її у пропасть, з якої, може, вже й не буде спасіння! Бо прокляттям неповинної крові викликав, може, в своїй душі демонів пожадливости, які кажуть йому в терпіннях і болях ближнього шукати власної радости.

[...] Світ гине з браку любови, гине з людської ненависти! Не переставаймо ж благати Всевишнього про обильні, теплі дощі його святої благодати з неба.

Вкінці звертаюся ще до вас усіх, Дорогих Братів, вірних та усильно взиваю до заховування якнайбільшого супокою. Воєнні часи приносять нам неодно терпіння і неодну спокусу. Йде лиш про це, щоб з Божою благодаттю тривати при Божому законі і сильно надіятися на Всевишнього, що його пресвята ласка оберне на наше добро всі терпіння, які нам зіслав. Досвіди принимаємо з Божих рук; нічого не діється без волі Небесного Отця, Бог, добрий Батько, змилосердиться над нами, простить наші гріхи і дасть діждатися благословенного часу миру.

The British and Canadians commenced Operation Infatuate with the goal of opening the port of Antwerp.

British troops landed on Walcheren island.

James Ralston resigned as Canadian Defence Minister after Prime Minister Mackenzie King rejected his request to impose conscription for overseas service.

The Royal Navy sank three Kriegsmarine vessels in combat off of Croatia.

A B-29 conducted the first overflight of Japan since the Doolittle Raid.  It was a reconnaissance mission.

The Japanese released paper balloons carrying bombs intended to reach North America for the first time.

The USS Abner Read was sunk in a kamikaze attack in the Leyte Gulf.

The HMS Whitaker was damaged beyond repair when torpedoed by the U-483 off of Ireland.

Pfc. Lawrence Hoyle, left, of Bangham, Ill., Browning Automatic Rifle man, and Pvt. Andrew Fachak, right, of McKeesport, P.A., both members of an infantry unit take shelter behind a blasted wall and keep an eye out for enemy snipers, near Maizeres Les Metz, France. 1 November, 1944. 357th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division.

Last edition:

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Sunday, October 22, 1944. Smokey Smith.

Medics administer blood plasma to an American casualty wounded when his division command post was shelled. Leyte Island, P.I. 22 October, 1944. 96th Infantry Division.  The wounded soldier is wearing M1942 Jungle Boots.  The medic has a painted camouflage helmet.

The Red Army reached the Norwegian border.

The Sovies prevailed in the Battle of Memel.  The Americans the same at Angaur.

The Japanese fleet assembled at Brunei sets sail for the Philippines.

Canadian Private Ernest "Smokey" Smith preformed the actions that resulted in his winning the Victoria Cross.

In Italy on the night of 21st–22nd October 1944, a Canadian Infantry Brigade was ordered to establish a bridgehead across the Savio River. The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada were selected as the spearhead of the attack, and in weather most unfavourable to the operation they crossed the river and captured their objective in spite of strong opposition from the enemy.

Torrential rain had caused the Savio River to rise six feet in five hours, and as the soft vertical banks made it impossible to bridge the river no tanks or anti-tank guns could be taken across the raging stream to the support of the rifle companies.

As the right forward company was consolidating its objective it was suddenly counter-attacked by a troop of three Mark V Panther tanks supported by two self-propelled guns and about thirty infantry and the situation appeared hopeless.

Under heavy fire from the approaching enemy tanks, Private Smith, showing great initiative and inspiring leadership, led his P.I.A.T. Group of two men across an open field to a position from which the P.I.A.T. could best be employed. Leaving one man on the weapon, Private Smith crossed the road with a Private James Tennant and obtained another P.I.A.T. Almost immediately an enemy tank came down the road firing its machine-guns along the line of the ditches. Private Smith's comrade, Private Tennant was wounded. At a range thirty feet and having to expose himself to the full view of the enemy, Private Smith fired the P.I.A.T. and hit the tank, putting it out of action. Ten German infantry immediately jumped off the back of the tank and charged him with Schmeissers and grenades. Without hesitation, Private Smith moved out on the road and with his Tommy gun at point-blank range, killed four Germans and drove the remainder back. Almost immediately another tank opened fire and more enemy infantry closed in on Smith's position. Obtaining some abandoned Tommy gun magazines from a ditch, he steadfastly held his position, protecting Private Tennant and fighting the enemy with his Tommy gun until they finally gave up and withdrew in disorder.

One tank and both self-propelled guns had been destroyed by this time, but yet another tank swept the area with fire from a longer range. Private Smith, still showing utter contempt for enemy fire, helped his wounded friend to cover and obtained medical aid for him behind a nearby building. He then returned to his position beside the road to await the possibility of a further enemy attack.

No further immediate attack developed, and as a result, the battalion was able to consolidate the bridgehead position so vital to the success of the whole operation, which led to the capture of San Giorgio Di Cesena and a further advance to the Ronco River.

Thus, by the dogged determination, outstanding devotion to duty and superb gallantry of this private soldier, his comrades were so inspired that the bridgehead was held firm against all enemy attacks, pending the arrival of tanks and anti-tank guns some hours later.

Smith survived the war and joined the Canadian Army again in 1950, at the start of the Korean War.  He retired from military service in 1964, after which he owned a travel agency.

With rifles slung across their backs, these four combat-clad U.S. infantrymen are bound for mass in a Catholic church in Nancy, France. 22 October, 1944.  NOte that all of these men are wearing older pattern field jackets and leggings.

Related thread:

Today in World War II History—October 22, 1939 & 1944

Last edition:

Saturday, October 21, 1944. The Nemmersdorf Massacre.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Friday, October 13, 1944. Black Friday for the Black Watch.

L-R: Pfc. Edward J. Motyl, Scitico, Conn.; Pfc. Joseph Bukea, Merdon, Conn., and Cpl. Tony Marinaro, Waterbury, Conn., warm themselves at a fire near a wayside shrine. as Pfc. John Rogus of Merdon, Conn., gets acquainted with a French peasant girl of the vicinity. 13 October, 1944. Urcourt, Metz sector, Doncourt-Jarny vicinity.

A British-Greek force landed at Piraeus, Greece.

The British took Carpineta, Italy.

A patrol returning to Corretta, Italy. The soldier in the foreground has a toy wagon carrying his machine gun. 13 October, 1944. 1st Armored Division.

The Germans retreated from Rovaniemi.

The Red Army broke through German lines at Riga.

The Germans hit Antwerp with V1s and V2s for the first time.

German POWs in the UK.

The Black Watch of Canada attacks at Hoogerheide, Netherlands, with disastrous results.

Navy Task Force 38 hits Formosa again, with the Japanese attempting to counter attack by air.

Last edition:

Thursday, October 12, 1944. Heroes and explorers.