Showing posts with label Battle of Liège. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Battle of Liège. Show all posts

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Sunday, August 16, 1914. Not going according to plan.

The Germans took the last of Belgium's military forts after an eleven day effort which was supposed to have taken two.

Serbian forces pushed the Austro Hungarians off of Cer Mountain.

The Austro Hungarian battle cruiser SMS Zenta was sunk by the Allies in the Adriatic.

The SMS Goeben and Breslau were transferred to the Ottoman Navy.

British 2nd Lt. Evelyn Perry of the Royal Flying Corps was killed in a plane crash over France, making him the first British office to die in the war.

John Redmond, in a public address in Maryborough, Ireland, stated to assembled Irish Volunteers:

[F]or the first time in the history ... it was safe to-day for England to withdraw her armed troops from our country and that the sons of Ireland themselves ... [would] defend her shores against any foreign foe.

He was really pushing his point.

The Polish Temporary Commission of Confederated Indepence Parties in Austro Hungaria formed the Polish Supreme National Committee.

Japanese writer Takeshi Kanno with his wife, sculptor Gertrude Farquharson Boyle, August 15, 1914. They'd divorce the next year.  Few Japanese/Western marriages do survive, and she held fairly pronounced left wing views.

Last edition:

Saturday, August 15, 1914. The Panama Canal opens for traffic.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Wednesday August 5, 1914. Battle of Liège commences.

German troops attacked Liège, Belgium.

Belgian troops in Herstal.

Montenegro declared war on Austro Hungaria.

The guns of Point Nepean fort at Port Phillip, Victoria, Australia fired across the bow of the Norddeutscher Lloyd steamer SS Pfalz as it was leaving the Port of Melbourne.  The liner was not aware that war had broken out.

The Royal Navy sank the German minelayer SS Königin Luise, causing Germany's first naval loss of the war.

The Czechoslovak Legion was established.

Kaiser Wilhelm reauthorized the Iron Cross, last issued during the Franco Prussian War.

Captain Robert Bartlett rendezvoused at Port Hope, Alaska to provide new clothing and wages owed to his Inuit guide who had traveled with him from Wrangel Island to Siberia in an attempt to get back to civilization and arrange a rescue boat as part of his effort to complete that mission.

The first electric light traffic light system was installed at the intersection of East 105th Street and Euclid Avenue in Cleveland.

Last edition:

Thursday, August 4, 1914. Augusterlebnis