The Treaty of Washington City between the United States and the Choctaw resulted in a large portion of land being ceded within in what would soon become Arkansas.
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Ostensibly exploring the practice of law before the internet. Heck, before good highways for that matter.
The Treaty of Washington City between the United States and the Choctaw resulted in a large portion of land being ceded within in what would soon become Arkansas.
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The Rohwer War Relocation Center, a Japanese American internment cap, opened in Desha County, Arkansas.
Popular myth has held that all internment camps were in the West, but this one obviously wasn't. 8,500 people were held there during the war, in a location that was probably as alien as imaginable from their homes.
FWIW, the current population of Desha County is nearly half of what it was in 1940.
The British occupied Tamataave on the east coast of Madagascar in their undeclared war on the Vichy French in Madagascar.
The British also concluded Operation Anglo, the long-running raid on Rhodes, successfully.
The 4,157 man 7th Marine Regiment and one battalion of the 11th Marine Regiment, land on Guadalcanal. Additionally, food arrives, allowing the Marines to go back to full rations.
It's certainly a well done illustration, but I've always found clowns creepy.
An article appeared in that issue on Elanor Franklin, certainly an early one.
The Literary Digest featured a Rockwell.
The Country Gentleman featured an illustration that likely couldn't grace the cover of a magazine today.
Colliers simply went with the always popular female portrait.
The German Mark hit a new low.
Oil was discovered at Smackover, Arkansas, that had a population of 100. That population would reach 25,000 within a few months.
The government reported that the Catholic population of the United States had reached 23,000,000.
People were out doing Saturday things.
On this day in 1921, the Census of 1890 was badly damaged in a fire at the Commerce Department. Not only did the fire consume records, but the resulting effort to fight it also did. And, moreover, the records were left in deep water overnight with open windows in a result to dry them back out.
The result of the 1920 election were quietly certified by Congress.
Oil was struck in Arkansas.
Muhamed Mehmedbašić, whom is generally forgotten, was apprehended for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. He was one of the principal planner of the killing plot. A Muslim, he lived a complicated life supporting Serbian independence.
He escaped from prison two days later in circumstances that remain suspicious, remained involved, perhaps, in various movements, and was killed by the Ustaše in 1943, showing perhaps that he remained a significant figure in some ways.
Albanian rebels captured Berat.
Shots were fired at the homes of striking miners in Hartford, Arkansas, causing them to riot thereafter.
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