Or so seems the reaction in Wyoming to Wyoming's failure to issue a "shelter in place order".
Which shows, I think, how little people in one state grasp about what's going on in another.
Yes, we don't have a shelter in place order in effect here as it was the state's conclusion that issuing it really would't be any different than what had already been done. We're kind of like Ireland in World War Two that way. Yes, Ireland didn't declare war, but a mid war study by the Irish military concluded that declaring war would do nothing anyway. All the military aged men were already in the British military.
Same here. What's left open under our current order?
Essential businesses, basically. To the extent we didn't, most closed up anyway. And those that were left open, were left with so many restrictions that they were mostly curbside in some ways or pretty restricted in others.
So, before you in New York, or wherever, scream that we didn't close. We did. Or at least we did in the same spirit as those of you who kept your liquor stores and head shops open.