Showing posts with label baseball. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baseball. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Tuesday, December 31, 1974. Americans get to own gold again.

Depression era restrictions on the private ownership of gold in the US were removed.

The prohibition, as well as government price setting of Gold, had come into effect in 1933.

South African Kugerrands and Canadian gold coins immediately became very popular as a hedge against inflation.

France ended its state monopoly on television.

Catfish Hunter signed with the Yankees, becoming baseball's highest paid player at that point.

Last edition:

Monday, December 16, 1974. Safe Drinking Water.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Wednesday, December 17, 1924. An election and a promise.

Constantine VI, the Metropolitan of Derkoi, was elected as the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.

Prior to his election, Turkey had warned that they regarded him as subject to deportation as he was an immigrant to what was now Turkey.

All but one of the owners of the teams in the American League presented a statement to Commissioner Landis that actions would be taken to bring League President Ban Johnson's behavior to heel.  He had been criticizing Landis, but ceased to do so.

Last edition:

Tuesday, December 16, 1924. Looking back.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Sunday, December 10, 1944. Hall of Fame.

The late Kenesaw Mountain Landis was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Noble Prizes for 1943 and1944 were awarded, in New York, to Isidor Isaac Rabi (United States), Chemistry to Otto Hahn (Germany), Physiology or Medicine to Joseph Erlanger and Herbert Spencer Gasser (United States), Literature to Johannes V. Jensen (Denmark) and the Peace Prize to the International Committee of the Red Cross, Otto Stern of the United States for Physics, George de Hevesy (Germany) for Chemistry and Carl Peter Henrik Dam (Denmark) and Edward Adelbert Doisy (United States) for Physiology or Medicine.

They had not been awarded since 1939.

"Maj. Gen. Joseph Collins, left, Commanding General, VII Corps, points out a German withdrawal movement, at a forward observation post near Duren, Germany. 10 December, 1944. Photographer: Pvt. H. M. Roberts, 165th Signal Photo Co."  The general and another officer are wearing trench coats, which were an officer's winter item in OD.  The other officer is wearing an Army mackinaw.

The William S. Ladd was sunk by kamikazes off of Leyte.

On Leyte, the 77th Division took Ormoc.

The French and Soviet governments signed a twenty year treaty of cooperation in Moscow.

Last edition:

Saturday, December 9, 1944

Monday, December 2, 2024

Saturday, December 2, 1944. Advances in Europe, the Army Navy Game, Eiji Sawamura(沢村栄治).

The 7th Army reached the Rhine.  The 3d Army reached Saarlautern.  The 9th Army took Leiffarth and Roerdorf.

Army won the Army Navy Game.  The crowed of 66,659 included 30,000 members of the general public who were admitted on the condition of living within 8.3 miles of the game in Baltimore and buying a $25.00 war bond.

Twenty Seven year old professional Japanese baseball player Eiji Sawamura(沢村栄治)was killed when a troopship he was on was sunk on this day in 1944.  He'd been drafted into the Japanese Army in 1939, but released each season to play baseball.

Last edition:

Wednesday, November 29, 1944. Prisoner Exchange.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Saturday, November 25, 1944. Heavy resistance on Leyte, V2 attack in London.

Two V-2 rockets hit London, resulting in 174 deaths in a rocketry terror attack.

Much like what the Russians are doing to Ukraine now.

Destroyed German Panthers in France, November 25, 1944.  Contrary to the common myth, armor attrition in World War Two was horrific, just like it is today.

Japanese defenses arrested US progress on Leyte.  Japanese resistance had been consistently very stiff.

The British crossed the Cosina River in Italy.

Soldiers of a reconstituted Dutch Army training, November 25, 1944. They're armed with US M1917 Enfield rifles, and wearing US M1 helmets.  Their uniforms suggest obsolescent patterns of the US Army.

Kenesaw Mountain Landis died at age 78.  He was the first Commissioner of Baseball, having been appointed to that position in 1920, and still occupied it at the time of his death.

Last edition:

Today in World War II History—November 24, 1939 & 1944 (Friday November 24, 1944). Terrace Mutiny,

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Wednesday, October 22, 1924. Toast.

 Ralph C. Smedley founded The Toastmasters International club in Santa Ana, California.

U.S.J. Dunbar presents Pres. Coolidge with statue of Walter Johnson, 10/22/24.

Last edition:

Thursday, October 10, 2024

A Manly Pastime - A Baseball History Blog : A Hundred Years Later - Remembering One of Basebal...

A Manly Pastime - A Baseball History Blog : A Hundred Years Later - Remembering One of Basebal...: My first World Series experience was the 1956 Fall Classic when my beloved Brooklyn Dodgers fell to the hated New York Yankees in seven game...

Friday, October 10, 1924. Senators take the series.

Big Train pitched four shutout innings as a relief pitcher in a game regarded as one of the greatest  in baseball history.

Voting became compulsory in Australia.

Last edition:

Thursday, October 9, 1924. Senators 2, Giants 1.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Saturday, October 7, 1944. Fighting in the Arctic.

The Sonderkommando Revolt occurred at Auschwitz when the Jewish detailed prisiones rose up with makeshift weapons.  Three SS guards were killed, 200 members of the Sonderkommando, but hundreds of prisoners, all of whom were soon captured and executed, briefly escaped.

Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon signed the Alexandria Protocol leading to the establishment of the Arab League in March of the following year.

The Red Army commenced the Petsamo–Kirkenes offensive in the Petsamo region ceded by Finland and Norway.

Members of "I" Co., 7th Inf. Regt., 3rd Division, move up an alley to screen their movement from German observation, as they go toward the edge of the town. Their mission is to take up a position outside of the town. 7 October, 1944.

The St. Louis Cardinals beat the St. Louis Browns 5 to 1 in game four of the 1944 World Series.

Last edition:

Friday, October 6, 1944. Collapsing.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Friday, October 3, 1924. Insulting Kennesaw Mountain.

A conference between the United Kingdom and Egypt on Egyptian independence ended without success.

The New York Giants scandal resulted in American League president Ben Johnson, upset over an inadequate investigation in his view, calling Kenesaw Mountain Landis a "wild-eyed, crazy nut".

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Blog Mirror: Pete Rose, 1941-2024

Not a flatter portrait:

Pete Rose, 1941-2024

Wednesday, October 1, 1924. Jimmy Carter born, William B. Ross starts to pass.

Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States, and the only President to live to age 100, was born in Plains Georgia.

Widely admired personally, he was not a terribly successful President and served one term.

Governor Ross was dying.

Ireland's Defence Forces (Óglaigh na hÉireann) were formed by the unification of the Irish Army, the Irish Naval Service, the Irish Air Corps and the Reserve Defence Forces,'

Baseball Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis banned New York Giants player Jimmy O'Connell and coach Cozy Dolan due to a bribery scandal.

From Michaelnoir on Reddit's 100 Years Ago today:

Last edition:

Tuesday, September 30, 1924. Big Train boards the Train, and the condition of Governor Ross.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Tuesday, September 30, 1924. Big Train boards the Train, and the condition of Governor Ross.


The newspapers were tracking the condition of Gov. William B. Ross.

Ross had become ill on September 23 after delivering a speech in favor of a severance tax constitutional amendment in Laramie.  He was given an appendectomy on September 25, and it was discovered he was suffering from phlebitis.

Last edition:

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Thursday, September 21, 1944. A sort of Estonian civil war.

Estonians, some in the Red Army, and some in German Estonian units, others in Waffen SS units fought each other at Porkuni.

The Red Army units prevailed.

This presents the complicated picture of the war in the Baltics.  The Soviets were widely disposed by most residents of the Baltic States, but there were, and always had been, Baltic communists who saw the Soviet Union as an ally.  Estonian resistance to Soviet occupation, on the other hand, had started with the pre World War Two Soviet invasion and continued on after World War Two in the form of the Estonian Forest Brothers.

The Germans had never desired any sort of independence for Estonia and had not supported it in any sense.  

Interestingly, during the war, Finland never came into play in this even though the Estonians are a Baltic Finnic people and in the 1920s there had been serious considerations given to an Estonian Finnish union, with such efforts being committedly opposed by the Soviets.   The East Karelian Uprising of 1921-22 fit into this, as that territory lay between the two nations to some degree and was occupied by Finnic people as well.

The Battle of Rimini ended in a Canadian, Greek and New Zealander victory.

The Satsuki was sunk by US aircraft in Manila Bay.

The Cardinals took the National League Pennant for the third time in a row, defeating the Boston Braves.

Pfc. Calvin Stempien, Monroe, Mich., levels covering fire from his foxhole while members of his engineer unit construct a bridge over the Meurthe river, under enemy fire. 21 September, 1944.

Last edition:

Wednesday, September 20, 1944 Nijmegen liberated.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Tuesday, September 16, 1924. RBI record.

Jim Bottomley of the St. Louis Jim Cardinals set a major league baseball record for RBIs in a single game with 12, during a 17–3 win over the Brooklyn Robins. In 1993 the record was tied, but it has never been beaten.

Bottomly would retire from baseball in 1938 and go on to raise Hereford cattle in Missouri as well as being a radio announcer.  HE scouted for the Cubs starting in 1957 and managed their Class D minor league Appalachian League club.  He died in 1959 at age 59.

Betty Joan Perske, known on the screen as Lauren Bacall, was born in the Bronx.

Both of her parents were of Eastern European Jewish ancestry, with her mother having been born in Romania.  Her mother had adopted the maiden name of Bacall, that she later adopted as a screen name.  Her parents divorced when she was five, and she no longer saw her father.  She uniformly came across as a highly intelligent, graceful, figure on the screen.

She married Humphrey Bogart in 1947 when she was 20 and he was 45.  It was his fourth, and last, marriage. She'd marry Jason Robards after Bogart's death, but her second marriage would end in divorce.

Last edition:

Sunday, September 14, 1924. Most Valuable Player.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sunday, September 14, 1924. Most Valuable Player.


Premiered on this day in 1924.  It had been filmed on location.  Anna Mae Wong, the famous Chinese American actress, was cast as an Inuit.

It was a bad day for police officers:

Deputy Constable J. Edward Brown:

Police Officer Francis X. "Buck" Roy

Patrol Inspector James F. Mankin

Walter "Big Train" Johnson was chosen Major League Baseball's Most Valuable Player

Last edition:

Saturday, September 13, 1924. Pershing retires.